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Everything posted by JediExile

  1. Rogue is my favorite class. I am a big fan of picking locks...and not so much Leliana or Zevran.
  2. I'm in the middle of downloading it. I played during the beta, mostly because I knew I wasn't going to buy the game or play. More free playing time though, so why not?
  3. Anyone here on Xbox Live or Steam? I want more friends. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JediExile


      Okay, adding you guys! My xbox live name is also the same as here... :)

    3. ZM90


      I'm on Steam as ZM90. Pretty sure that was obvious, I only have Skyrim on my account though.

    4. LDR


      On Xbox Live I'm SharpShoot211.

  4. Late reply, but your wife is awesome! VERY cool cake. Happy belated, belated birthday.
  5. Back to the daily grind.

  6. Happy Thursday! What's everyone up to today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JediExile


      It's still Thursday here. :P

    3. JediExile


      I'm stuck in time.

    4. HK-47


      Answer: You are a Force Ghost after all master.

  7. My Target has it, too -- along with KOTOR 1. I always get the urge to buy a copy, even though I own it for both PC and Xbox.
  8. :( was away and my account got deleted.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VarsityPuppet


      Nice to have you back! Stick around this time!

    3. bendarby24


      nice to have you back

    4. JediExile


      Thanks guys :) I'll stick around this time. lol