Ferc Kast

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Everything posted by Ferc Kast

  1. Need a modder good at skinning before I can finish making the tool...

    1. Darth_Sapiens



      skinning what?

      i skin, from scratch too.

  2. Got half of the code done for my tool; just need to make the GUI look better and add the other half of the code.

  3. Depending upon how fast the tool's code is done, I may or may not need a fellow modder to help do the hard part for it... xD

  4. Potentially fun new tool starting to be developed...

    1. Mandalore


      What kind of tool?

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      If all goes according to plan, it'll be something that is related to something released last year. xD

  5. Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Hopefully, I should have the video done soon. Instead, I wanted to explain a couple of previously unmentioned new features that will be featured in Echo of the Force. Droid Armor In KotOR I and II, we saw droids that were unable to equip armor. Their appearance, therefore, was static. However, you could get armor for them; but the armor never changed their appearance. In Echo of the Force, that will change. You will still get the armor, but unlike the vanilla game it will change their appearance. I probably will limit the number of variations to maybe 3-5 per armor type. (I think there were three levels of droid armor in the vanilla game; I could be wrong.) Party Member Customization Why should the droids get all the fun?, you may wonder. But, I could customization my party member's head/appearance in TOR, some may complain. Well, the droid party members won't be the solo recipient of customization. For each non-droid party member, I plan to have 2 or 3 variations for their head. Obviously, the heads shown off thus far (and shown in the portraits on the website) are going to be the canon heads for them. Website I am considering to possibly tweak the site's layout, and fix a couple CSS problems in the process. As always, the Kast's Echo website is the official source to find out the latest updates for this mod. Anyways, I hope to get the video update up very soon. So, stay tuned for that in the near future. More Coming Soon...
  6. Three new announcements today in EotF's thread :P

  7. Well, today is a fun-filled day for Echo of the Force. Get ready for that which is to come... Jedi Master Contest This time, the contest is truly over. The results? Here we go: First Place: Scourge's Miralian, Jedi Master Zeltaro Second Place: Rtas Vadum's Nagai, Jedi Master Aurellia Third Place: Sith Holocron's Echani, Jedi Master Pellu Ceed These top three entries will each feature a line of dialog in the upcoming video update which ought to be up sometime next week. The winning character, Zeltaro, will additionally have a sidequest for the player after the Council meeting on Danjir IV. Facebook Announcement Next announcement... A few weeks ago, I decided to delete the old Facebook page for Echo of the Force since I hardly touched it. In coordination with the announcement following, I have instead made a new group for Echo of the Force on Facebook. It will have more frequent updates, as things are announced in the future. [KotOR: Echo of the Force Group] Echo of the Force Website Announcement What better way to kick off the new Facebook group than by announcing the brand Echo of the Force website? Content is subject to changing or being added until such a time when Echo of the Force is ready for release. The link is now active on the home page of Echo of the Force, as well as the WIP Mods page on Kast's Echo. The site features: Plot Planets Character Information Media And more... Further pages will be added in the future, from time to time. [Knights of the Old Republic: Echo of the Force Official Website] More Coming Soon...
  8. All EotF webpages are made; just need to figure out how I'm going to redirect users to the mobile if they're viewing it on the go.

  9. Four pages left for the upcoming EotF site, which is both desktop and mobile-friendly.

  10. Time for an reminder and announcement... Jedi Council Contest There is still one day left for your entries on this contest. (And, the video update showing off the scene should follow early next week.) The winner's character will give a sidequest to the player while after the Council meeting on Danjir IV. The top couple or so entries, though, will be each a line of dialog in scene. Website Anouncement I hope to have the website for Echo of the Force completed early next week, if not by the end of this weekend. At that time, it will be announced here and the other EotF threads. Since this mod is still in development, new pages ( will be added to the site occasionally (such as new character pages) before the mod's release. Also, media will be kept up-to-date on the website. And, there is a mobile-friendly version too for those wanting view the site on the go. More Coming Soon...
  11. All that is required is just requires the head skin texture file, unless you used a full-body model in which case the body and head skin files would be required. And, PM here works fine for sending an entry. Yes, I am still (minus some help here and there from Scourge) a one-man team. So, if you're interested in helping, PM me for details for a sample. (Unless you have a sample that you had in mind already, that is.)
  12. Greetings, all! I have a special treat for you today. Jedi Council Contest There are only ten days left before the contest deadline is here. For those who have forgotten the details of the contest, see my post from October 30th. I intend to have multiple winners in this contest, but thus far only two entries have been submitted. The reason for these contests is so that you, the audience, feel like you contributed in one way or another to this mod project. With that in mind, hopefully more of you will feel motivated to submit an entry. Announcement Along with my new Fan Fiction Knights of the Old Republic: Rising Destiny, I finally have made the official canon head texture for Aydrea Kast (the player's official canon name). For those who haven't read it yet, Rising Destiny will explore the mission that the player was on immediately prior to Echo of the Force. Anyways, you will see this head in future pictures, videos, etc. when I post new media in this thread or my other threads at Kast's Echo and Deadly Stream. Without further ado, I present Aydrea Kast: More Coming Soon...
  13. Well, this is a fun little update... Jedi Council Contest Since I've only received 2 entries, I will extend the deadline for the Jedi Council member contest to December 15th. The main reason behind this is because I was planning on multiple winners; this way, you still have a chance to get your entries in. See this post on LucasForums if you've forgotten the details of the contest. Announcement Time Toward the start of this thread, I had said that I was going to do an official website for Echo of the Force. Recently, an opportunity presented itself in the form of a HTML class. As part of my class, we were told to make a website that we would develop through the course of the semester. Since we were given no limits on content, I decided to do EotF's site. Today, I'm showing off pictures from the mobile-friendly version. Once some further tweaking is done, I will open it to the public and announce the final URL. And before the question is asked, I will confirm that the desktop/tablet version looks similar to the above mobile layout; and, that is the only reason that I didn't show both versions. So, that's my fun little announcement for today. More Coming Soon...
  14. Making a potential site for EotF as part of my HTML class; as such, it may or may not end up being the template for the official site for EotF :P

  15. File Name: Playable Mission Vao File Submitter: Ferc Kast File Submitted: 14 Nov 2012 File Category: Mods This mod will make Mission Vao a playable head at the game's start. It does not use the original head, but uses a Twi'lek head as the base to resemble her using parts of the original texture. This mod includes Sith Eyes and tattoos as you transition to the dark side. There are also custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  16. Playable Twi'leks View File This mod will make a Lethan Twi'lek female and Tukian Twi'lek male playable heads to choose at the start of the game. This mod includes custom heads, Sith Eyes and tattoos when you are on the dark side. There are also new custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions. Note: This mod does not affect any Twi'lek NPC heads. Enjoy! Submitter Ferc Kast Submitted 11/01/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  17. Fixed a problem that didn't allow people to register on my forum; it was completely unintentional, but entirely fixed now.

  18. 752 downloads

    This mod will make Mission Vao a playable head at the game's start. It does not use the original head, but uses a Twi'lek head as the base to resemble her using parts of the original texture. This mod includes Sith Eyes and tattoos as you transition to the dark side. There are also custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions. Enjoy!
  19. If you're still looking for people to test it, I would be willing and/or able to do so.
  20. I've had no problem with the Steam copies of the KotOR series (use normally) nor the disc copy of TSL (using to make EotF) since I've been running Windows 8 (and its' public betas.) Thus, as long as you follow the steps you took on your computer to run it/them on Win 7, you should be fine running it on Windows 8. *cough*
  21. Starting to upload some old mods here on DS. :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      How many entries so far?

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Counting yours, one with another being made.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I hope you will get many more entries!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. Version 1.0a


    This mod will make a Lethan Twi'lek female and Tukian Twi'lek male playable heads to choose at the start of the game. This mod includes custom heads, Sith Eyes and tattoos when you are on the dark side. There are also new custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions. Note: This mod does not affect any Twi'lek NPC heads. Enjoy!
  23. I've had no problem with the Steam copies of the KotOR series (use normally) nor the disc copy of TSL (using to make EotF) since I've been running Windows 8 (and its' public betas.) Thus, as long as you follow the steps you took on your computer to run it/them on Win 7, you should be fine running it on Windows 8.
  24. Finally have my laptop back after a month of repair. :P Time to get modding...

  25. Have a tentative title scroll written for Echo of the Force.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You might want to check this thread I created over at the KOTOR Movie Forums to use the correct fonts: http://z11.invisionfree.com/KOTOR_Movies/index.php?showtopic=1442