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Everything posted by wvsnl

  1. Well T3 was shut down till The Exile contacted him when he was trapped on the administration level. Besides if T3 could command the mining droids then he wouldnt have to fight them in the hangar bay. I think Atton wasnt killed because of the security officer who installed an override switch to prevent anyone from breaking into the jail complex. So the droids couldnt access Attons cel. Speaking about Atton how the heck did he end up at Peragus, he wasnt a miner. Perhaps arrested because of an engine discharge?
  2. Hmm yeah having an alternative and the Ebon Hawk ready to fly in case it was needed makes sense. However still a bit confused about the time frame, the exile wakes up a day after the lockdown has commenced right? So HK sure was taking his time with moving the Exile. Well thanks all for your insights, makes it a bit easier to think about this plotline.
  3. Hey all, After quite some time i'm once again playing Kotor II, with TSLRCM of course. Currently playing through Peragus as T-3 close to the Hangar. I was watching the logs from the Docking Officer, and one of the logs is about the Mining Droids repairing the Ebon Hawk. The Dock Officer said 'I dont know what maintenance is up to', well we all know that HK-50 was able to mimick the Maintenance Officer. However that leaves a question, which i am still wondering about, why was the Ebon Hawk repaired? HK-50 was waiting for a ship to dock to ship the Exile of to wherever. So why order the mining droids to repair the ship? Is it just plot convenience? Anyone have any theories about this?
  4. wvsnl

    WTF Steam?

    Man this is gold. Just logged in after a few months to reply to this. What a guy, twice in a row. Looking forward to the updates
  5. Awesome to see you are working on it, good luck and take all the time you want, its great to see you modding again.
  6. Good to know, never have done a blaster run, so nice to know this, thanks !
  7. Great thanks, will surely use it for my coming playthrough
  8. I do miss the time that I could ask her it on Telos. For me it seemed that after I was cleared from House arrest, that the little apartment you're in is the base of operations. I am quite sad that they never made us of that like they did in Kotor 1 on Taris. Anyway after the releasement from house arrest, I always found it the ideal moment to talk with the Atton and Kreia again, and asking her that question because that moment feels like the first true free play moment for me, after Peragus and the Ebon Hawk. So is there any possibility that it will be impletended outside the Ebon Hawk again or to wait after Telos. It feels like the game has progressed far further then, and asking her then seems late for me. But perhaps that is just my playstyle.
  9. Oh really, hehe seems i was confused and thought that it was about Revan, seems like I really should start playing again
  10. It has been quite some time since I last played Kotor 2, but I believe that is how it is supposed to be. Because the question is " But how did the Ebon Hawk come back?" Then the hologram is shown to make it clear, T3 doesn't the words for it (figuratively) so he shows the message. I believe this has always been the case, and I dont see whats wrong it to be honest.
  11. What is in the expansion pack actually? A planet quest line and all? Any further developments in the main story or in the war between the Empire and the Republic?
  12. Hello all, damn has been some time since I was last here. Anyway my Sith Sorcerer is now level 45 and soon going to start Belsavis, just have to do Alderaan bonus(for some gear ^^) and then on with the class story. I am thinking of starting a Trooper or smuggler soon which of the two do you people advise me to choose? I care the most about the story so any advice would be nice. And please no spoilers just how you experienced it if its possible. Thanks
  13. This asset changes btw depending on how much rescources you scanned, the value can be 10, 25 or 100. It is unknown how many rescources you need for each value, I had 800k for paladium 700k for platinum and iridium, and 200k for element zero. My war asset was 100
  14. I love Mass Effect, i have completed part 1 5 times now and I am busy on my 5th run through mass effect 2. Only completed Mass Effect 3 once, I wanted to wait for more dlc to come out since ME 3 felt to empty without some dlc. I have recently bought the Citadel dlc but not yet played it so I hope to avoid spoilers, that is why i evade the BSN now. So yeah I really love the series, I have all the dlc for the previous two games even Pinnacle station but I bought that one only recently for my fifth run. Great games, and with the extended cut for ME 3 i feel like finally ready to replay the ending after almost a year. So yeah huge fan
  15. Well once i finish my sith inquisitor i will probably run a trooper so I will roll him as a vanguard so we have a tank
  16. Nah you are not anoying I dont mind it, plus you have spend quite a lot of ingame money on that damn thing. So once again happy to help, besides thanks to you (and some others of course) i have Tslrcm so it seems only fair to return a favor Edit: Bumped it
  17. No problem Hassat always happy to help. And I am also looking forward to play with you again. My jedi sage is still on Ilum were we left him 1,5 weeks ago
  18. Sure I will do it for you no problem I will post right now over there Edit: Posted your problem along with character info and the like.
  19. Cool Zhaboka looking forward to seeing you
  20. Yes you can I believe, at least as a subscriber. I guess you are a F2P player as most people play that way. Just try to make a character on Red Eclipse and we will see if it succeeds.
  21. Healing is quite fun and if you do it right some other players will literally praise you, I also found myself resorting more to a healers role while I in fact wanted to be a Dps sage. Btw if you go healer always use the first companion you get as consular, he is a tank and well suited for the task. Always give him good gear (High Endurance and Aim).
  22. Hmm yeah that sounds pretty good to me, I am pretty interested in it. However with lvl 50 flashpoints I hope you mean regular flashpoints and not hardmode? Because I am too inexperienced for that I think. Also I have never done those lvl 50 flashpoint, I believe the latest I did was Red Reaper. On my previous char ( Mercenary) I did not really care about flashpoints. I will let you know soon when I can, first I am going to finish my class story this week because I want to get that out of the way. After that I will let you know when I am available
  23. No haha I dont think it would be possible to surive some planets as base class. I am sage both healer and dps actually
  24. I also play on red eclipse i currently play a Jedi Consular named Wvswem on Voss level 50 already. I will be starting a SI in a few weeks.
  25. Thanks for the tip, however I dont have anything like that installed on my pc so that isn't the problem I think. Edit: I have found a work around solution I let the game played windowed and the movies always play nice in it, however my main concern was that the window was to small. However my resolution of my desktop is 1280x 1024, that same resolution is also in Kotor II. So I used that resolution in Kotor II and now the windowed screen fills up my entire screen perfectly. I have changed my taskbar settings to hide the taskbar if I am not hovering over it, so it now feels like I am playing fullscreen, except for the blue bar on top, but well that is so insignificant that it can be ignored. So now the movies play correctly and it almost feels like I am playing fullscreen