Rtas Vadum

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Everything posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. From the album: Tron Themed Reskins

    Hopefully it isn't actually corrupt, just an error.
  2. It's likely a few things. But first the obvious, as Revan would've cared more about the hidden Jedi Academy on Telos, rather than any other settlements/cities there. Although it is curious that the Academy itself seems untouched, that is likely because of who actually carried out the attack. I can't say who might assigned Karath to it, or gave him the order, but it's likely that he would've considered anything but a snowy, unassuming plateau(if that is what it was at that point), as a threat. So it probably boils down to Revan giving either Saul or Malak the target, and not specifically why they were going to attack it, or the orders were interpreted wrongly. Although, the message Revan might've intended(That there would be nowhere for the Jedi to hide), seems to have gotten across, at least until the time of this game.
  3. As for Telos, well, it might just be more of a challenge there. Peragus too, but that depends. Might just get a bit darker too. Anyway...
  4. Again with the problems... Anyway, it seems that something caused...that savager/mercenary/etc, to not spawn along with his buddies(the ones you fight at the entrance) in the Enclave sub-level. His dialogue still played in the cut-scene, but as soon as I went to fight him, the game froze and crashed. I'm thinking it's random, since no mod I have makes a change to that area(aside from textures). I did get around it by warping to the Courtyard outside, and the rest of the planet had no problems.
  5. Once you've dealt with three groups, you actually don't have to talk with HK again. When you board the Hawk(either after you finish Korriban, or right away if you go back there, having saved after trying to speak with HK47), you should get a cutscene where HK47 "interrogates" a HK50 model. Getting this scene means you will deal with the factory at one point during the endgame. Hopefully I didn't spoil anything.
  6. Most lightsaber hilt mods should work with TSLRCM, though the only instance in which they won't, is if an event in the game would check for you having a lightsaber, since the game is only going to look for the standard hilts. If a mod gives the standard hilts a new/different model, then it will work. However, the only event I know of that will do this, is the 'Lightsaber training' event between the Exile, Kreia and Visas. As for the force power mod, if it uses the TSL patcher than it might work with TSLRCM, though if it makes a change to a file that is TSLRCM uses already, it might cause a problem, depending on what in the file it changes.
  7. It certainly would be interesting(and make sense story wise), but then again, beyond what HH has already said about it, it would cause a simple problem. HK47's model only has one texture, and it is always going to use that singular texture. So, if the reskin in question was added, it would always use this one texture. Meaning, that even before you repair HK(as in, when he is still deactivated aboard the hawk), he'd have a silver/durasteel chest plate. It might be possible to make a a change that could allow this to make sense, but such a change isn't so fitting in a restoration mod. While I do agree that it can be annoying, it technically gets rid of having to switch to your other party members to heal them, though adding the step of clicking your PC's portrait when they lack on health. That aside, using healing items in the inventory menu still works the same way, but it seems some regard that as cheating(though I can't see why, since the game was designed to allow that).
  8. While I have done some significant work, at this point, I don't exactly have much to show, though I can tell. I plan to release the Peragus Reskin soon(though it has been somewhat of a standard, meaning that it is something I keep forgetting is pretty much done), along with doing the final work on the Crusnik skins, which is mostly getting the portraits done, and setting up the patcher so it can make edits to the appearance.2da. The Crusnik skins stand like this: -All the female heads will use the Twin Sun's body model, with a texture that is different, depending on the head. PFHC02A -All head textures reskinned. -Textures for main clothing finished PFHC05 -All head textures reskinned. -Textures for main clothing finished PFHC06 -All head textures reskinned. -Textures for main clothing finished PFHC07 -All head textures reskinned. -Textures for main clothing finished Pretty much the same for all of them, so it shouldn't be too much longer on this, along with the other few head reskins I have, which are going to be released separately from this. Also, I don't exactly know why, but it seems I can't edit my previous posts in this topic. Any help on that matter would be appreciated.
  9. File Name: TSL - K1 PFHA01 Restoration File Submitter: Rtas Vadum File Submitted: 04 Apr 2012 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes The PFHA01 head in K1 is one of the more unique female heads in the game. But as it was, it isn't usable by players in TSL. However, the model files are still within the game, used for the well known Zeltron NPC, Luxa. However, the original PFHA01 texture from K1 is not within the files, so I've re-skinned Luxa's texture to have a skin-tone similar to the rest of the Asian heads in the game, as well as giving it two sets of DS transitions. Click here to download this file
  10. Version 1.0


    The PFHA01 head in K1 is one of the more unique female heads in the game. But as it was, it isn't usable by players in TSL. However, the model files are still within the game, used for the well known Zeltron NPC, Luxa. However, the original PFHA01 texture from K1 is not within the files, so I've re-skinned Luxa's texture to have a skin-tone similar to the rest of the Asian heads in the game, as well as giving it two sets of DS transitions.
  11. Most likely, but they had no idea that he was a droid. Simple. To find them, and have them forced to meet with him. He just couldn't count on the bounty hunters not caring very much if they brought back a corpse, as opposed to a Live Jedi, as the posting would've suggested. It doesn't help that there was also a reward if one did bring them back dead, or so it seems.
  12. I don't think there is a place in the game where you can get it for sure, as it is randomly dropped(or found randomly in containers).
  13. Rtas Vadum

    Are You Blind?

    Yes, it would look like that, wouldn't it, not being human and all.
  14. ...much more than just "How you play the game". What I wish to ask, is a question of sides, and not just the constant clash between red and blue, dark and light. Some might think it is that simple, but it never is. Not all situations can be solved, simply by thinking the same base way each time. This does extend to other games, mostly because they share the game-play or story where a character chooses a side, and deals with it. But in this case, my main point of discussion is(for the most part), why we are all here. Both of the games display this, and rightly so. But I find that there is a dissonance in how people usually play it, for various reasons. Not to suggest that there is a problem with playing the game in the way one chooses, both ways have been made with the intent for players to do just that(aside from the fact that certain places have a lack of care for one side). For this, canon doesn't matter. Whatever other work or WOG said the official character is, disregard that(not to mention appearances in other games). Here, it is about what the character is for you. Where some might have a set way they usually play the game, I'm fairly sure that it only has one direction, that can mostly relate to them. A general way to play any RPG is to play yourself - no matter how extraordinary the character is. For my own case, which isn't as unqiue as I might've thought at one point, it is two-fold. Considering the first, which is alignment. I cannot say I at all act like the way I would play games, barring the feelings I write into characters. But my usual inclination with any game of these sorts, is to go for the 'dark' route, or whatever the game calls it. There are a few reasons for it, though most of them seem to lapse into being rather childish, such as being able to threaten someone who has information you need, rather than having to earn their trust to get it(which would likely involve a large quest that doesn't equate to the rewards). The second, is gender. This one is of certain interest, since any game I get my hands on, if playing a female is an option, I don't need to question myself to chose it(nor do I need to even ask one). Why? Well, it is mostly due to my large irritation that most male characters in games are almost always the military types, or damn near close to it(where a buzzcut or anything similar is obviously popular, or simply practical). Or, it is simply that the character is not that impressive. The clothing is hardly interesting(even if there are a number of clothing options), and any style they might have, does not appeal to me. I don't doubt that there is a game that would subvert this, so I am not totally adverse to the option. Granted, I mostly mean to discuss the morality, but that doesn't suit it. I really don't wish to start an argument over which side is better, as that wouldn't go very far. So maybe I did dig myself down into that grave marked "Liar", since this is about how you play the game. But I do mean it to be about more than that. Do you go darkside, yet treat your party fairly well? Do you play the kind Jedi, but chide your companions for anything out of line? Maybe the games are not so multi-layered as that, but these elements are still there.
  15. Well, the problem isn't really with the first trip to Onderon. Its when you go back to the Camp after you receive Kelborn's message from T3. If any Sith assassins remain in the camp, you do get the dialogue started, but since the Assassin's attack Kelborn(who was standing just outside Mandalore's...room, I guess.), the conversation ends, and after you help deal with the Sith, the convo starts back up as if you've already chosen the party to deal with the Sith at the tomb. The mention of the first trip was due to the fact that the Mandalorians should be able to deal with the Sith, so when you get back to the camp after the first part of Onderon, the Sith should be dealt with by then. I've had a few instances in which I take out only a few Sith near the Battle circle, and Mandalore interrupts me. As for mods, nothing I have should be effecting that area, aside from texture mods.
  16. Now this is certainly almost game breaking, though not enough to crash it. There were a few Sith Assassins left over after the fight(the one before you make the trip to Onderon), and I didn't deal with them before getting the message from Kelborn. So now, when it goes through the cut-scene where to talk with him about the conflict on Onderon, the dialogue ends early because of the remaining Sith in the area. Trying to talk with him again, only gives you the "I'm Ready", and "Not now." options, the first allowing you to continue, but loading you into the Deep Jungle Area(with the Temple Exterior), with Atton as the main pc. Not to mention that he was invisible the one time I tried this, as was Xarga. Shouldn't the Mandalorians be able to deal with them, as Mandalore says? Not to mention, shouldn't he interrupt you only after you deal with the group around the battle circle, and make your way to the main part of the camp?
  17. Must be the TOR Saber mod then, since I just added that a few days ago. I think it only effects the Jungle areas, likely the starting two.
  18. Certainly not much of a problem, but it seems that the Cannoks on Duxn are dropping their attack items(those "Claw" things). I don't think it is related to a mod I've installed, and this didn't occur on my last playthrough. The few on Telos did not drop those items.
  19. You'll want to install the official patch from Obsidian before TSLRCM. That you can get here: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Patch_US_Version;41126 As for other mods, you'll want to look at the compatibility list before you add anything.
  20. Might be somewhat obvious, but these two are mine: MedHypo Mod Black Core Blades
  21. That might be something I could try, as I do agree the pistol and rifle textures are quite small(128x128, or lower). As for the K1 reskins, most of them(mostly the party reskins), I've already posted a few shots of on LF. Though most of those are quite old, and many NPC reskins I've done are not shown(and have yet to be, obviously).