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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. Listen, HH I beg your pardon, but every time I see them, I can not prevent me from having a burst of laughter. This is an image that pops into my brain in connection with our table arts, in France. He does not comes to mind to anyone of handling lumps of sugar by hand. It is a question of manners, elegance and hygiene. But here! The lethal weapon of the droid guardian of the Visionary is nothing but a sugar tongs! This is a sugar tongs. A current object at home. An now a lethal weapon! Is there no other droids than those ridiculous scrap heaps, these guards unarmed? Ah! But I think! The Visionary was a so elegant yacht before GoTo transform it. There is still elegant reception rooms in the Visionary. Perhaps it is the original staff of the yacht, ready for the tea service in the salons of the Visionary. Big lumps of sugar in store!
  2. My mistake. I was testing on a special installation made of my English version of K2 Frenchified (dialog.tlk, lips, StreamVoice) instead of my 100% French version of K2. The kernel remains in English for the English version Frenchified.
  3. I still have no answer to my question: why she bought the corpses? Idea: generate the lottery when we found the second corpse. And the list is the same at Daraala's shoop or Zherron office.
  4. Added (153) The first squad of HK-50 is slow to react Added (154) The second squad of HK-50, in front of the docks gate, is slow to react. Added (155) The weapons stock of Kex. Added (156) Airlock crossing between the docks and the platform. Added (157) Passers among us during a fight. Added (158) Scenario! The rescue is something natural! Added (159) Visionary Audience Chamber - Perhaps something missing Added (160) The droids "Sugar Tongs" before and after the Central Command Added (161) Exit of Mira from the apartments of Visquis See
  5. Must have (once they are finished and released): M4-78 Malachor VI GenoHaradan Well, meanwhile, here are my actual installs All of this is fully TSLRCM compatible. Patch 1.0a Patch 1.0b TSLRCM TSLRCM Patch (TSLRCM 1.7 Unofficial Fix ) Updated Dialog.tlk (File for all the subtitles and all literal data) For installations in French (there must be the same for English installations but I do not know if the english file dialog.tlk can be downloaded outside the English version of TSLRCM) Cinematics HQ Official release by LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment In fact, wide screen but not HQ Music HQ Official release by LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment Note that there is a thing called "MOD" (Music Improvement (by PastramiX)) totally useless. This is not a MOD but the mere possibility of recording the soundtrack of Kotor 2 in MP3 format. There is no improvement. TSL Ambience Improvement Mod (by PastramiX) This work is absolutely remarkable. Listen, for example, bed_403dxn.wav (background noise on Dxun) before and after. Before, we hear nothing but noise. After, you can almost distinguish the wind, the rustling of leaves, the cries of birds and so on. ... Remarkable! Textures of creature HQ Download from my site. There is no "readme" file and I do not know anymore where I found this file nor who did it. Example - Before - After (Shyrack texture) Bao-Dur Shader Fix by darth_shan Cosmetic MOD. Whereami Armband Opens the doors, all doors. Because, since I developed the trick of the triangle positioning, it is faster for me to use whereami, but ... It is much more fun and interresting to try to enter prohibited areas (doors closed) using tricks like triangle positioning (On XBox, there's only this trick (triangle positioning) that works). Coruscant High Resolution Textures by Exile007 At the time of Kotor 2 (3951 BBY), the Jedi Temple of Coruscant has been abandoned and is, probably, in ruines. But at the time of trial of Meetra Surik, nine years before Kotor 2 (3960 BBY), this temple is still in perfect condition and the Jedi are not yet pursued. The changes should go further than this mod. Coruscant Jedi Temple by DeathDisco This MOD is an invention of its author. However, nothing interferes with the deep frame of Kotor 2 so it can be used, including as part of a canonical progression. It just adds fun to the game (Sith everywhere and an armory that looks like an armory). Note also that, in a conversation with HK-47, he said he went to Coruscant (since Meetra repaired him), so the presence of this step is not anachronistic at all. HK-47 : "Statement: Master, there is mention of you specifically in the coreward databases, even in public terminals on Coruscant." Same warning as for "Enhanced_Merchants_for_TSL" about the Hurrikaine crystal. See below. Enchanced Merchants by Shem A feature of irritating Kotor 2: not any merchant has a real stock of objects and weapons. They are just a bunch of small handyman! Though, some merchants are very large merchants, such as Ondar, which has several stores on several worlds! The case of Kex is the most irritating of all: Kex is the sole weapons dealer of the Mandalorians, culture and civilization entirely focused on combat and war. Kex is their gunsmith. The Mandalorians had, in addition, the ground of Dxun, littered of weapons caches they all reopen currently and bring all that to Kex. Not only his weapons stockpile should be almost infinite, but include the entire Mandalorian set of armor and set of weapons, by hundreds. Their supreme leader, Mandalore, offers us to serve us in this stock by telling us that they have too much material for their own needs. But the stock of Kex is quite zero, virtually empty! With the stock of Kex, the Mandalorians are sure to lose a fight against three Indians armed with bows and arrows! Warning: a little mistake with this mod: it allows to find the Hurrikaine crystal in merchants stocks. This should not be possible: the mythical crystal Hurrikaine exists only in a single copy in the universe. These are the emanations of a Jedi dead in a Malachor cell that crystallized. It can not be found in more than a single copy and only when you open the cell of the dead Jedi and find this crystal on him. The Hurrikaine crystal found in 3951 BBY in a cell of the Academy of Trayus has nothing to do with the Hurrikaine crystals from Hurikane planet, even if they all radiate in purple. Mace Windu will discover them only 3893 years later, in 58 BBY. Expanded Workbench Revised Revision 2.02 by Vanaheim (AKA Vanir) It is generally accepted that the fact that we are not able, in Kotor 2, to produce armor at the workbench, is a bug. This mod fixes this bug. Various basic armors can be produced, depending on your Repair skill level. This mod also adds the ability to produce basic lightsabers, from level 15, and depending on your Awareness skill level. Level 15 is the level from which you can choose a prestige class. Normally, at this time, you have got the parts needed to make a first basic lightsaber. Bao-Dur has controlled their good condition. He shook you so that you produce a new lightsaber (Technique that you had studied, but you no longer dare to use). Fixed Kreia's Fall Movie by Jinger "This mod fixes a fairly irking inconsistency that had been present in the original Kreia's fall movie - she'd been missing a hand, which at that point she shouldn't have been. Additionally, it fixes one of the whackier camera angles from the original version, in which you got inside her head. Not very cinematic." Fixed Mandalorian Banners by J7 Cosmetic MOD. Goto's Window Fix by Darth Insidious Cosmetic MOD. Insane Dustil by Princess Artemis To see a dialogue without using dlgeditor Invisible headgear for TSL by Shem To make clean screenshots and illustrate the site. Kill the Ithorian 1.1 by Doctor (previously known as Deadly Stream) and Markus Ramikin Lightsaber Parts Icon Fix by DrGhent Cosmetic MOD. Movement Animation Fix for KOTOR & TSL by ZimmMaster More than a simple cosmetic MOD. Movie-Style Retextures for Kotor and TSL by DarthJacen The flickering effect of lightsabers was given, initially, by "blades" made ​​of three whirling "mirrors". This mod attempts to give to Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 the same effects of blades than the movies has define as a standard for lightsabers. Peragus Tweak by VP Peragus. Correction for dead bodies lying around and adding bodies, in accordance with what is said in the newspapers we read on the terminals ("corpses everywhere"). Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn Skybox - Cosmetic MOD. Remote Tells Influence by tk102 Would be useful for me, while testing and updating my webpages. But this trick has never worked! As I am a masochist and it seems that it works, for some, I install it on a regular basis, and regularly, I am thrown with an error code! Shem's Realistic Visual Effects Absolutely a must have. Just run once, in Kotor 2, and see the landscape become blurred, to understand that this setting is totally indispensable! And all these stupid effects around the hands and wrists each time you use a gun... Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix 2.0 by Zbyl2 Cosmetic MOD. Sith Assassins with lightsabers The "Sith Assassins" is a kind of cult of high-level assassins formed by Revan just after the end of the Mandalorian Wars, from the captured Jedi (and those who were Force sensitive, like Atton). Therefore, there must be numerous Dark Jedi who are supposed to manipulate light saber, everywhere where the "New Sith" are. In the original version of the game, there is no light saber handler in the ranks of "New Sith." This MOD fixes this bug and we perceive the effects as soon as we boarded the Harbinger, on Péragus, at the beginning of the game. This mod is highly recommended. Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix by Zbyl2 & DarthParametric Trailer Force Crush Sound by Don Kain Trayus Rank Reform 1.2 by Varsity Puppet Random locations very useful for those who play and replay the game several times. Weapon Finesse Icon Fix by Mrmarb Cosmetic MOD. Workbench Crystal Attunement by Markus Ramikin The "Cristal of the Exile" comes into resonance with the Exile. There is absolutely no reason why Kreia intervene in a private process. VPs Kreia Green Fix Corrects the greenish color of Kreia clothing. Even if this does not change anything in the adventure, it changes the tone "dirty aquarium background overgrown with algae because it has been abandoned for months!" for clothing Kreia. The game is pretty grim and cold as this, without adding cadaveric color at the main character! The others MODs are not used and, some of them, are strongly discouraged.
  6. It works perfectly. The idea is to remove the read-only on all files in each directory. The files remain unprotected so they can be overwritten or modified. Regardless of the status of the directories themselves, that can remain protected. After the patchs/MODs installation, you can "turn back" your files to a write-protect scheme.
  7. Not only is there no conflict, but in addition, requires prior installation. It does not even comes to mind that the question can be asked. TSLRCM fixed other bugs but does not replace Obsidian. TSLRCM based on a full installation of K2, that is to say the game and its official patch. Respect Onisuzume order of installation. Note that you can see, here and there, something called patch 1.0c. Do not use this trick. The 1.0c patch does not exist! Before installing TSLRCM, I suggest to remove the write protection of all files and directories of Kotor 2. Also: it is often suggested using something called "Vista Fix" under XP, Vista and 7. This thing is useless for Kotor 2. It covers only Kotor 1. As the sirens, we hear about the SecuROM (DRM protection management). It covers only Vista for K1 and K2.
  8. For me too, my first thinking would be to look at the official patches And as said by Onisuzume, you have to choose, download and instal manualy
  9. No! No! That's not what I suggested. In fact, I suggested that the various dialog.tlk files are not included in the TSLRCM installer but that the installer requires the installation language and download the appropriate dialog.tlk.
  10. What I suggest is not adding "new lines" in dialog.tlk but use empty gaps. I.E. 1615 to 5457; 6285 to 6316; 6320 to 7304; 7362 to 7776; 7809 to 7925; 7949 to 8650; 8680 to 9040; 9084 to 9145; 9151 to 9413; 9436 to 9569; 9587 to 9706; 9715 to 9919; aso... (if there is not a special purpose of wich I'm not aware). This is also why I asked, long ago, that the list of compatible MODs with TSLRCM, points out, MOD by MOD, those that add lines to dialog.tlk and those who leave dialog.tlk intact. That's what I've done for the French list, but this has to be verified. I also requested that be reported, among the MODs compatible with TSLRCM, the MODs mutually incompatible.
  11. Believe me when I say something. I may be wrong, I accept it, but I speak little and when I speak, that's for something. The numbered lines are those called by 305alarm.dlg This is not at all what I get. Here is, in white, what it should be (including lines that appears actually but do not exist at all in dialog.tlk - I do not know from where they come from). The whole thing in this order to be coherent (but I do net agree with all the new lines): In orange, what I get actually. In addition, in red the horrible things made to the French language. By cons, there is a bug of the script. Mira (or Hanharr) opens the door of the ventilation tunnels to escape (where he / she is). The door of the maze, where the Exile is, open simultaneously. So far, everything is normal. But later, inexplicably, Atton will open the door of the ventilation tunnels from the outside (Visquis said it's impossible - there is no command to open those doors from the outside) and Mira could get out. Why? In addition, Atton comes here from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr and, thus, from the maze. He is not in the ventilation ducts. And meanwhile, the Exile cleans the Visquis apartments (kill everyone) by searching everywhere but does not fall on Mira / Hanharr, which has thus escaped! So what? He/She escaped but did not escape! That all stuff is strange. And I do not speak of Zez-Kai Ell. The whole thing is strange.
  12. I must finish this journey. At the rate of one step every two days (hopefully), I still have 70 steps to verify! Then I will look at all the dialogs of the Zhug, but I do not like these people, with their "We're the best, the greatest, the strongest ..." and their cretinism simultaneous. I find the idea not so bad if they are unable to correctly pronounce Jedi. I think the idea of Chris Avellone is good (as usual) and I think, on the contrary, that it need, no doubt, extend that to all other sentences of Zhugs. I'll see that later.
  13. HH, One day you told me to have made over 5,000 corrections to dialog.tlk I do not believe this to be done with more than 5000 changes in .dlg (more that 5000 "-1") I am glad to hear you say that the -1 return to their original location in dialog.tlk And I sympathize with Zbyl's and his miserable life (I beat my guilt - Ouch! - it's my fault) Don't you think it would be a good idea to have, for each language, an official of dialog.tlk and that we coordinate things. Then, the TSLRCM install process would download the updated localized dialog.tlk (in order to not embed so much very large files in TSLRCM itself). The install process asks for the language. One reason for this is that TSLPatcher is unable to overwrite lines in dialog.tlk but only add lines (I have asked Stoffe, some time ago). I feel like the only one working on the maintenance of dialog.tlk in a language other than English. One should involve at least one person by language, able to use TalkEd. Other thing. If the above condition is satisfied, the last lines embedded in the .dlg (-1 StrRef), which are the ones of pure creations, should be injected at locations specified in dialog.tlk. There are so much large amounts of unused lines numbers, in dialog.tlk, that we can dedicate them to that purpose (and I include there those for M4-78EP). TSLRCM installer should use, automaticaly (if possible), DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter 1.1 In the same order, all sentences used in "selected" (select a companion in the active group by pressing tab key) are in English only. I.E. Atton 122695 122696 (an other, not voiced or with a bug) Mical 122843 122844 122845 Bao-Dur 122753 122754 122755 Kreia 123031 123032 123033 ... Technical wishes : A modification of FindRefs v4.4 by tk102 to look also into .mod and into files into override. It would help me find, i.e., all -1. A find and replace tool into dialog.tlk. I've tried TlkEditR13b They say "Release 13 : support for 2DA V2.b files (KOTOR 1&2)" but, for all the accented characters, the result is anything (problem of Windows character set, perhaps).
  14. No, he has not replied yet. In fact, I do not know if it's done or not. And I had a bit forgotten that.

  15. An exemple of what I say just above : This is my bug report (144) 301NAR.mod\zhugcut1.dlg why StrRef 114736 to 114800, in dialog.tlk, are not used? First line: actual, false and coming from nowhere (but with some good ideas of translation) Second line: Obsidian original 2004 Third line: actual, corrected / extended French 2011 - Download Use of Jeedai instead of Jedi (Vossk, Zhug, Hanharr...) Oh no! This is not faulty and has not to be "corrected". Used 65 times into Kotor 2 (English) - Only 21 in French - I have to correct this from Jedi to Jeedai. "Jeedai" was a mispronunciation of Jedi, commonly used by various species throughout the galaxy, most notably during the Jedi Civil War (Our period, when Revan founded his own Sith Empire from 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY). See This is also the proof of the comprehensive study Obsidian made of the Expanded Universe before they start writing. Note that there is no occurence of Jeedai in K1 dialog.tlk Except for one line which has no female version, so that remains -1 not to use "him" against female PC's I am not sure 114743 needs to have a male and female version. I'm sure of the opposite. They are talking of the Jedi in general, not of him or of her in particular. In French, we are more sensible than you at the male/female gender in our sentences but, here, for us too, there is no problem.
  16. For a localized version (French not to say it) there are hundreds, thousands of problems with the duration of the pronunciation of sentences (too long, too short, completely skipped). This affects all of the game and all the sentences. There are no longer any lips movements corresponding to spoken sentences. It's a nightmare. This is an accomplished ugly. I do not know at all who take care of that (HH, Zbyl,...) and they seem to have their own problems with English. So much sentences have get away from dialog.tlk. I have no longer control over them (Spelling, grammar, translation, syntax, punctuation...). Neither correct them nor find their VOs associated etc.. ... I do not know how is managed the duration time. I think that all should be centralized in dialog.tlk for easy localization but Zbyl has his own constraints that escape me. I feel that it is the English lips files that cover the French lips files. Yet I turned to delete all the lips in override (except those of Kreia - I don't know why). This part of the restoration is unfortunate but is marginal compared to the work accomplished (but this problem appears everywhere, every time, at each second of the game)! I have a sensation of extreme weariness about this. I seem to be facing an impossible than others inform me and I do not understand why. I led very large IT projects and large teams of programmers in my youth, but I have no knowledge of actual languages. I feel very frustrated. I think all changes should be injected into dialog.tlk, lips, streamvoice, streamsouds etc ... And the reverse is done. Instead there is a central hub, everything is exploded. Never mind! We are passionate but perfectionist.
  17. No, SH, that's not what I mean. The name is not a secret for the Galaxy. It is a secret for the player. It is a secret as all Kotor 2 is an interactive book of secrets. The Galaxy is split in two: those who know and do not care (droids...) and those who know and try to forget and have replaced the real name by "The Exile" for never have to pronounce the name of the one who killed so many one shot. However, the player enters the game with the name of his chose. Unless I am missing something: When you are, yourself, the Exile, and that you arrive on M4-78, you have no doubt the possibility of being called by the name chosen by the player (or that we speak of you with the name chosen by the player). It is the verb <FullName> in the sentences. How can you imagine that you arrive on M4-78 and that one, alien, tells you: No! No! You do not call <FullName> but Meetra Surik? And if it is not an alien, he said No! No! This is not your name, that, it is Meetra Surik? For cons, the question may arise when aliens (or droids not equipped with vocabulator) speak among themselves of the Exile. Here, there is no problem of speech synthesis. But I do not see why there would be someone in the Galaxy, with a name, and with droids and/or aliens who give him another. It should be continuity in the game. M4-78 is not a stand alone adventure but just a step of the K2 adventure. (I think so).
  18. The player creates a hero and becomes the hero. The appearance, alignment, the name ... These things speaks to him. There is a canonical progression, certainly, but the hero is a creation of the creator of the hero. This is something that speaks to him, as the names I use in my own progressions. "Perfect Light" is the name of my female character, light side, but it also is the title of a book by Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest swordsman, real, who lived in old Japan - and my katanas are always there, somewhere. "Ya Dake" is the name of my male character, light side, but it is also the name of the bamboo specie used to make the Kyudo arrows - and my Kyudo bow and arrows are always there, somewhere. The avatar I use is the Kenkatabami, my « kamon » (my "armorial bearings" in the Japan Traditional), and symbolizes the cherry blossom, arrows and swords. Cherry blossom is sacred to the Samurai (perfect and ephemeral - ephemeral symbolizing the lack of fear of death, the only attitude that allows becoming a great samurai or a great ronin). These names speak to me, they convey something a reality imposed by another (Meetra by Drew) does not carry. But M4-78 comes from Chris Avellone, seven years before the name of the Exile is revealed. What was he thinking? It is likely that the actual name of the Exile is known at the time of the Old Republic (she is a general in the republican armies and military records are what is best preserved in the world). It is also likely that the droids have had access to these archives and have not forgotten the name of the person to whom Revan had given half of his army before Malachor V, representing billions of soldiers (see "Calculation of the military strength of Revan army"). A robot forgets nothing, unless one erases his memory. So the questions are: who made and program the droids that make M4-78? When were they made? What are their knowledge in 3951 BBY? How long have they prepared this planet (in what year did they began)? If they are engaged in preparing a planet for the Sith, can this planet be for the "New Sith" of Revan, or are they controlled by the "True Sith" which, them, know nothing about Meetra. How Lona Vash had known M4-78, its existence and its location? As long as I have no answer to these questions, it's hard to take a position other than to say the hero is created by the player. It is a game. Remember the outcries when it was announced that the Exile was officially a woman! She was the first female hero in a tale complex and verbose, a tale written by the wonderful storyteller that is Chris, in an Expanded Universe purely male and purely fighter. I would like the idea of a secret revealed, quite hard to find. The Exile is not at all called Meetra all through M4-78 but you can find a trace somewhere in an archive, or just in one sentence of Lona Vash. A secret hard to find would be in the spirit of the work of Chris Avellone. Sith Holocron, add a new choice. And then there is no question of liking or disliking the name of Meetra Surik, as one of the question implies. It is question of whether the droids uses, for their part, coolly, the real name, while the Republic tries to erase of his memory the remembrance of a hero but also a butcher who seeks redemption.
  19. Added (134) Serroco (serthug.dlg E7): We are. Now beat it. Added (135) Red Eclipse - Wish of a mod : What does our informer? Added (136) AirSpeeder : How do you go up to three in there? Added (137) Red Eclipse and the ability to change members in the active group Added (138) Surreal! A wandering airspeeder! Added (139) For each type of mining, there are five models, but only three descriptions Added (140) [Atton has recieved Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber.] Added (141) StrRef 111341 - The text does not fit with the scene Added (142) Atton (Meeting for Visquis Holo) {Sarcastic}Well, good thing it's not a trap. Said twice. Added (143) E31 in 301NAR.mod\visquis.dlg VO and Subtitle do not match Added (144) 301NAR.mod\zhugcut1.dlg Why StrRef 114736 to 114800, in dialog.tlk, are not used! Added (145) Ask each specie "I'm looking for the captain of the Lunar Shadow" in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Added (146) Atton goes the wrong way Added (147) Hanharr "I have brought the Jedi to you. Now where is Goto?" Added (148) 304NAR.mod\visenter.dlg What's that ? Visas enters the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Added (149) You have learned a new Force Power: Breath Control. Taught by Visquis ! Added (150) Suyin's Datapad - Loss of localised versions Added (151) 305NAR.mod\305alarm.dlg Sentences used but that do not exist in dialog.tlk Added (152) In the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, the image tremble when you approach the walls See
  20. Dialogues en français (sous-titrage) - Version française de Kotor 2 French dialogs (subtitles) Nouvelle version / New version Note FR : Tous les sous-titres localisés sont dans l'unique fichier "dialog.tlk" dans le répertoire racine de votre Kotor 2 - TSL. Le fichier français dialog.tlk comprend désormais 1088 corrections / modifications. Notez que les sous-titres ont été utilisés par des acteurs pour les voix et que les voix n'ont pas été (et ne peuvent pas) modifiées. Donc, elles sont différentes et seules les erreurs les plus importantes, dans la traduction initiale, ont été faites (et quelques modifications cosmétiques). Seuls les sous-titres corrigés devraient être utilisés par ceux qui souhaitent faire un travail approfondi de compréhension de Kotor 2. Note EN : All the localised subtitles are in the unique file "dialog.tlk" at the root directory of your Kotor 2 - TSL. The French dialog.tlk contains now 1088 corrections / modifications. Note that subtitles have been used by actors for the voices and that voices have not been (and can not be) modified. So, they are different and only the most important errors of the initial translation have been made (and cosmetic changes). Only the corrected subtitles should be used by those who want to do a thorough job of understanding of Kotor 2. Exemple : Avant/Before - Meetra "[Ordinateur] Jedi ou pas, tout le monde à la station ne parle que de vous. Les FST et la Czerka sont curieux à votre sujet." Après/After - Meetra "[informatique] Je peux reprogrammer son centre de comportement en retardant le déclenchement des processus sans qu'il s'en rende compte." Exemple : Avant/Before - Kréia "J'étais proche de la mort, en effet. Je sens une odeur de cuve de kolto... Comment vous sentez-vous ?" Après/After - Kréia "J'étais proche de la mort, en effet, plus proche que je ne l'aurais voulu. {Curieuse} Il y a une odeur de kolto sur vous... Comment vous sentez-vous ?" Note FR : Ce "plus proche que je ne l'aurais voulu", qui manque dans la version française d'origine, est essentiel, car il souligne le fait que c'est Kréia qui avait la volonté de paraître morte : c'est donc bien Kréia qui s'est mise en catalepsie, mais elle aurait un peu forcé la dose, ce qui fait qu'elle ne semble plus avoir aucun signe vital. Son "cadavre" est ignoré par les Sith à bord de l'Ebon Hawk puis il est déposé à la morgue de Péragus par le personnel médical. Il faut aussi comprendre, par-là, qu'elle n'a pas été coupée de ses pouvoirs, contrairement à ce qu'elle cherche à faire croire à l'Exilée pour s'attacher sa personne (Kréia tente de se présenter comme une double exilée à l'Exilée - C'est un mensonge). D’ailleurs, élever un « Mur de lumière » est inconnu des Sith – cet acte de compassion n’existe que chez les Jedi. Chez les Sith on tue, on n’exile pas. Note EN : This "closer than I'd like," which is missing in the original French version, is essential because it highlights the fact that it is Kreia who show one's willingness to appear dead: it is therefore Kreia which put herself into catalepsy, but she would a little forced the dose, making her to no longer seems to have vital signs. Her "body" is ignored by the Sith boarding the Ebon Hawk, then it is deposited in the morgue of Peragus by medical personnel. We must also understand, that way, that she was not shut off of her powers, contrary to what she seeks to make believe by the Exile in order to attach her person (Kreia tries to present herself as a double exiled to the Exile - It is a lie). Moreover, building a “Wall of light” is unknown of the Sith - this act of compassion only occurs within the Jedi Order. Within Sith Order, one kills, there is no exile. Vous pouvez télécharger le fichier dialog.tlk français, mis à jour à (You can download the updated French dialog.tlk at) TTLan
  21. Well, I had never seen! DD 100 ! Attak + 50 ! Etc... My lightsaber Energy 43-61 CC 17-20*2 + 16-96 Attak + 49 My small lightsaber Energy 50-74 CC 19-20*2 +19-114 Attak + 59 They are made of about 20 to 25 Ultima Perl, without any mod (only using the Ultima perl when it is found (no KSE), duplicating it with T3 and upgrading at the workbench) Very funny to make and use. You know my leitmotiv: play with the game in addition to play at the game.
  22. Ok: test and report in (nearly) real-time. All was OK after Telos and Dantooine. I have used the workbench of the Enclave without any problem before leaving for Nar Shaddaa. I have then boarded the EH for Nar Shaddaa and, there, in the EH, the workbench fails. Now at Nar Shaddaa, it fails too. I have loaded a save at Dantooine. The workbench is OK. I have loaded a save at Nar Shaddaa. The workbench in Tienn Tubb's office fails. I boarded the EH. The workbench in the EH fails. I take the EH and go to Dantooine. Hey! Daraala has not yet returned. Yet now she has gone to Zherron office several days before! I go to the Enclave workbench. It fails. Humpfff ! Is something going wrong in the saves? Well, I have completely emptied the inventory. Fails! I go naked. It works!!! So it's something I'm warring : eek: It is probably something I have made at the workbench of Dantooine before leaving Dantooine. I have an idea. Yeah! That's it! I have used the "Super Saber" tip in order to not waste my time fighting but, as always, spending time on dialogs. I have always used this tip for the 6 last years ! Fighting is of no interest for me. Why the workbench crashes now, after that? Perhaps the MOD "Extended workbench»? T3 with the function to create? To use a workbench in a manufacturing mode, it must reasonably be in a workshop, with equipment and a lot of tools. I think that turning T3 in a manufacturing workbench would be ridiculous. But I suppose the question has already existed (and, perhaps, is still an actual wishes). Personally, I do not agree at all a such thing.
  23. Grrrr ! I can't open any more the workbench with this /#£!%@# bug probably due to a "compatible" MOD !!! T3 only allow me to upgrade things, not to create them !
  24. It seems to me that the description is of an enhanced Ballistic Shielding Mark III Look too at the skill to create it The pieces to make it The price
  25. I think Lupo is an individual, hounded by the Exchange for their cut of the profits, as long as he was winning money, him in person but not the Swoop Gallery market place. Perhaps you were thinking, rightly, at the Hutt that rule all market places in K1. Here, if you disable the C9-T9 spy module, you do not help the Exchange, you harm it. The Exchange loses a spy. They do not lose a money collector but the Hutt loses a money collector as, I think, they do not operate the droid nor Lupo nor the Swoop Gallery. So, increase (+1) on 300NAR_Exchange_Gap So I do not understand why there is a second 300NAR_Exchange_Gap increase when you destroy C9-T9. There would be only 1 300NAR_Exchange_Gap increase (if you explode C9-T9, you destroy the GoTo's module at the same time), and if you have destroyed the GoTo's module prior, exploding C9-T9 would be indifferent for the Exchange. If you destroy C9-T9, you can race and win, that is all. Another thing: Perhaps an error: the 300NAR_Exchange_Gap increase for the module is at R3 but you can exit with R5 (130925 – “Leave the module alone.”). I did not verify yet if that works and if it is an unlimited increase. Edit: I've verified that - ok, you can only do that one time - if you do not destroy the module the first time you see it, you cannot access it after. Another thing: For instance, I do not understand what 300NAR_Exchange_Favor is used for. Before C9-T9 300NAR_Exchange_Favor = 255 300NAR_Exchange_Gap=2 After C9-T9 (disable first and, then, destroy) 300NAR_Exchange_Favor = 253 300NAR_Exchange_Gap=4