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Everything posted by jswartz0181

  1. The second Dantooine one is right outside the landing pad when you return to the EH. That said, Telos.... the one you killed: is it the polar region set or the ones right outside the docks on a return?
  2. No, they're the same groups. So if you encountered them before talking to HK-47, you won't be able to get to the factory. You have to encounter three of those groups AFTER the start of the quest. As to where all they are, http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/98-hk-50-squads/ So that said, you may still have enough.
  3. Oh.... I guess I was under the impression that the colors were there already, and they were just restored; not having to be created. In that case, then okay, I can see it not being included.
  4. So the rifle is being removed entirely for 1.8? If so, I guess it's a good thing I installed that one merchant mod that allowed me to buy it on Nar Shaddaa rather then have to wait for it in the HK factory, and I'm planning on using HK a LOT more on this playthrough.
  5. Okay, changed my vote from orange to bronze, so long as it's the bronze in VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans mod. Without, it still doesn't change my previous thought of orange and bronze being combined if they're the same color.
  6. I get what you mean, but with those cut stories, there's a lot of missing story that needed creating, right (and thus they're not in RCM)? Whereas the bronze crystal color, it's there, just not used. So how would that be any different than the other weapons restored (aside from it being more practical )? Obviously I have it now in my game, so I don't imagine it ever being a problem (so long as it never conflicts with future versions of RCM), but who knows if anyone else would want that feature restored without having to install a saber mod to get it (or who might not see this). Just my take on it though. Obviously it's your/Stoney/whomever else's call.
  7. Woohoo, it worked! Thanks HH! Mine was set to 5. Now, I have to ask, afterward, will I need to change it back so other stuff doesn't get screwed up, or is it fine/will it change automatically? Guess it would help to know exactly what the difference is between 4 and 5 hehe.
  8. Alright..... having some crystals in my possession now, I can say oh how I love the new bronze blade color! Still not as much as cyan, silver or viridian, but loved nonetheless. One query though. If it was a restored feature, then why isn't it in RCM proper? Or will that be something for 1.8?
  9. First a little backstory. I was a bit surprised to find that, in all the years I've had it, I had never played a darkside playthrough of K2 (gray, but never dark), so this go through, that's what I'm working on. So until this game, I had never sided with Czerka or done the smuggling missions on Telos. Having never done them before, I figured that agreeing to help the Ithorians with that droid but to ultimately deliver it to Czerka would have the same result as siding with Czerka outright (or better, since it's a double-cross, right?). Apparently it doesn't. Since I started with helping the Ithorians, I never received credentials to gain access to the Ithorian hangar. Credentials that are apparently necessary to get the prototype shield unit for the second smuggling mission. Returning to Telos, I've tried lying to the one Ithorian to gain access, but even with 24+10 in persuade, it's not enough for him to let me in (I've even tried using KSE to up my stat to 50, so it was 60 total persuade, and it still didn't work). So..... is there anything I can do with KSE to either give me the credentials or otherwise get passed that particular part of that mission, so that I can continue the smuggling missions? Or am I SOL and have to be mindful of this on my next darkside playthrough?
  10. I think that part being the typo was a joke. It's the other part that's got the blaring error. Man I hate the emoticon graphics on this site. Or at least ones like the smiley (doesn't even look like a smile; just some bouncing yellow ball). It really kills the desired effect.
  11. Well, HotOR is my first foray into the special hilt mods (was waiting for 1.5, which was just released), but I REALLY want the bronze and orange blades to be different (was it my one screenshot that prompted this addition, perchance?). So basically, all are safe to replace over HotOR's except for the w_dblsbr_001.tga one, if I want to retain as much of HotOR as possible and not screw everything else up? EDIT: Okay, I just went to make a backup of the files from HotOR so I could have both saved someplace safe, and apparently I must've forgotten to C before P'ing on the last of the seven on the list. It should be w_lsabregold01.txi.
  12. iw_dblsbr_006.tga iw_dblsbr_007.tga iw_lghtsbr_007.tga iw_lghtsbr_008.tga w_Dblsbr_001.tga w_lsabregold01.tga w_lsabregold01.tga
  13. How compatible would just the fixed icons and colors part be with HotOR? The loot part doesn't appear to share any files, but the icons and colors do a few.
  14. And strictly speaking, isn't silver the original lightsaber color, period? Not KotOR or EU, but the original color of Luke's lightsaber in '77?
  15. Typically I do Dantooine first, 1.) for my lightsaber, and 2.) since I usually play a female Exile, get another Jedi for my team (since Mical is pretty much instantly Jedifiable. Then Nar Shaddaa for HK and another nearly instantly Jedifiable Mira (just have to board and unboard the EH a couple times). From there, Dxun/Onderon, Korriban, Dxun/Onderon, all the while jumping back and forth between worlds for whatever character reasons. When M4-78 comes out.... I have no idea where I'll play that.
  16. jswartz0181


    Don't currently have Gold, so I can't play multiplayer or anything, nor am I a big fan of the über-titles/FPS in general, but in the off chance someone actually wants to add me, JSwartz0181.
  17. jswartz0181


    Yeah, I got it on my Xbox360a forum profile (and I think using the same background as you, although mine is as a signature graphic instead), but to be honest, I was meaning it was nice as being in the user info part with posts, location, and all that good stuff. We'll see though if I ever add it here.
  18. I think he is referring to http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Exile_Item_Pack;57068
  19. jswartz0181


    Reading it (although it was really late at night, so I may not have fully comprehended it), I got it was part money and part many other sites mining for info of late that caused technical issues, among other stuff too.
  20. jswartz0181


    It was nice though. Are there any alternatives out there?
  21. Well, like I had said, I wasn't sure, nor could I remember what was said before in the old forums. The thought was just spurred seeing another mod description mentioning working for both PC and Xbox, so.... yeah. And hey, at least now there's something acknowledging the subject in the off chance someone else is curious. Bummer though that my one friend gets to stay in the dark and only experience the incomplete TSL. :/
  22. Okay, so I'm still fairly new to the whole idea of modding games (aside from custom content in The Sims, this is the only game I actually have any sort of mods for), so the differences and whatnot I'm not exactly familiar with. But I remember it being asked on the old forums whether this worked or was going to work for the Xbox version of the game, but I don't remember what the answer to that was. And since it appears to be no where on this forum, well.... does this (or are there any plans to get it to) work with the Xbox version of the game? Obviously not an issue for me, since mine is for the PC, but I do have a friend who has is for the Xbox, and I would love nothing more than to share the glory of TSLRCM with them.
  23. People may say this ruins the balance of the game, but I say who cares?! And really, that only works in a non-SW sense. If armor actually restricted one's ability to use the Force, how is Darth Vader, who's so much machine, able to do all that he does? Or in KotOR 1, you battle Darth Bandon who uses all these supposedly restricted by armor Force powers, then when you defeat him and take his armor, you somehow aren't able to use the exact same powers he was using not a minute earlier! This mod was AWESOME!!! There are only so many times you can wear the unrestricting Jedi robes or the Jal Shey armor before it get's boring. How nice it was to be able to use the Force while wearing awesome looking armor!