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About SilverWolf1293

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. I got it to work finally after trying reinstalling the mod and starting a new game.
  2. I left telos and docked at nar shadda, and I encountered Visas on the ebon hawk. But i havnt encountered the handmaiden, I have the TSLRCM installed. Any tips?
  3. I feel stupid, I was overthinking it all 😅 thanks for opening my eyes.
  4. again, Im not using steam workshop. I used this TSL Restored Content Mod - Mods - Deadly Stream
  5. I didnt install it from Workshop. I downloaded it from here, deadlystream. And I looked in the content folder under workshop and neither of those numbers can be found there. All I see is: 486299564 1472956376 1483835951 1529910039 1834498792 1834631667 1834656429
  6. I downloaded manually and Im trying to install. I have the TSLCM but I cant find its workshop to install this head model into instead of the game base folder. Help please?