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Files posted by LadyTevish

  1. TSL Jewel Tone Lightsaber Crystals

    I have always found some of the lightsaber colours to be a little harsh, so I tweaked them a bit.  This is a simple re-texture, nothing fancy.
    Blue becomes a deep cobalt
    Yellow is more lemony
    Green is minty
    Violet is lavender
    Red is more red, less orange
    Orange is less like an exploding sun in your face
    I left the others alone since I liked them as-is.
    Installation: Copy the desired files into your override folder.
    Blue: w_lsabreblue01
    Orange: w_lsabregold01
    Green: w_lsabregren01
    Violet: w_lsabrepurp01
    Red: w_lsabrered01
    Yellow: w_lsabreyelo01

    Removal: Delete the files.

    Bugs: None that I am aware of.  This mod naturally isn't compatible with any other mods that change these lightsaber crystal colours.

    -Obsidian for making another great SW game.
    -Fred Tetra for creating KotorTool

    Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own.  Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit.  Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^


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  2. Extended Romance for Alternate DS Female Ending

    The restored redemption ending for the DS Female by JDNoa is one of my favourite mods, but I always felt it was just a little too abrupt.  So I gave Carth and his lady love a last romantic moment together before the Star Forge explodes, heroically sacrificing themselves to defeat the sith. ❤️
    Requirement: JDNoa's mod (

    Installation: Install JDNoa's mod first. Then copy the files from "Override" into your Override folder.  Copy the custom movie file from "Movie" into your Movies folder.

    Bugs: The available model animations are limited, so their bodies will overlap a bit in places, but I'm happy with the result.

    -BioWare for the best SW game ever.
    -JDNoa for restoring my favourite ending.
    -cjto202's Carth romance fix for inspiring this mod, and Swfan28's Bastila romance fix which helped me decipher the source code. This mod is compatible with both.

    Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site!  Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit.  Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^


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  3. Short Collar for Bastila Clothes

    This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes.  I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂
    When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body.

    Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder.

    Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila.  I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip.

    -BioWare for the best SW game ever.
    -Fred Tetra for KotorTool.
    -Modified in Blender.

    Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site!  Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit.  Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^



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  4. Gold Jedi Star Forge Robes

    Have you ever wished that the Star Forge Robes were more like the jedi robes you have been wearing throughout the game?  This mod will replace the standard Star Forge Robes with the gold robes that are seen being worn by some of the jedi around the enclave and in cutscenes.  Custom icon included!  Solid black versions will replace Revan's Robes.
    Installation:  Run The TSL Patcher.
    Bugs: Because the default Star Forge/Revan Robes use the male texture for both male and female PCs, the TSL Patcher fixes this by giving the female PC her own texture.  However this will not work if you use a female PC mod with a custom body model.  I have included the files for the female PC in this case, just copy them into your Override folder after you run the patcher.  They will only be usable by the PC and female companions (you can still put them on males, they will just look odd).

    -BioWare for the best SW game ever.
    -Kainzorus Prime for kindly letting me use his jedi robes.
    -Effix for being awesome and writing the TSL Patcher! ^-^

    Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site!  Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit.  Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^
    If you have any questions, message me on DeadlyStream or email  Enjoy! ❤️


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