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About FemmeIFatale

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 06/08/1997

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    North Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)

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  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, I really appreciate it. I was totally clueless, I had no idea they had a personal soundest for themselves so that is education for me. Kayleigh
  2. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help! Please have a wonderful day! Kayleigh Trowell
  3. Hiii, Me again, I was wondering if anyone could make clips of the Czerka Protocol Officers dialogue and set them as the player soundset? I've seen similar mods on here. Any help is appreciated. Kayleigh
  4. Thank you so much! Yes, I feel that difference is pretty insignificant for the amount of time I spend in underwear within the game. I have made the changes to the existing portrait already, thank you for the 'heads up'. Thank you! I had no idea anyone else would think about this model, as a kid I always wanted to play with her head. A personal fave' for me!
  5. This is perfect! Thank you so much, just what I had asked for! I can't thank you enough! I would appreciate it if you could set all of PFHA04's heights to that of the Czerka Protocol Officer's height if that isn't to much of a inconvenience? Thank you again for your help! I won't I will get the Tool working! Kayleigh
  6. I am using the same version. The issue is it was last updated in 2006 from what I read in the description so there will be no way of me contacting the author if he's still around I'd be astonished! When I get the pop up I have clicked both "Continue" and "Retry". "Continue" completely closes the start up and "Retry" troubleshoots but finds now ways to solve the issue. 🥺
  7. No I can't say I did either as I've used the tool in the past! 🥴 I don't have appearance.2da file so if it's not resolved I'd appreciate it if you could do the latter! Thank you! ☺️
  8. Hi all, I am having issues accessing the KOTOR Tool Application. I have used it before recently but uninstalled and now I'm trying to access it again but I'm receiving the error: "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0x3740 (14144), Thread id=0x15cc (5580)." I don't understand where the issue lies and I have tired changing the compatibility settings to previous versions of Windows, I run the application as administrator every time but, I cant seem to find a work around this issue. (Edit) I have downloaded Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 as required. Any help with this issue would be most appreciated. Kayleigh
  9. @La Ingobernable, I will have a look at the links you have provided thank you. (Edit) I am having issues accessing the KOTOR Tool application. I have downloaded Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 as required. The error message is as follows: "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0x3740 (14144), Thread id=0x15cc (5580)." If you could offer any advice at all that would be great. Kayleigh
  10. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could swap head PFHA04 for the head used by the Czerka Corporation protocol officer found on Tatooine? Also, I would appreciate if the default clothing when using this model would be her Czerka Corporation uniform. Please see below for reference photos. Kayleigh
  11. I know personally that Borna Lys uses the default commoner clothing and personally I'd be happy with that, there are ways around the underwear situation like you could make the "model A" (underwear) the default clothing which would be the same script as "model B" (the clothing) if that makes sense to you? This would mean that she doesn't have underwear she just wears clothing, I think this would be a good way round that issue for anyone else who wears the default clothing. I also know that Zaerdra wears the "military suit" as default in Kotor 1 now I'm unsure how easy this would be to make her default clothing since this is an armour set but if you could I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you again Kayleigh
  12. Hi, That would be incredible! Would they have their respective clothing? Kindest regards Kayleigh
  13. Effix, Thank you so much, I am such a fan of your head mods! I understand the limitations when using the workshop. Thank you for taking the time to undertake this request for me! There is no rush, I am just grateful for your help! Kayleigh
  14. Hi, Me again. I was wondering if anyone could make a playable head using both Dahnis's unique head and body textures? Both of which are present in KOTOR 2. Her model is also used in KOTOR 1 by Lyn Sekla. I am hoping her unique clothing would replace both the default clothing and underwear used in-game when using this specific mod. T.I.A If anyone is willing to undertake this request please don't hesitate to contact me. (Link to my first request). Please see attached a picture of the shared model in-game for reference. Kindest regards Kayleigh
  15. Hi, I am a new member here. I was wondering if anyone could make a playable head using both Ramana's unique head and body textures? Both of which are present in KOTOR 2. I am hoping her unique clothing would replace both the default clothing and underwear used in-game when using this specific mod. T.I.A If anyone is willing to undertake this request please don't hesitate to contact me. Please see attached a picture of Ramana's in-game model for reference. Kindest regards Kayleigh