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About jacksuspenders

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  1. Hey, just wanted to mention that I played through this mod as a female PC, and the camera bugged out during one of Carth's lines. I think it was "My pain is meaningless, tell him nothing". I can't recall if it went totally black or it was just partially obscured, but it wasn't facing Carth correctly, in any case.
  2. How do I get the TSLPatcher to compile my script and substitute in the 2da memory tokens? I stored a row index in 2DAMEMORY1, but my script won't compile with int nType = #2DAMEMORY1# in it. Trying to compile from the command line says that the characters # and DAMEMORY are unrecognized or some shit, if that helps. I also tried omitting the int and just using nType = whatever, but then I get an error for not declaring the variable.
  3. Hey. Not sure if I'll end up uploading this. But if I do, would you be alright with me including scripts that were based on the ones you provided? And if so, how would you like me to credit you? Also, I've discovered that DeNCS will throw some "access denied" error if I don't run the command prompt as an administrator.
  4. Thank you for your input. You were very helpful. I was able to edit your exitheart script so that the conversation would trigger normally. Where would you find the source script for k_punk_comptalk? I couldn't find one in KotOR Tool. I was under the impression that only a select number of source scripts are available, not including that one. Assuming it is unavailable, I imagine I'll have to make a replacement for the Rakatan computer's.
  5. Hello there. I'm trying to make a mod that allows Juhani to side with a dark-side PC and Bastila in the big finale at the Rakatan Temple (under certain conditions). To start, I wrote a little script that makes Juhani an available NPC and adds her back into the party. I plugged it into the dlg file unk44_evilbast and set it to run right after k_punk_bastjoin (which is the script that removes Juhani from the party and makes her unavailable). The script did successfully add Juhani back into the party and she helped DS Bastila and the PC sacrifice Jolee. But after Jolee was dead, this conversation with Bastila about disabling the disruptor field, unk44_exittrig, never triggers. And I couldn't interact with the Rakatan computer. My best guess is that the game doesn't trigger the conversation or allow you to interact with the computer until Jolee and Juhani are dead, but Juhani lives, so no can do. (Also, I think this is an unrelated issue, but Juhani's lightsaber won't turn off after the fight, in the LS ending or DS ending.) I'm grasping for some ideas or insight here as I'm not sure how to work around this. I can't imagine my script is the (direct) cause of this, since it's literally just: get Juhani, make Juhani available, add Juhani to party. I suspect that k_punk_comptalk is the source of the issue with the conversation not triggering, but I could be wrong. (The other two scripts I'll attach to this seem like they might be responsible for Juhani's lightsaber not turning off. Might be an if statement missing somewhere?} Thank you for your consideration, Jack's Suspenders. k_punk_bastatt06.ncs k_punk_bastwalk.ncs k_punk_comptalk.ncs
  6. Hello there. If prestige classes could possibly be implemented, which I don't know for certain, I imagine it would be quite involved. Cross-classing as a non-Jedi seemed relatively easy to implement, so I followed through on your suggestion. I hope you don't mind that I credited you for the idea in the description. Thank you for the feedback, comrade.
  7. View File I Don't Want to Be a Jedi Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place Submitter jacksuspenders Submitted 10/30/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  8. Version 3.0.0


    Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place
  9. If I'm understanding you correctly, then a vibrosword would use finesse if I changed its' Base Item to lightsaber? But there'd be other issues to resolve which would make it "problematic", like the sword getting a model change to a lightsaber hilt, requiring lightsaber feats, making lightsaber noises, dealing energy damage, and deflecting blaster bolts. I suspect that I could fix the model and work around the feats, and maybe the blaster bolt deflection. I think the damage and the sounds might be impossible to fix. I suppose it's not really worth it, then. Thank you for your help, in any case. I was looking to turn Mission into a swordsman. It seems odd that she has a vibroblade named after her, but has no idea how to use it effectively. I was thinking about a solution that made some sense from an RP standpoint, which was why I went to finesse, as opposed to just modding her attributes out of dex and into str. It would be odd for a small teenaged girl to be as strong as Canderous.
  10. Hello there. I understand that the Finesse feats are unavailable in K1. Finesse does exist in K1, but only for lightsabers, and it's automatic for anyone using a lightsaber, rather than being a selectable feat. I'm wondering if it's possible to make the effects of K1's finesse apply to melee weapons as well? Automatically, using the same mechanism the lightsabers use (whatever that is). Or, on a related note, does anyone know how finesse for lightsabers is implemented in K1? I found one reference in the game's 2da files, in iprp_feats.2da. I think that might be a leftover from Neverwinter Nights though. Thanks.