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Posts posted by Doctor

  1. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=25

    File Name: Lightsaber Choices

    File Submitter: Deadly Stream

    File Submitted: 07 Jan 2011

    File Updated: 17 Jul 2011

    File Category: Mods


    When you first arrive at Dantooine, you start your training to be a Jedi, after a long dialog/cutscene of your player learning the ways of the force - Master Zhar sends you off to Master Dorak who will guide

    you through choosing a lightsaber crystal.

    You speak to Dorak and he tells you about the colours of a lightsaber, although you only get to choose, blue, green & yellow, what position within the order they're associated with and then you get to choose

    your class and colour.

    You go back to Zhar and then you make your lightsaber. Now here is where this little mod comes into effect, normally you'd go to the workbench, fiddle around with nothing and look like a total pleb while

    doing it, by you I mean your PC not you personally - I'm sure you don't look like a pleb, anyway after that you then have a nice whatever colour you chose lightsaber.

    What this mod does is, before you go over to the workbench, you'll have two questions to answer - the first is what kind of lightsaber you'd like and the choices are;


    * Standard Lightsaber

    * Double-Bladed Lightsaber

    * Short lightsaber


    The second question is which colour would you like, now it is important what you select here because you won't get the colour you told Dorak earlier you will get the colour you select now.

    Anyway we now have more choices, you can select any default game colour you'd like instead of just blue, green or yellow. The choices are;


    * Blue

    * Green

    * Yellow

    * Red

    * Purple


    After selecting the type and colour of the lightsaber, your PC will go to the workbench and look like a pleb while fiddling with nothing, like normal.


    If you already have a file called dan13_zhar.dlg in your override folder, or packaged into a .mod file, then you will have problems with this, if this is the case PM on Lucas Forums or mine (

    with the name of the mod that file came from and I'll contact the author and see if I can make them compatible.


    There shouldn't be any bugs or glitches with this but if you do find one please let me know.




    Copy the 'override' folder into your main KOTOR directory. To uninstall delete the files 'dan13_zhar.dlg' & 'deadly_g1 - g15.ncs' from your override folder.


    Click here to download this file

  2. It's a bit of both, the bandwidth is very high already and it was just to try prevent it getting higher.


    I haven't gotten around to trying TSLRCM yet either, I haven't played TSL in over a year. I get 2 weeks holiday now for Christmas so I'm going to hunt out the disks, god knows what I've done with them though.

  3. I believe the post template was an old vBulletin setting that conflicted with the new software although it should never have shown on the registration page. I've checked everything out and as far as I can see it's gone from everywhere now.


    As for the limit, it's to help control the bandwidth. To keep things simple it's been removed now.

  4. The one file per day was there before too. I've changed it to 2 now so the fix can be downloaded too.


    With the registration page, what problem did you have? I wasn't aware anything was wrong and it hasn't been changed since the site was re-launched so it couldn't have been fixed.

  5. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=21

    File Name: Ithorian Cantina

    File Submitter: Doctor

    File Submitted: 28 Dec 2010

    File Category: Mods

    TSLRCM Compatible: No


    Don’t install this mod until after Lt Grenn tells you that you are free to go pending the Republic leading an investigation, if you do you will need to start again with the save from when you first reach Telos.


    This mod will change the Ithorian Compound opening a new area beside Chodo Habat's office which is normally inaccessible.


    The new area will have a small cantina which has a merchant, a replicator and a few characters, two of which will be used in a new plot.


    When you start the side missions for Chodo Habat, first you have to go to Dock Module 106 and return the new Droid Intelligence to the Ithorian Compound, after telling the droid that you'll take him back to the Ihorians, the game automatically takes you back to the compound and starts a conversation with Chodo Habat - at the end of dialog you'll find a new journal entry, or possibly two I'm not sure off hand - anyway one of them will be Ithorian Traitor.


    Now all you have to do is follow the journal entries to complete the mission - I don't want to give a step by step guide here as there won't be any point in downloading the mod.


    All I'm going to say is you have to speak to a few characters, interact with things inside the cantina, travel around Citadel Station and fight a few people to advance the plot.


    You'll get XP for working through the plot and when you fight the bad guys plus at the end Atton will... make a friend. His mate, Tariga will follow him around like Bao-Dur’s Remote – unlike Remote though Tariga will be useful, he’s a Jedi Consular who advances in level/powers with the rest of the party, he’s got a few things to say in a couple of cut scenes and when you talk to him he’ll tell you about the planet you’re on and make you some medpacks, grenades & mines… but don’t ask for too many or he’ll politely tell you were to go.


    Click here to download this file

  6. I've always been partial to games and the people that play them.


    I think games give us a chance to escape from real life for a while, especially RPG's where you can give yourself a completely different character such as being bad, or in my case being bad for a while and then feeling awful about it later. Can't tell you the amount of gold I've spent in the first Fable at the temple of light or whatever it was called.


    Welcome to Deadly Stream.

  7. I've fixed the two title fields problem, it was two settings that were conflicting with each other.


    The reviewers are the ones who approve all mods, eventually they will be able to actually give a review of the mods too but there's still a bit of work to be done on that side yet.

  8. Yes, the site is great!


    One thing though, I can't see the chatbox anywhere around here...


    The IRC server still isn't ready just yet, it should be up in the next couple of days.



    The site is nice. I never saw the last one but I'd imagine this is an improvement.

    It's a hell of an improvement, I never realised how crap the old one was to be honest.

  long has this site been functioning? Everything looks professional, like it's been here for months, maybe even years. Props to all of you guys, seriously. My head would burst into flames if I even tried to start a forum site. O.O


    This site has technically been up since July 2010 although it has been going since January 2008 but due to problems we lost the whole site early July and had to start again.

  9. Please only create a thread here if you have uploaded your work on another site and wish to announce it to the community.


    If you wish to host your work here, please upload it to the Downloads Section rather than attaching it to a post.


    Amongst other things, uploading it to the Downloads Section will allow your work to be featured in the latest files area of our homepage, allow other members to rate it and give it the chance to become a featured file. It also allows us to backup all files a lot easier.


    If you use our Downloads Section, there is no need to create a topic here as one will automatically be created as soon as your files is approved by a member of staff.

  10. Yeah almost everything will be coming over. The only thing that won't will be the arcade scores.


    As for the posting limit, honest answer is I'm really not sure what the limit will be. I haven't actually come across that setting in IPB - I'll look for it later and try post an update before I close the forum tonight, I'm now off to finish/more or less start Christmas shopping.

  11. That's the trouble I had last night, every half hour or so I had to keep blowing my nose or I was coughing.


    Today I've had a lazy day, just been huddled up on the sofa watching some movies, I recommend all 3 Tinker Bell movies, they were bloody brilliant. There's nothing better when you're down than watching a proper Disney movie, by proper I mean an animated one. Little Mermaid is next I think.

  12. Blocked nose+sore throat for me. Coughing and sneezing simoultaneously is very painful.

    I, somehow, actually like the taste of the Lemsip drink ;)


    Dude.. What planet are you from? Even with sugar or honey I can't stand the crap.