
Stealth Administrators
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Posts posted by Doctor

  1. I just can't understand what's happening over there lately.


    They always used to be helpful, there were never many major bugs and even fewer smaller bugs. Now it's full of little things like the time problem.


    And the staff are so bloody rude. I have 3 licenses, 2 in use and 1 spare. I don't want to go into details but I've sold the spare license and while processing it, the customer services guy made a comment about where the other one is used.


    I wrote a lengthy reply telling him how that was unacceptable and finished it off with telling them to cancel my whole account, I will never use vBulletin again.


    I did however delete it and just replied with whatever but I will not be using vBulletin again.

  2. I'm slowly working on a new style but it's taking longer than expected.


    The vBulletin styling system is so bloated and heavy. Just as one part starts looking something half decent, another part then looks crap again.


    Seriously I'm having serious doubts about vBulletin now. Bugs that should never have been in the first place are still around nearly a year later, little to no support from vBulletin themselves and the support they do give isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to transmit. And they're now in the process of being sold yet again.


    It would be nice if XenForo could work here.


    I'll get the new style done soon.

  3. Thanks, doc. Also...could we get a theme that doesn't send me into an epileptic fit? :P


    Yeah sure. I hate this theme more than I hate my brother-in-law and I really, really can't stand that prick.


    What kind of theme are you looking for? Light or dark or bright fluorescent pink?

  4. Whereas Deadlystream is a safe place where nothing has ever been lost. :)


    That's why costs have gone up so much, I'm not trusting backups to anyone now.


    Anyway I certainly didn't mean to generate more costs! If you wanna do that, go for it. Me, I'd be fine with just a forum.

    I wont get another one straight away, I'll wait and see if it's used first before buying another server.


    This one can handle it for a while yet but if a lot of people hosted mods here we would need another one.


    Should I turn off NoScript? :)


    I would love to put a big notice up saying "click the bloody ads!" but that would get us banned from adsense, we have to hope people would click the ads. It would be better if they were more relevant.

  5. I'll take a look and see what I can do.


    I think we might benefit from an additional server though if we're hosting files. The transfers will make the sites slow down and although it's a dedicated server it's not just [noparse][/noparse] hosted here. I'll have to find a way of generating a bit more revenue too, the ads don't even cover half the cost of one server yet.

  6. I can't remember how to make a new navtab at the moment and it looks like I shall being going into hospital for a few days now, damn it, and I haven't got the time to try make one now so I made a quick notice at the top of the forums with a link to get the posts made in the last 24 hours. It will only be displayed on the main forum pages and not the thread pages. If you dismiss the notice (using the little 'X' in the top right corner), log out and then log in again and it will be back.


    Hopefully I won't be gone for more than a couple of days, like I said I will check in while I'm gone.


    If you come across anything that needs changing, please post it in this thread.

  7. Bloody hell, I never checked those or the downloads, I was too busy trying to fix the styles.


    I'll get it fixed, depending on the problem it may not be until late tomorrow or Thursday though as it's now 10.45pm and I have to get up at 4.30am to be at work at 5am.