
Stealth Administrators
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Posts posted by Doctor

  1. I'm not too fond of the dark either but last time we made styles it was voted to be dark.


    Would you like me to make another style/styles and keep it the default colours but change the blue to green/yellow/red and better blue?


    I've enabled the default vBulletin style again so you can see what I mean.

  2. Yeah it will be, I'll be making a blue, red and yellow style like the old forums.


    To be honest I will most likely wait until vBulletin 4.1.0 as the style system will be changing, again, and the styles will probably break. However I will definitely wait until this green style is perfect as then it will just be a case of replacing the green with the other colours.


    User profiles still need some major changes which I'm working on but I think most of the other aspects are complete now.

  3. The vb 3 was quicker to style, you just change a couple of things and the whole forum was sorted, with vb 4 each part of the forum has a different style option, it's better in as much as you can customise each section how you want but it takes a lot longer to achieve, that and the names for the settings aren't that obvious, you have to decipher what they mean.

  4. OK, now I see black text on near-black grey background. Hard to read. Especially with all the white elements of the rest of the page shining in my eyes.


    It wasn't like that, so I doubt it's final.


    It wasn't final, I'm still tweaking things and most likely will be for the next couple of days.


    If you see anything that doesn't look right or don't like please let me know.


    Me too cannot find where to change forum scin. How to change it?


    It's at the bottom of the screen at the left.

  5. I've been having a bit of a play around and created a 'Dynamic' signature image for members to use on other forums.


    The image will pull information from the database and show your information about your account here such as user title and post count.


    You can find the code to use in your My Settings found here.


    This what the image looks like but obviously it will show your info and not mine.




    The font for your name is a php font I made from the Star Wars windows font, it's not come out as well as I had hoped so I will be making a new one but it will automatically change once I replace it.

  6. The downloads section is back now, well it never disappeared as such - The downloads page was there but at some stage whilst altering the style to green/black, the links for the downloads, arcade, blogs and bug tracker disappeared.


    Speaking of the style, this crappy thing here is only a temporary measure, as soon as I get some spare time I'll make a better one.

  7. Sorry I should've explained better.


    Once you join the new group, you should see a new option in the edit your details section of My Settings to edit your user title.


    When you join the group, you may have to select an option that says something on the lines of 'make this my primary group'.

  8. So who do we murder for this?


    Honestly, should move to some reliable service. The Internet's the limit.


    Yeah I chose a small local company, kinda owning one myself I like to try an support local companies but it was a huge mistake.


    At least it seems most of us survived...

    The only thing... I'm a 'Junior Member' again... Nooooo :P


    I'll change it so everyone can have a custom title now.