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Posts posted by Doctor

  1. Thank you for hosting your work here and updating the permissions for us too.


    It's a shame about filefront, that's where I first heard about LF which of course led me to modding (something I have to get back into soon).


    To be honest when it was suggested we become what we are today, I never intended or wanted to replace K Files and as much as it would be nice if we were the main place, I still want K Files to be around. Mind you that's a long way off.

  2. They were for Dorak - streamwaves > m13aa > dora08 > NM13AADORA08001_.wav and then through to 8006_.wav


    Yeah I'm sure I did try as mp3 - I'll try again later and see but I'm nearly 100% sure I tried mp3 before converting them back to wav.

  3. I've edited a couple of VO's and placed them back in their correct folder however they don't play in game anymore.


    I changed the files to mp3, edited them and then changed them back to wav - Obviously I've missed something somewhere but I have no idea what.


    Has anyone got an ideas?

  4. Some of you may remember we used to have a Green, Blue, Red & Yellow variation of the style.


    We now have an Orange variation and the guys who designed the style have a Blue & Red on the way too. The Orange will replace the Yellow as in all honesty that never really worked.


    To make the site Orange, you can change it in the drop down box at the bottom left of all pages.


    To change it quickly now, click this link to Make DS Orange.

  5. After the IRC serving being down for a while, I've installed the IPS Chat system as a temporary system.


    The style does need changing and I'll be working on that over the next few days but it does work.

  6. Have you tried downloading it since registering? Guests can't access the downloads area.


    Also make sure you use the download file link on the files info page and no other link, each time the files are requested they have a unique key and other links will expire after an hour or so.


    Lastly try with a different browers and see what happens.


    If you still have no success try taking a screenshot and attaching it here, if possible also note the exact time and timezone so we can check the server logs.

  7. Lost your disc's! shame on you :P one other question does it matter if I were to load the 64bit version on should I stay with 32bit?


    Actually lost is the wrong phrase - I still have the disks I just have no idea where they're currently residing.