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Status Updates posted by Doctor

  1. At the bottom right of each post there's a plus and minus button.

    Each click adds or take away one point.

    I believe it's possible to change those though, for example clicking add gives a point but clicking minus takes 10 points etc.

  2. You don't have to use YouTube, we have the following video bbcodes installed # Hulu

    # YouTube

    # Vimeo

    # Dailymotion

    # Metacafe

    # Google

    # facebook


    Just click the insert video button in the editor and paste the link.

  3. As usual that looks great.(@YouTube

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPhil


      It looks good, but I would have dumped the apples without any order to shorten the time it takes to make the pie :P

    3. MrPhil


      So I've dicided I'd do such a pie tonight :P

    4. MrPhil


      Yeah, 'twas a good one I gotta say!

  4. Blimey, it's just gone over a year since we started again. How things have changed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor


      I'm the first to admit that the old site was pretty bloody crap.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Please check your PMs. I have sent two that you should see as soon as possible.

    4. Doctor


      Got them.

  5. Have had a tooth out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Doctor


      Turns out the bugger is infected :(

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I hope the procedure is relatively painless.

    4. Doctor


      Unfortunately not - I was in there for an hour and half and it took 4 shots of anesthetic to numb it and then it wasn't completely numb.


      I've now gotta take two different antibiotics four times a day for 5 days.

  6. How come after 20, birthdays are just another day?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stoney


      After 40 you start trying to ignore birthdays. :)

    3. MrPhil


      After 50, you try to forget and make forget (that) its your birthday.

    4. Doctor


      Bugger it. I'll stop after 30.

  7. I have bloody toothache.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      At least it isn't a teeth-ache. (J/K, feel better)

    2. MrPhil


      Lol for SH. Hope you get some magic candies to "fix the ache" :P

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Logan tried putting up a patch for Revenge of Revan but no files are there when people try to download it. Can the original upload be removed so he can try it again?

  8. I liked a @YouTube video How to pickle onions

  9. I liked a @YouTube video The Great British Crumpet

    1. Doctor


      She's a bit eccentric but I do enjoy her videos.

  10. I've got a cold

    1. Doctor


      I bloody wish I couldn't, this has been hell. I've been off work all sodding week too.


    2. Mandalore


      Not nice. I had a cold a few wekks ago (can't say I didn't deserve it - that's what happens when you deliberately stand in the pouring rain instead of getting out an umbrella or going inside). Anyway, hope you get better soon.

    3. Doctor


      Good thing out of it though, I've stopped smoking and intend on staying stopped now.

  11. Isn't it funny when you start an argumet between your best mate and his girl (although not intentionally) and the get to watch them bickering for hours.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doctor


      and she doesn't want to do a test yet as she's scared it will come back negative. Anyway he asked me to ask her to do one.


      So there we were Saturday night and he said Matt ask her - I replied ask her what.


      He said what we were talking about the other day, about peeing.


      Now I forget the recent conversation about a test but do remember the one months ago.

    3. Doctor


      So I turn to her and casual say Tanita can Joni piss in your mouth.


      Well he bursts out laughing, she starts shouting at me telling me I'm disgusting and after her smacking me a few times Joni manages to say that he meant doing a test.


      So I then ask her to piss on a stick and that's when the arguing started.



    4. Doctor


      She was furious that he told me because she wanted to tell me so they argued for hours after that with me laughing and being told by both of them to shut up.

  12. Just became a mod over at The Admin Zone... Woot!

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      The What Zone? 0_0

  13. Just had fun burning a wasp nest

    1. TimBob12
    2. Mandalore
    3. Doctor


      We have 2 of those great shipping containers and it was on the door of one of those, first we hurled stones at it to piss them off and then torched the bugger... Good times.

  14. My Sim just took a massive crap and didn't wash his hands... Dirty bastard.

    1. Destin Folios

      Destin Folios

      I hate when that happens. It's almost as bad as random people visiting you, eating your food, and dropping the trash on the floor. It gets me hella mad.

    2. JoeWJ


      Well they say the Sim is a version of the player... :P

    3. Doctor


      Anyone know how to get a Sim to move in with you? My dude is now married but I can't figure out how to get the Mrs to move in with... probably for the best though :)

  15. Not yet, I think they might be at work.

  16. Oh god - Dobby's dead!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPhil


      Uh? The book has been out there for very long. At this rate, it's not like it should be a big spoiler :P

    3. Doctor


      Actually compared to the others I thought it was a little boring really. There's some good films out this year, can't wait for X Men.

    4. Mandalore


      X-Men, Iron Man 3, the Avengers (that may be next year, I can't remember) and Thor are what I'm waiting for.

  17. So very tired...

    1. Mandalore


      I second that statement.

  18. Try it now buddy.

  19. Try now, you should be able to purchase it.

  20. Unfortunately it can't be done with audio only with video at the moment.

  21. VAT Return time again :(

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Is there a thread for the new donations portion seen on the first page?

  22. What file format was it?

  23. what's the size of it?

  24. Yeah I'm looking in to it, not sure if I'll be able to do anything as it just brings an IRC client into the forum.