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Cerez last won the day on May 1 2019

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15 Jedi Padawan


About Cerez

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. They bought a universe, and they threw it away...

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    2. Cerez


      Hey Bek,

      You know, I keep telling this to people, you can reach me anytime on my email address (noted in any of my mods), which hasn't changed. Just because I'm not on JKHub, or any other SW site, doesn't mean I'm unreachable...

      I'm fine. Life hasn't been easy for me. I've had a little more free time lately, so I've started getting back into modding. (Still working on The Clone Wars Missions, haven't given up.)

      (Still haven't forgiven Caelum, Eez, and the awful things that transpired at JKHub, either. I never did receive an apology for being discriminated against, abused, and wronged, which speaks volume about their character and the nature of their leadership and community...)

      How about you?

    3. Bek


      I've been fine man. I've taken a long break from the nodding scene. I've been thinking about uploading some of the old mods I haven't finished, though I have half a mind to just finish them up and be done with it all. Haven't really as much free time as I used to.

    4. Cerez


      Probably best to wait until you feel passionate about working on them again. I find that giving things a long break, then rewatching old movies and shows I love, when I feel the need to, gets me going again (paying no mind to the passage of time). This is content that is mostly timeless because it speaks to the human condition, so it doesn't matter even if your work comes out decades later, and Disney hasn't exactly been helpful in keeping anyone motivated with their new content lately -- intent on doing their own thing, they've been doing zilch to build on any existing world and culture, and, as a result, the Star Wars fan and modding scene has suffered in the recent years tremendously...  So you're definitely not alone here.

      Personally, I've been digging into my other interests as well. When there's not enough for me to work with in Star Wars, I turn to other games and literature I love and enjoy. I've made quite a few new discoveries since. Variety is healthy and variety is key (as well as independence) to imagination and quality of work. After all, that's how George Lucas created Star Wars to begin with.

      I don't listen to corporations (couldn't care less), I don't follow mainstream trends, and I will always be both open to and critical about any form of art. Art should always be free from such such efforts of control and restraint, and it belongs in the hearts of those who truly appreciate it.