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About Frykas

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 10/17/1995

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    Poland, Warsaw

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  1. I have virtually zero knowlege of working the installer but this is some great mod, thank you for this!
  2. View File TSL Plague and Affliction Fix This is a very straightforward mod. It provides fixes proposed in this slightly rage'y but extremaly explanatory post . <<I providede three files, main one chcanges only duration and ticks, <<Vulnerable bosses subfolder increases also the DC to 121 to make it truly irresistable. <<TSL rebalance subfolder contains a version with increased duration but same amout of ticks (7) and (12) respectively for affliction and plague (plague at DC100), and is proposed to be used with my mod in progress TSL Tactical Combat Mod. However, with or without TCM, any of the files can be used. <<<Instalation>>> Drop into override oflder. <<<Uninstalation>>> Remove from override folder. <<<Permissions>>> Credit goes to the OP from obsidian forums, my files from this mod you can redistribute or put into compilations without notice, credit is always welcome. Feel free to also repackage it at will. Cheers! Submitter Frykas Submitted 07/04/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a very straightforward mod. It provides fixes proposed in this slightly rage'y but extremaly explanatory post . <<I providede three files, main one chcanges only duration and ticks, <<Vulnerable bosses subfolder increases also the DC to 121 to make it truly irresistable. <<TSL rebalance subfolder contains a version with increased duration but same amout of ticks (7) and (12) respectively for affliction and plague (plague at DC100), and is proposed to be used with my mod in progress TSL Tactical Combat Mod. However, with or without TCM, any of the files can be used. <<<Instalation>>> Drop into override oflder. <<<Uninstalation>>> Remove from override folder. <<<Permissions>>> Credit goes to the OP from obsidian forums, my files from this mod you can redistribute or put into compilations without notice, credit is always welcome. Feel free to also repackage it at will. Cheers!
    This has gave me a headache ever since I first played KOTOR II just as it came out. THANK YOU!
  4. Sure, makes sense, thanks for the heads up.
  5. Oh, ok, so what you mean is that would limit the mod compatibility because patcher can't "fuse" two dialog.tlk?
  6. Hello, I'm currently doing the same changes (descriptions of modified force powers) and it seems that TalkEd v1.0.4b allows for easy change withoud adding another strings. I just tested it with description of force burst and it worked like a charm. On the screenshot you can see I changed the duration described from 36 to 48 seconds.
  7. Hello, have you had any luck Arizael? I'm trying to do simmilar thing but got stuck just as you did.
  8. Hello all. Last year I started my work on this mod. It is in no way finnished but work became a hustle so I had to leave it for a year. Now I wanted to go back but outright, my biggest problem is that I can't at all and don't know how to get any of it to work. TCM was suposed to extend combat duration and opan a venue for real tactic like combat and make feats like: attacking enemy with a team member (can't remember the name of it) bonus make actual sense to pick. That means that damage outputs or health reserves had to be adjusted but also that force power durations had to be extended. That's where scripting comes in. The file that needs to be modified is k_sp1_generic.ncs as I've seen done in two other mods which I would like to just recomend but nither of them is balanced enough for what I want to do with this mod (still very cool mods). Another thing is the five "sets" that encompass level-gain to determine when to increase enemy levels and all that. Editing the values is easy but nowhere can I fing information on which level you go from set 1 to set 2. And that is it for now other than simply people to give me some feedback. So, two things I desperately need help with: 1. Some good soul to explain as to a dummy how to edit k_sp1_generic.ncs 2. How to find and maybe modify enemy autobalance "sets" (shown in kotor tool) Really hoping someone would help. Thanks in advance. And as always, all best!
  9. Mostly my idea is that with new levels you get diffrent more powerful force powers and feats and simply more of them so you can combine them in many ways. If fights would also take longer that makes is possible to make this a tactical game when you have to add certain buffs or debuff enemy to make it through. In my opinion KOTOR II has amazing potential for that. Hence the mod.
  10. Had some trouble adding this screenshot so here it is.
  11. View File TSL Tactical Combat Mod <<<TSL Tactical Combat Mod>>> by Frykas <<About>> If you ever felt that after lvl 15 in KotOR 2, your PC and team got all powerful (Fredon's Nadd tomb being the exception) and pazaak with Atton on (Republic Senat's rules) was more fun than slaying couple more thugs or beasts than this mod is for you. After playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity, I realized that TSL had nearly the same potential for tactical fights but after less than half the game you had to be counter productive to have a fight that lasts more than 4 seconds. Honestly most times I didn't have time to use more than two force buffs because everyone was already dead. Difficulty changes only enemy damage output so it makes things harder but enemies still drop like flies. This mod aims (and will aim, definitely not finished) to correct that. <<Changes>> Files changed are classes.2da, autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs; autobalance has significantly increased NPC's health, slightly buffed saving throws, set NPC's level to be equal to PC. Classes.2da doubled gained health (on lvlup) by PC and team and raised force point gain (on lvlup) by 50%. !!!Because of game mechanics, increased health points and force poins gain doesnt work retroactively, meaning you'll have to start a new game (as even KSE cannot change your vitality poins directly), this will probably NOT be "fixed" in future releases. Enemy HP and other changes will apply once you enter new area after installing. <<Compatibility>> This mod works with TSLRCM and is being tested and developed to work with it. If you don't have TSLRCM instaled changes might not be appropriate for your playthrough. This mod should work with any other mod that doesn't change those files: Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da, k_sp1_force.ncs ADITIONAL FILE: dialog.tlk included in this download goes to the main folder and not override. It should be comatible with the TSl RCM game but any mod that changes dialog.tlk might not be compatible and will require testing. My file includes modified force powers descriptions to account for extended duration. <<Install>> Drop files to Override (who doesn't like that? ) Dialog.tlk goes to main install folder and make sure to back it up lest you have to reinstall main game and mods. <<Uninstall>> Well, this is going to be difficult... (remove Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs from Override folder, replace dialog.tlk with backed up version if you used it) <<Future changes>> -A lot more testing and figuring out the perfect balance -If you have an idea for more changes or would like to help with this leave a comment or PM me. All the best! Submitter Frykas Submitted 05/05/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  12. Version v1.0


    <<<TSL Tactical Combat Mod>>> by Frykas <<About>> If you ever felt that after lvl 15 in KotOR 2, your PC and team got all powerful (Fredon's Nadd tomb being the exception) and pazaak with Atton on (Republic Senat's rules) was more fun than slaying couple more thugs or beasts than this mod is for you. After playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity, I realized that TSL had nearly the same potential for tactical fights but after less than half the game you had to be counter productive to have a fight that lasts more than 4 seconds. Honestly most times I didn't have time to use more than two force buffs because everyone was already dead. Difficulty changes only enemy damage output so it makes things harder but enemies still drop like flies. This mod aims (and will aim, definitely not finished) to correct that. <<Changes>> Files changed are classes.2da, autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs; autobalance has significantly increased NPC's health, slightly buffed saving throws, set NPC's level to be equal to PC. Classes.2da doubled gained health (on lvlup) by PC and team and raised force point gain (on lvlup) by 50%. !!!Because of game mechanics, increased health points and force poins gain doesnt work retroactively, meaning you'll have to start a new game (as even KSE cannot change your vitality poins directly), this will probably NOT be "fixed" in future releases. Enemy HP and other changes will apply once you enter new area after installing. <<Compatibility>> This mod works with TSLRCM and is being tested and developed to work with it. If you don't have TSLRCM instaled changes might not be appropriate for your playthrough. This mod should work with any other mod that doesn't change those files: Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da, k_sp1_force.ncs ADITIONAL FILE: dialog.tlk included in this download goes to the main folder and not override. It should be comatible with the TSl RCM game but any mod that changes dialog.tlk might not be compatible and will require testing. My file includes modified force powers descriptions to account for extended duration. <<Install>> Drop files to Override (who doesn't like that? ) Dialog.tlk goes to main install folder and make sure to back it up lest you have to reinstall main game and mods. <<Uninstall>> Well, this is going to be difficult... (remove Classes.2da, Autobalance.2da and k_sp1_force.ncs from Override folder, replace dialog.tlk with backed up version if you used it) <<Future changes>> -A lot more testing and figuring out the perfect balance -If you have an idea for more changes or would like to help with this leave a comment or PM me. All the best!
  13. Hello everyone! I'm currently working on a re-balance mod for TSL. It is supposed to extend combat time so you actually have time to use different tactics and combos, given that at level 25 fights usually get down to three powers and 1 attack and either you are dead or the enemy. After playing Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity I thought that TSL also has the potential for more fun in combat. That being said the last piece missing is extending the force powers duration. I have little experience in working with Odyssey Engine and none with scripting. I found this awesome mod by cyricc ( but given that I have no knowledge of orienting myself in TSL script I couldn't get around to modify the k_sp1_generic.ncs file. I was hoping someone might be able to help me with getting around to extend duration of some force powers. Thanks in advance! P.S. In attachment there is decompiled k_sp1_generic.ncs. If anyone could confirm that it's decompiled correctly, that would be a big help.
  14. Hi! Awesome mod, but any chance you could explain how you got it done? I'm working on a rebalancing mod for TSL and scripting is the last obstacle. I've had a look at k_sp1_generic.ncs but instantly realised I don't know how to change it properly. Pls help