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About Magnetiicz

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    Jedi Padawan

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  1. The only issue now is the wrapper itself its outdated by 7 years so hopefully somebody will update it to work better. There is alot of screen flickering in some parts and texture blinking.
  2. Xiiviiniity has been able to get the game to boot with remix with the qindiegl wrapper
  3. Last image i uploaded won't show since yesterday
  4. Magnetiicz


    Image not showing you'll have to download it
  5. Magnetiicz


    Just exaggerated alien muscle definition
  6. crateswitch for jedi outcast
  7. I like this one better than original color.
  8. Yes it is but one variation of many.
  9. Awesome glad you like it...are doing 1024 texture sizes.
  10. Yea i wouldn't say the texture is tailored to fit on the model correctly but kool.
  11. Id like to know the secret can't get it to load