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Everything posted by jjo

  1. Visas/Brianna Fight, Part II: Missing a period. Fade to black. Personally, I think it's a bit of a bummer there's no closeups of Brianna, but that may just be me. Also, I guess Visas wins this battle since the scene where the party attacks Kreia still triggered (with only her and Atton attacking Kreia) after the remote powers up all the consoles. As an aside, this always happens in my game during the confrontation between Mira and Hanharr on Malachor: It never fails to remind me of But anyway, I'd like to say a big "Thank You!" to the TSLRCM team who made viewing these cutscenes possible. Awesome work, guys.
  2. And for those of you who are interested: the Handmaiden/Visas fight! Wooo! This should happen if you are a male Exile that has very high influence with Visas and very low influence with Handmaiden. For me, it triggered right after I defeated that huge storm beast in the Malachor Depths. of the audio I found on Youtube. Visas/Brianna Fight, Part I: Visas is chillin'. She decides to go for a stroll, but is cut off by Brianna.
  3. I meant "destroy" in a personality sense, but "persuade" is a much better word. I should sleep more. Atton will still "leave" Malachor with a DS Exile which confuses me. But Kreia does mention that you can take one of the ships that orbits Malachor to leave. I guess there wasn't a bik movie made with a different ship leaving the planet. And I also wondered how the Ebon Hawk would be able to fly out of the core since I imagine that long fall didn't do it any good. But it's not a big deal.
  4. I pretty much always go to Nar Shaddaa first since much of the team is assembled there and there are lots of influence and Jedification opportunities. Also, I'll sometimes play through Peragus, Telos, and Nar Shaddaa as neutral to get Mira (one of my favorite characters) and then fall to the Dark Side. The rest vary, but I'll usually go to Dantooine afterward (to pick up the Exile crystal, Jedify Bao-Dur, and get Disciple if I play female), then Dxun/Onderon (after which I'll backtrack to Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine to help Mandalore gather the clans), then Korriban, and finish with the second visit to Onderon.
  5. I'm guessing you didn't have the HK-51s join your side since that ending usually triggers if HK-50 HK-47 is destroyed by G0-T0 (or if you played as a DS Exile). I think (and I could very well be wrong) that the Exile doesn't leave Malachor in that ending since the bik movie is called "Assuming the Dark Throne".
  6. Yes, I did mean to have Bao-Dur himself be a Dark Sider. Also, I'm a she. Kind of. Influence is a weird thing in TSL. You can unlock rewards by having high or low influence. It's kind of counter-intuitive because your teammates will tell you all their secrets if they really like you, but also if they hate you. However, having high influence with a character means their alignment will reflect yours. So if your DSM Exile gets high influence with Bao-Dur, Bao-Dur will become a DS character. If he gets low influence with Bao-Dur, he will be the opposite alignment and move more and more towards the LS. Once your influence is low enough or high enough (10 or 90), you can Jedify your teammates. If your DSM Exile has influence at 10 with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Jedi since his alignment will be opposite yours and thus, will be LS. On the other hand, if your DSM Exile has 90 influence with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Dark Jedi since his alignment will reflect yours and he will be DS. This rule applies to all of your teammates except, as HH noted, Kreia (who stays neutral regardless of influence level). There are benefits and disadvantages to both high and low influence. If you have teammates whose alignment is opposite yours, they can use force powers of that alignment with decreased cost (so LS Bao-Dur can use Heal on everyone with less cost than you can, being a DSM Exile). With low influence, certain scenes would trigger as this thread is all about (I'm still working on Brianna/Visas - life kind of got busy for me this week). Personally, when I play DS, I love watching my goody two-shoe counterparts fall with me. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction that I just don't get when their alignment is opposite mine since it's more work to turn Disciple, Bao-Dur, and Mira into Dark Jedi than it is to simply be mean to them and leave them on their LS path. Also, I like having an army of zombie-looking companions. At the end of the game at Malachor, Kreia will also say different things about your companions depending on their alignment, not yours. So, if you're LS and gain high influence with Disciple or if you're DS and gain low influence with him, his fate (according to Kreia) will be the same since he ends up being LS in both scenarios. But if the Disciple falls to the DS along with a DS Exile (or if a LS Exile somehow manages to lose a bunch of influence with him), Kreia's depiction of his fate changes. I am unsure if that mod affects this system as I don't use it, but I hope this helped clarify some things.
  7. Alright, thanks. Oh man, I love turning Bao-Dur into a dark Jedi since he starts looking like Darth Maul. You have to take LS hits to dark Jedify him, but I think they're worth it. I always found Brianna fairly easy to Jedify regardless of alignment. Just be nice to her, answer all her questions, avoiding talking to her on the Ebon Hawk after Visas shows up, and win the 3 duels against her. I don't remember any LS hits to dark Jedify her, but it's been a while since I played DSM and was nice to her.
  8. Sorry about that, HH. I've always gotten positive influence with Mandalore from gathering the clans, but it was never enough as a lightsider. But he's easy to gain influence with when playing DS and unlocking his past doesn't award any EXP or anything, so it's not a big deal. Off topic, but I have a "warn status" bar underneath my avatar on the left that I didn't have before. But I don't think I've ever gotten a warning. Does that bar show up after a certain amount of posts or is it something I should be concerned about?
  9. I always let Tobin live if I play LS and I've never lost influence with Mandalore. Weird. I will, however, gain influence with him if I kill Tobin. Also, I'm pretty sure that infinite influence bug was fixed. And Mira is also super easy to Jedify. I really enjoyed turning her into a dark Jedi, though. It's funny how much I enjoy playing DS in TSL whereas I much prefer playing LS in KOTOR.
  10. Losing influence with Atton is very difficult, but it is possible. I did use KSE to lower his influence to 10 just to make sure those cutscenes would trigger, but I was able to dip down into the low 30s before that (I was able to fix the problem with KSE not working). Basically, don't have him in your party when you interact with anyone because you will gain influence with him, regardless if you act LS or DS. I always found Atton to be the easiest member to gain influence with. To lose influence with him, you have to actively be mean to him at different times. I unfortunately missed the Peragus opportunities, but if I had done those, I could probably have lost enough influence without using KSE. When you unlock your first influence opportunity on the Harbinger, be mean to Atton. And again, when he mentions he has a "bad feeling about this", threaten him. I basically went through Telos without having him on my party. After meeting with Atris, ask one of the Handmaiden Sisters about your companions and she'll mention Atton has Echani training. To gain influence with Atton, ask him about it and when he refuses to answer, just say "I meant no harm - I just thought it could be an asset" or something like that. Pressing him about it will cause an influence loss. A great influence-related opportunity is the broken airspeeder on Nar Shaddaa. Different team members will offer help on the different things that need to be repaired. Atton will offer his help on the security-related part and being mean to him will cause an influence drop whereas accepting his help will result in an influence gain (As a side note, HK-47 will offer help on the demolitions-related part and Bao-Dur will check the airspeeder out at the very end. I don't think Visas or Kreia offers to help with anything. I didn't test T3, Mandalore, Hanharr, Mira, Handmaiden, G0-T0, or Disciple). But yeah. Atton is probably the most difficult team member to lose influence with, outside of Mandalore (who I have never lost influence with and can't gain enough influence with when playing LS). I'm working on triggering the Handmaiden/Visas fight and losing influence with Handmaiden was super easy. I just checked in KSE and my influence with her is at 2. Wow, that was a really long post. Hopefully someone got some use out of that and it wasn't just me rambling.
  11. Bummer. That is kind of a shame.
  12. VP's HandSister Fix is NOT compatible with TSLRCM 1.7. I have Xi's Cyan and Silver Lightsaber Fix, Player and Party Underwear (but only the male boxers, female briefs, the dancer's outfit, and Visas' LS and DS underwear), and Better Male Bodies, which all work fine. However, I wouldn't recommend installing Bao-Dur's underwear from the Player and Party mod. During the remote's scene on Malachor, the hologram videos were of him in his underwear instead of his normal clothing. But that may have just been me.
  13. Atton's Death, Part II: So there's that. The game ends. To compare, here is a Youtube video of Atton's death scene with a male Exile. Hope you enjoyed these.
  14. Atton's Death, Part I (female Exile - IIRC, the conversation doesn't differ between DS and LS. I lost my LSF Exile playthrough, so here's the DS. This triggers if you have very high influence with Atton and he loses the fight against Sion. It should show after you defeat Kreia.) Strollin' Exile: This scene actually includes dialog choices, but I'm pretty sure Atton says the same thing regardless of what you pick.
  15. Being a noob, I didn't realize what the image limit per post was, so I'll have to quadruple post. Atton vs. Mical Part II I'm assuming this line should be spoken during a closeup of Mical's face. Instead, it is a closeup of Atton's neck and chest. Last shot! Fade to black. The following scene should be the one where the Exile goes through the doors of the academy and Kreia says "When the Exile enters the academy, she will be faced with a choice." Sorry about some of the weird camera angles, but those are inherent in the scene.
  16. Alright. So it's been brought to my attention by staticjoe66 that despite good efforts, the Malachor cutscenes won't trigger for some people. Y'know, the Atton/Mical fight, the scene where Atton dies if he loses the fight with Sion, the Brianna/Visas fight. Since I've been able to get 2 of these cutscenes (just started my DSM playthrough where I will be as mean to Brianna as possible and cuddle up with Visas), I'll post screenshots for those who haven't been able to get them. EDIT: For those who are interested, screenshots of the fight between Brianna and Visas is on page 2 of this thread. Hope you enjoy! Atton vs. Mical, Part I (This triggers if you have very high influence with Mical and very low influence with Atton. It should show after your party attacks Kreia - of the sound I've found on Youtube) For some reason, Mical decides to turn around in his closeup and face the door behind him instead of face Atton, as he originally was. My fingers are too slow to get him facing Atton in this shot, so I got him mid-turn. Sorry. Atton comes strolling down. Atton activates his lightsaber at the beginning of his scene and then deactivates it. The deactivated lightsaber shot makes more sense so here it is:
  17. You're welcome. I could probably take more screenshots and lay out the entire scene for you in a different thread if you'd like. I've also gotten the Atton dying scene to fire consistently, so I could upload screenshots of that as well. Edit: I made a new topic in this forum with screenshots of those 2 scenes. Here it is.
  18. Speaking of the Atton/Mical cutscene, I finally got to it and discovered there are some odd camera angles that were consistent each time I played the scene. I played through half of this game as a neutral female Exile to gain influence with Mical and get Mira on my party and then fell to the DS. I lost a bunch of influence with Atton in order to Jedify him (and to get this scene). After Mira, Mical, and Visas attack Kreia, there's this long shot of the screen where Atton is supposed to be running away. Atton, obviously, is not there since he doesn't attack Kreia with the rest of the party, but the shot lingers: Afterward, the Atton/Mical scene triggers. Mical starts out facing Atton... ...but turns around in his closeup and decides to face the door instead: Atton comes strolling down and stops to activate his lightsaber... ...but decides a lightsaber is inconvenient to have on during a long speech and so switches it off (which makes me wonder why he activated it in the first place): Atton and Disciple chat for a bit more and have actual closeups of their faces during their conversation until Disciple starts talking out of Atton's chest for this line: After that shot, there's a cut to a closeup of Atton and then to this...odd angle: And the rest of the scene plays out so far away: So yeah. While I loved the scene and was glad I finally got to it, it was disappointing how uncinematic it was. The closeup of Atton's chest and the angle where Atton completely blocked the Disciple were especially kind of odd. Is there some way the scene could be remedied to have better angles? It does have some that are alright, such as: (But it is a little unfortunate how Atton is not facing Mical.) Basically, the whole scene isn't executed very well. It'd be nice to see it fixed. Thanks for taking time to read this.
  19. Oh. I thought there was an actual part in the cutscene where Atris would give you back your lightsaber. Thanks for clarifying, HH.
  20. So does it just get added to your inventory regardless of your actions? It's not related to the dialog options in any way?
  21. Well, I tried going through as a LS male and a DS female. My PC almost always wields 2 lightsabers (short one in off hand). As a LS male, I had Jedified Brianna and she did not actually kill her sisters in the battle beforehand. I always equip Visas with a double-bladed lightsaber (not sure what that would have to do with anything, though). I had no luck on getting my lightsaber back from Atris, though I wasn't as thorough with the dialog choices during my DS female test.
  22. It does make more sense that you'd be able to get your lightsaber back from Atris after fighting her. I'm going to check if I have any saves right before that fight and go through all the dialog options if I do.
  23. That has never worked for me with TSLRCM 1.7. Whenever I play as a LS character, I'll frequently choose the dialog option you specified. Atris doesn't give me back my lightsaber, she just says she is not unsympathetic to my feelings as leaving the Jedi Order must have been very difficult (or something to that effect).