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File Comments posted by offthegridmorty

  1. @JustARookie The way the mod calculates healing, how much more or less than normal depends on how your level and Treat Injury score compare. 20 Treat Injury at level 10 will heal you more, while 20 Treat Injury at level 30 will heal less. The effect is not super big (around +30% and -50% differences at most) which is intentional to not throw off the game's balance too much. I have been thinking about tweaking the equation to weight the skill more for bigger boosts, similar to how the damage is calculated in Repair Affects Stun Droid.

  2. Improved Force Sight

       17    3

    8 hours ago, ShayOrdo said:

    Great mod addition, though, shouldn't Kreia also have permanent Force Sight? She is blind after all, meaning that she could also be a helpfull provider of deffence against assassin's on Harbinger. 

    Yeah I went back and forth on this, and I decided not to give her perma Force Sight because according to her dialogue she is not 100% blind like Visas, Force Sight is more like a pair of glasses which she can use but not all she relies on, whereas Visas has no regular sight at all. I also didn’t want to take the steam out of meeting Visas where you are really introduced to this new power. But you may be right, and she probably at least should have the power available to cast. I’ll likely make an optional patch for either perma Sight/castable Sight on Kreia. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. K2 Force Powers for K1

       732    2

    Hey thanks for the comment. I checked out that mod and it looks like the issue comes from it explicitly entering the value of the next line down from the last vanilla power, instead of using a token in TSLPatcher to calculate the next highest value. Essentially it installs assuming no other FPs have been added before it. If you installed my mod first, it would calculate line 12 for Barrier since that's the first power it adds and the next line down, then later that mod would explicitly put Force Enlightenment on line 12. Probably since Barrier was added first it gets priority and overwrites. But if you install my mod last there shouldn't be any conflict.

    In fact this conflict could happen with any other FP mod. I recommend installing the Enlightenment mod first before any other FP mods to avoid it.

  4. @ConansHair Thanks for the suggestion! Good point about Affect Mind not being used, but since the power is relatively strong for it being given to Bastila at level 3, replacing Force Aura was just my attempt at balancing things a little. She can still get Force Aura and the rest of the tiers as she levels up so she's not really cut off, but yeah I recognize that this effectively reduces the number of vanilla powers you can give her by 1. I haven't played much through the story with the mod yet but I'll do that to get a sense of the balance and will keep your feedback in mind if I update things later.

    • Like 1
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  5. Visually Repair HK-47

       16,252    18

    Hey, really cool idea. I just want to make sure I understand: The first cosmetic change is applied after installing the chassis, then the remaining changes occur after performing the repairs that you have added to the game? So installing the vocabulator and other parts from the HKs besides the chassis makes no cosmetic changes?

  6. Force Powers Unchained

       1,624    3

    Great idea and the mod works as intended. One thought though: I feel like shock and lightning should stay unchained, since they're basically a weaker and stronger version of the same power. I'm pretty sure they even cost the same number of FP, so there's not really a point to use shock when you have lightning. The rest make sense however since push, whirlwind, wave, and storm are all functionally and visually different.

    Also, you should consider making a TSL version!