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About bagthesnoot

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  1. Would it be possible (that is, much much easier than actually finishing the mod) just to salvage some of the already working parts of this and release them? I'm thinking of the opening sequence with T3 on the crashed Ebon Hawk, which based on the post-mortem videos looks great, and the Remote-as-party-member bit, which would clean up that portion of the game. Maybe some other little things could be included as well. I'm not much of a modder though, so forgive me if this is an unfeasible idea.
  2. Ah, I see—I wonder, would it be feasible to recolor PMHH01 to have the same hair/eye/skin color as Disciple and then make a mod, similar to "New Disciple," that replaces his head with the recolored PMHH01? I think that might produce a result approaching what Disciple is supposed to look like. But if it would be particularly difficult or time consuming to do that I wouldn't really feel comfortable requesting it, as I'm reasonably content with the two options already available (New Disciple and the one with a beard added).
  3. I suppose I was asking for one to be created, although I was also wondering if anyone had already taken a crack at it or if there was even any general interest in changing his face. I do like the one you linked, jc2. It's definitely an improvement. I also found one that gives him a thin beard over the existing texture, which makes him look much better (although I wonder if being clean-shaven fits the character better—he's supposed to be something of a twist on the young naive hero archetype à la Luke Skywalker, right?) Would it be possible to put the hair from the original model onto the face from the "New Disciple" mod? I'm curious how that would look. But anyway, either of the two existing solutions do the trick pretty well.
  4. Does anyone else think Disciple looks too old, or that something's just off about his face? He's supposed to be in his early twenties, right? I'd love to see a mod that retextures his face to look the intended age, instead of like a well-fed senator whose mid-life crisis has manifested itself as a creepy crush on the Exile.
  5. Would it be possible to change the trigger for the Onderon Civil War so that Kelborn won't contact you until you've finished all four planets (even if Dxun was your first or second)?
  6. View File Female Exile Head ("Canon") This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again Submitter bagthesnoot Submitted 03/21/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  7. 3,058 downloads

    This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again
  8. Is "3. Kreia's confrontation with the Exile" during the Enclave scene? or when you go to face her on Malachor?
  9. Dang, what about just changing it so it just always uses Dex instead of Strength?
  10. Would it be possible to mod Critical Strike so that, if the attacker has Finesse: Lightsabers or Finesse: Melee Weapons, it uses Dexterity instead of Strength against the Fortitude save the opponent makes?
  11. Cool, thanks! So would that be in the 2da.bif file? And I need to use KOTOR tool to open that, right? And then once I do that I could just rename, say, 2 of the single wield crit strike animations to the the appropriate names for the flurry animation?
  12. Could I just go in and rename the files or something? I'd like for flurry to use the original K1 animation but, instead of the two alternate ones, to use the two new critical strike animations as well.