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About zane

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. That's all, really. If you have ever heard of this interesting edit and wanted to check it out it's up again though probably not for long.
  2. Can any one advise me on how to see the photos? when i click on them its just show grey box and spinning cirle like its going to open the pic , but it never does , it just keeps on loading .
  3. zane

    Junkyard ebon hawk

    This skin is based off the Hd EbonHawk original texture by vurt. Many thanks to Vurt for allowing its use in this skin.
  4. File Name: Junkyard ebon hawk File Submitter: zane File Submitted: 24 Oct 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes Its my first mod and Its a beat up old junker version of Ebon Hawk in kotor1, the idea being with all its history and shady owners its had more than a few patch ups and bears a few scars etc. The skin did its own thing with switching stuff around . It seems to work fine with the files placed in the override folder. Click here to download this file
  5. zane

    Junkyard ebon hawk

    Version rar


    Its my first mod and Its a beat up old junker version of Ebon Hawk in kotor1, the idea being with all its history and shady owners its had more than a few patch ups and bears a few scars etc. The skin did its own thing with switching stuff around . It seems to work fine with the files placed in the override folder.
  6. Thank you all for for your suggestions and help I will try uploading again now. edit- Yes it uploaded. Thanks again.
  7. Hi a newbie here, today have been listening to The black seeds.
  8. I play a game on easy when I am more interested in the journey and story and just sightseeing in a game. Aaand.. when im stuck to all bugery.
  9. zane

    Broken. Empty.

    Been there a few times, keep in contact with your friends and family and Stay busy, keep moving, fix , clean, make stuff , do it all day till you too exhausted to stay awake. That's how i coped it last time on advice from a friend.
  10. Hi i made a ebon hawk skin or texture for the outside of it. i have never modded before . i have tried several times to upload the pictures file as both zips and rars but it shows uploading progress and when it gets to the end it finishes uploading then says no files have been uploaded. Can some one help me with what i am doing wrong?
  11. If i min the wrong the place please let me know. I am trying moding for first time and have made a simple edit to a skin I have started calling it call ScrapYard Ebonhawk , cos i going for the rusting old hulk look. The problem is the skin doesn't appear on Koroban , in korroban it appears as the generic skin , what could be my fault im doing somthing wrong , but cant find it. I know nothing at all , first time, just a simple recolor and detailing of the files. I have checked and checked the picturefiles and they look good in the naming.