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About Kha

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. I have been playing with DAO and Skyrim, but now with your KotORBlender I am really tempted to remap the UVs of my old models and repaint its texture in Blender to fix all those awful visible seams. Thanks for taking a look into this and see if Taina'a Replacer can be used with KotORBlender. Also, if I could ask for one more thing, it would be really great if KotORBlender could create an armature when importing the skinned mesh to make it easier for weight painting... I would never use 3ds Max again for modding Kotor!!
  2. Hi Purifier, I am having trouble to make it work with head meshes and Taina's Replacer. I was trying to replicate this tutorial using Blender, but the texture gets messed on the Head mesh when I change the UV Coordinates of some vertices. Doing the same using 3ds Max 2014 I have notice that when use Blender the Taina's replacer "Texture Coordinates" list changes, for example, the head was number 1 in the list and after exporting from Blender the head goes to 24 in the list, while using 3ds Max the number of the mesh in the list doesn't change. Do you think it is something that you can fix on KotORBlender? Thanks.