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Posts posted by LDR

  1. Really appreciate you taking the time to explain the differences! Thanks, that's super helpful, and I'm looking forward to when this comes out. :)

    1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said:


    With your experience with NPCs in mind, did you ever encounter the 1st bug I mentioned in the 2nd post? And if so how did you manage to fix it?

    Yeah I've run into that issue before but I didn't get far enough in development to figure out how to fix them lol. Usually I just plop armor on them and it's problem solved... but that doesn't really work for commoners.

    Honestly, I'm thinking of just phasing out the NPC changes entirely in mine just because there's so many compatibility issues with the way I've implemented it currently, and your mod is already doing the same changes I am.

    • Light Side Points 1

  2. On 2/13/2023 at 7:48 PM, vurt said:

    smoothed, as in blurred? Not sure i understand :)

    still working on improving the model.

    Hey, I completely forgot to respond to this lol!

    Yeah what I meant by that was I noticed the AI tended to make squiggly lines in some places instead of straight lines or curves. I'm sure you probably noticed that too.

    I can't wait to see what these look like though when it's all finished, cuz aside from that they already look really really good. :)


  3. This might have to be described to me like I'm 5 years old, but what are the differences between this, Diverse Galaxy, and Kainzorous Prime's NPC Overhaul mod? They all seem to be doing the same thing, just achieving it in different ways?

    As someone on the outside looking in (and as someone who has also made NPC changes in my LKIM 2.0 mod, lol!), I don't understand the different nuances at first glance.

  4. 18 hours ago, Basil Bonehead said:

    While I work on the Czerka Commando video, I already know what mod I want to cover next (since I won't be able to stream it): the infamous Cathalan. This will be an interesting one to cover because I know this mod is not looked at fondly and that leads to my next question:

    Why is Cathalan so despised by the community? I want all your takes, I want to know what all of you think. It'll be interesting when I start working on the video because I may have played the mod twice and I have very faint memories of it so it'll be interesting and see what I do and don't remember.

    Sometimes I feel bad when I tear apart Cathalan, because clearly at some point there was a really great idea and a lot of thought went behind it. But the fact of the matter is for whatever scope, grandeur and ambition that the mod author Jaevyn had, he had precisely none of that in quality control, quality assurance, bug testing, and responsiveness to feedback. I recall Jaevyn flaming many people who had differing opinions on his mod. How dare you say anything that isn't complete praise on his beautiful darling baby Cathalan!

    In all seriousness though, Cathalan had the potential to be great and something really special. Unfortunately, Jaevyn's ego and his insistence that the mod was perfect the way it was despite serious concerns brought on by the community (using copyrighted music, numerous game-breaking bugs, inconsistent VO quality, the orange filter, various plot holes, amongst other minor things) really sealed the deal for Cathalan becoming the butt of jokes in the community. If only he was a nice guy, things could've turned out a lot differently.

    It's a shame. It really is.

    • Sad 1
    • Light Side Points 1

  5. Hey!

    The next mod I plan on having released is the Battle of Dxun. I'm not sure when I get around to LKIM 2.0, to be quite honest. I've recently started full-time employment in addition to my part-time gig and grad school, so unfortunately I do not have a timeline for you other that I plan on finishing it eventually at some point lol.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  6. 27 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    Looks to me that what @LDR intended to do was hijack the original OnEnter to run his required spawns, then load the vanilla OnEnter afterwards. Except he forgot to add that ExecuteScript part to the end. So the vanilla OnEnter never fires at all, which is why the party doesn't spawn. This should also cause the initial Rakatan encounter to break as well, since the OnEnter also spawns those.

    Yep, DP hit the nail right on the head. A silly oversight on my part, but an easy fix. I just uploaded a patched version a few hours ago. Let me know if that helps.

  7. On 5/6/2021 at 1:59 AM, DarthRevan101 said:

    [...] and here I am several years later, when once I arrogantly thought it was ready at 98%. [...]

    Story of my life right there. That's literally me.

    The day will come when everything clicks. For me, I had to stop worrying about making one of my mods perfect, and instead I just had to put it out there.

    Trust me. You'll know when.

    • Light Side Points 3

  8. It's out! Words do not describe how excited I am to have finally finished one of my projects. I realize I have been very haphazard working on these, but schoolwork has always come first for me. Still, I am so glad and I feel like I have a huge weight lifted on my shoulders. Rest assured, I am always working on these projects, just at my own, weird pace.


    Thank you so much to everyone involved for making this a reality. Next up: Battle of Dxun!

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
    • Light Side Points 1

  9. A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World

    Knights of the Old Republic
    TITLE: A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (1.1)

    FILENAME: ldr_repshipunknownworld
    FILESIZE: 176 MB

    There are 2 available methods of installing A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World. The standard installation method is done entirely though TSL Patcher, and doesn’t require you to do anything beyond simple button clicking. The manual installation is for those unable, for whatever reason, to use TSL Patcher, and involves the copying and pasting of files from folder to folder.

    NOTE: With the standard installation method, this mod is far more likely to work alongside any other mods you may currently have installed, which may not be the case should you use the manual installation method. I have attempted naming files in a way where there should be a minimum chance of mod conflicts, but you never know.

    This mod also has an "Optional" installation meant to use in conjuction with either/both of SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.

    To uninstall, remove the files from their respective folders in the SWKotOR directory.

    1) Double click TSLPatcher.exe.
    2) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory.
    3) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete.

    1) Open up the tslpatchdata folder.
    2) Copy all files with a .wav extension and paste into the streamwaves folder located in your SWKotOR directory.
    3) Copy all files with a .mod extension and paste into the modules folder located in your SWKotOR directory.
    4) Copy everything else (With exception to changes.ini and info.rtf) and paste into the override folder located in your SWKotOR directory (If there isn't one, create one).

    1) Additional install options have been provided for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.
    2) Double click TSLPatcher.exe.
    3) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory.
    4) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete.

    Mod Permissions
    You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me.

    This mod adds 6 new modules, 9 new items (3 equippable inventory, 4 datapads, 2 keycards) on the Unknown World, making the crashed Hammerhead explorable.

    You must have a save before setting foot on the Unknown World.

    » Version 1.1 Changes
    - Fixes a bug where the party was prevented from spawning in during the confrontation on the beach on a DS playthrough following completing the Temple.
    - Corrects reported spelling/gramatical errors.
    - Integrates optional install paths through TSLPatcher for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.

    Any mods that modify the unk_m41aa OnEnter script will be incompatible with this mod.

    "Frame Buffer Effects" turned off in the swkotor.ini results in audio logs without the blue camera effect.

    If you find any please post them in the comments or send me a direct message. I will address them as soon as I can.

    For this to work correctly in conjunction with your own mod, you must not use any within the following list as names for your custom module/item reskins.



    Blaster Pistol template 020
    Forearm Band template 019
    Gauntlet template 019

    Voice Acting
    DarthTyren as Medical Officer Audio Log

    Mellowtron11 as Engine Officer Audio Log

    Sith Holocron as Republic Captain Audio Log

    Zhaboka as Kolgrim


    Permission granted from Darth InSidious to use his alternative beach Hammerhead textures.

    Permission granted from DarthParametric to utilize his edited mdls from both his Endar Spire and Harbinger Hull Repair mods.

    Permission granted from SithSpecter to utilize integration for his High Quality Blasters for Modders resource and colored loadscreen templates mod.

    Permission granted from Thor110 to repurpose his ported K1 Harbinger modules.


    - To the people who created the tools which have allowed me to create this mod.

        - Kotor Tool..........................Fred Tetra
        - K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor..........tk102
        - ERF Editor/TSLPatcher...............stoffe
        - MDLOps..............................cchargin/JDNoa
        - Lipsynch Editor.....................JDNoa
        - XVI32 Hex Editor....................Chmaas
        - CSLU Toolkit........................Oregon Health & Science University

    My beta testers: djh269, jc2, N-DReW25 and Zhaboka. I couldn't have done this without you!

    JCarter46 and DarthParametric for handholding me with regards to literally all scripting that was above basic level. Thank you so much.

    Lachjames for his assistance in helping me generate/test .lip files.

    Snigaroo for bug reporting and feedback for the 1.1 patch.

    All of the wonderful folks at DeadlyStream (and Holowan Labs), that led me on and helped me when I hit a snag.

    All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You!

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • K1R Compatible


    • Like 1

  10. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? (List a general description of the issue.)

    When I was in the Main Behavior Core, every time I did the LS option and let Vash go I couldn't fully complete the Sith Assassin fight because one or two of them were left as "Neutral." This happened about 3 straight times. I noticed Vash would kill an inconsistent amount of assassins depending on how fast her HP depleted. One time I managed to get lucky and I was able to kill all the assassins  (as Vash had killed two of them before dying). Then... nothing happened. The battle music kept playing and I hit the terminal to talk to M4-78. Then I went back to the landing pad... and that was it. I feel like there was supposed to be a cutscene or something after killing the assassins.

    2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (We are only covering issues concerning version 1.3 - the latest edition.)

    I have version 1.5 installed.

    3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, or the KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version?

    I am using the legacypc patch for the Steam version of K2.

    4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (Update is required for 4-CD version only. If using a Steam, KOTOR Collection, or GOG version, put down "N/A")


    5) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided?

    I used the install wizard that was provided, yes.

    6) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation?


    7) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.)

    The only mods I have installed are TSLRCM 1.8.5 and M4-78EP 1.5.

    8 ) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? (List a detailed description of the issue.)

    Please see the video attached at the bottom of this message.

    9) Have you tried re-downloading the mod?


    10) Have you tried using a different save game?


    11) Have you tried starting a new game?

    UPDATE: (12/3/20) Yes.

    12) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) If you're a Mac user, please note that here as well.

    Windows 10.

    13) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen?


    14) What language is your game set for?


    15) Which language of TSLRCM are you using?


    16) Are you playing this on a laptop or a desktop computer?



    Also, I would like to point out that I am currently playing through the mod as part of Sith Holocron's M4-78 documentary. Additionally, I am using a post-Korriban, pre-M4-78 save from three years ago (back when I had 1.3 installed). While I feel that might have something to do with it, I was able to progress through the rest of the mod with mostly zero trouble. @zbyl2