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Posts posted by LDR

  1. I don't really think a petition is going to do anything. And considering you can't even sign the petition:


    Because of a procedural quirk, the FCC will not be considering any comments on the issue of net neutrality that are submitted over the next week or so.


    Well... I mean.

  2. You really should have thought this through before you posted this. If you ask someone for permission to use something and they say no, then it means just that.




    Respect their wishes. If you worked for a software/game/computer/etc company and you pulled something like this you would have gotten fired on the spot (even worse if there was some sort of legal copyright issue). You need to explore all avenues before you do something, and next time you should think.

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  3. theDeModcracy - Dark Souls channel, amongst other things

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