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Everything posted by vaultman

  1. vaultman

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    I've installed JftS after the K1R and the only bugs I had were early mentioned dantooine Matale Grounds issue, and some minor BOS part bugs, wich may or may not be BOS specific - not sure about those (companions on Orion where there should be none, abnormal character levelups inbetween BOS parts (skill grows like +10-20, levelup each time on zone reentering (actualy funny, after lvl 20 you became 0 with lvlups to 20))). Anyway the main story was running smooth and nice:)
  2. vaultman

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    I've actualy started a new game several times to check mod conflicts and mods issues and ran through taris to dantooine and other planets except korriban and the bug I mentioned is the one and only issue I had. No bugs on ES (i have 'jedi from the start' installed), no issues on taris (all K1R stuff works fine here), no issues no dantooine's other areas and etc. From korriban - well, BOS has it's own bugs that has nothing to do with dantooine.
  3. vaultman

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    I thought about that too, and I've tried many reinstalations of the game itself and the mods one by one. So I'm sure the issue is in K1R. Well, I don't realy care about it anyway, it's just one sidequest. The mods I have installed atm is NPS Overhaul, K1R, BOS and some model/textures replacements (prequel robes, saberhilts, saberblades and etc.).
  4. vaultman

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    I have an annoying bug on Dantooine. When I enter Matale Grounds (doen't matter wich entrance I use) or just traveling on them, lightsaber or vibroblade in hands just disapears from char's hands (and bastila's). If I put on another weapon on them and make a few steps, bug happens again. Also the mandalorians in Matale Grounds are inactive - just standing there and not aviable to talk or fight.