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About Gguy

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. i usually ain't big on retextures (as i think a work of art is to be experienced in its original state (hence why i also don't like when developers try to make remastered versions of older game, it kind of loses the feeling that game gave you)) , but this is an absolute work of art, the textures are good, but fitting enough as to look how (For example) Taris is suppose to look! Good job and good luck!
  2. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    thing is, when i need 3d modelling for one reason or another (usually effects, intros and other things) , i use blender 3d, which i'm familiar enough with, but it lacks the required plugin
  3. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    well, i suppose as long as you made the hood the same color as the back part of the long robes, it would work fine. I can assist in color matching (aka altering the texture to match the lower robe) . While i do have some 3d knowledge, i lack a software capable of opening and extracting MDL files. If you (or someone in your name), could do the models and item spawn scripts, i could help with the colorizing. I can colorize the hoods to match the vanilla robes, one would just need the model of the hood you made, and another would need to implement multiple types of the hood as items into the game (with the retextures applied to them later) as for the back issues, did you try scaling the mesh down on the axis?
  4. Gguy


    i watched a lets play of it, never bought it personally yet, but i do know the story (since i did watch the LP).
  5. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    i know about Kha's mod, and while it is cool , this is a whole other deal. (and canderis's mod also used the dark jedi hood as the concept (same as kha)
  6. Gguy

    Reveal map mod

    you can also use the "warp and cheat band" to reveal the entire map, use KSE to add it to your inventory, then just remove it when you are finished with it
  7. You could place 1 or 2 of the big ones on dxun one day, maybe like some sort of boss creature
  8. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    I must admit, i was rather tired when i posted that.
  9. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    it's all up to insidious, i just wanted to remind people of the project he never finished
  10. i personally don't think it's much of a big deal (Don't see any serious deformations), looks pretty well ingame ,hell, i think it looks amazing! For the first 3 , i used the weequay head and it ended up looking very damn cool! on the next pictures, i had used another head (the beard was fitting with the color of the cape) and a retexture hood version from the old hood mod (which is good on some outfits, but looks strange when you move your head on some others) . Honestly looked epic from the distance! this better get a damn deadly stream mod page =P. It is a project (just like the weequay) worthy of exposure!
  11. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    according to the forum, he did read the text i sent him, but he didn't reply or state anything. Still, even if he lost the files, this would totally be a project worthy of retrying!
  12. Gguy

    TSL hood mod

    Back before the lucas forums went down, i noticed that Insidious was working on a badass hood mod (i love hoods) , but i heard he lost the files or so. I sent him a message about the matter, but he hasn't replied, so let's discuss this matter. I honestly think it was an amazing goal that he tried to turn kreia's hood into a multi color equipable hood, hell, the picture he posted was amazing: I would love if he would return or restart working on this project, tell me, what do you guys think on the matter?
  13. Gguy

    playable Weequay

    Guys, i brought you a present! In my spare time (Which i have way too much of these days), i have managed to make a decent weequay body skin (you can use it if you plan to release it (hopefully) fully on deadlystream, no need to credit me! (unless you want to)) . here are pics for the texture ingame, i can send you the file , DP, but i need you to tell me how you want me to do that! i obviously matched the skin color, darkened some parts and added a wrinkled overlay (minor, but it makes a big difference). When i taken a look at swtor's tanno vik (shirtless), i noticed that the only "Large" wrinkles on the body is on the chest ,neck and face.
  14. i suppose one could use the kotor tool to increase damage output of items, and while this is minor, it is kind of funny that you shoot a missile at someone and they pretty much don't get a scratch