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Everything posted by kyrie

  1. Just checked and it didn't work when I clicked on it either
  2. Signed. I would really really like this to happen, we could actually fix any walkmesh that needs work and it would be easier to improve the skyboxes easier.
  3. You and me both there Zhaboka, I have wanted a KotOR movie trilogy since TSL came out. TSL's story would make the darkest Star Wars movie with the right director and actors, they would need to get the actor that does the voice for HK-47 to do the movies thou (put his ass in the different HK costumes like Anthony Daniels)
  4. a new version has been upload and just waiting approval
  5. Hmm that is odd let me check on something I may upload an updated patch.
  6. kyrie


    I guess there is your answer kind sir
  7. kyrie


    You are asking for the Kreia's Robe collection to be made compatible? I will take a look at it and see how much of a pain in the ass it will be. It looks like it will be a pain in the ass to make this compatible, Chainz has scripts in it that will take some doing to make this play nice with TSLRCM
  8. I just tried installing it again and I didn't have any issues. Can you send me the installlog.rtf file via PM and I will take a look?
  9. I have stopped working on this due to no permission from the original modders to release. If you want the sabers you can just drop the files into your override folder, but don't put the scripts in your override and then either use KSE or cheat them into your game.
  10. File Name: Shem's Ultimate Sound Mod for TSL and KotOR File Submitter: kyrie File Submitted: 05 Feb 2013 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This is Shem's Ultimate sound mod I TSLPatcherized both versions for compatibility Click here to download this file
  11. 6,361 downloads

    This is Shem's Ultimate sound mod I TSLPatcherized both versions for compatibility
  12. Just tested the filefront link and works for me
  13. File Name: Slenderbodied Females Comp. Patch File Submitter: kyrie File Submitted: 31 Jan 2013 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Compatibility Patch for Slender body females by Kyrie Adds TSL patcher info for slender body for females by Taina. V2.0 added tlk entry for Ara Oufit Just put all the files from the original mod into the folder named tslpatchdata. Then run tslpatcher. I have included a fixed appearance.2da file. Just a reminder this is just a compatibility patch you will need to get the original mod by Taina. Here is the address for it. Slenderbodied Females Click here to download this file
  14. Version 2.0


    Compatibility Patch for Slender body females by Kyrie Adds TSL patcher info for slender body for females by Taina. V2.0 added tlk entry for Ara Oufit Just put all the files from the original mod into the folder named tslpatchdata. Then run tslpatcher. I have included a fixed appearance.2da file. Just a reminder this is just a compatibility patch you will need to get the original mod by Taina. Here is the address for it. Slenderbodied Females
  15. kyrie


    From what I understand this is currently being worked on. Although zybl would be the 1 to answer this question.
  16. Why does it say I'm human when I am a spam bot? LOL
  17. From what I know the new script will make H4F/D4M, Jedi Temple and M4-78EP play nice together. Currently you can only use 1 of these
  18. AFAIK zbyl is making a M4-78EP compatible version of the k_sup_galaxymap script
  19. I tried uploading to filefront and it was rejected for some reason
  20. kyrie


    I know that behind 1 of those doors there is an area that is accessible but the issue with that area is the walkmesh is all messed up. Not sure if it is even fixable, maybe someone with more experience with walkmeshes can explain it better than I can.
  21. SH don't forget about the walkmesh issue behind 1 of those doors