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Everything posted by thunder3

  1. thunder3

    Star Wars Game Sale!

    Hey Xuul! Very cool Video you did on my texture-pack there, just watched it and I like it! Btw, Taris Uppercity texturepack is going online this weekend!
  2. Hmm maybe I was wrong, and I thought something well ah never mind me
  3. LucyTheAlien Thankyou for all this! That´s awesome! It was very helpful to me to see this helmet from different views when creating it now, and it will be a great help too, when I create the body( maybe tomorrow, I had a cold the weekend and I so I did not manage to work as much as I desired on that project here) So here we go, my finished Model, with texture already, though I need to refine the UV-Map( as you can see, there are some seams in the texture ) Oh and yes I try to be as close to the images from that "cartoon" as possible!
  4. Oh I must correct myself: It should be "material Ids" not "material lds"
  5. Ok here we go, had some time today to get more in touch with the helmet: Don´t bother about the odd colors, that´s just the material Ids, as I removed the textures for better edititing. I think I should have enough time this weekend to finish this head and also fit this helmet on the female head of the reps soldiers, and then I will export it ingame and provide you with some ingame screenshots as soon as possible! Of course there still many details missing, but I think this one goes into a nice direction, or not? what do you think?
  6. I will try to get the model of the helmet finished today and put it on the head of a rep. soldier! Then the body armor will follow soon!
  7. Here´s my first works on the undercity of Taris:
  8. So here we go, Taris Uppercity before_after comparison please, take a look here: ( I run out of space on my membersgallery so images need to be extern, and if I include them here they are way too big)
  9. Thanks! The textures of the lights are the original ones, it may appear so bright because I use Reshade. Thank You!! Of course I will do a Undercity Reskin, comes next after Uppercity is done 100%. I like the look of that dirty Taris undercity, I think I will get some inspiration from it. Yavin Space Station is also on my ToDo-List, but far far below everything else.
  10. Here we go, got the work on the walls of Taris Upper City nearly done, here it is: So what do think??
  11. Yeah, corpses with visible damages is exactly what I want to do as soon as this new armors are finished! But you´re right, that´s another topic
  12. thunder3


    Thanks! It´s Reshade 3! The instructions to make your game look like this ( at least on Endar Spire ) can be found here in my latest release!
  13. I´m glad to hear that you all like it! I think, a bit of both. I just wanted to make a quik model to show you the picture of this thing I had in my mind. In addition, theres no "inside" yet, it´s completely empty, means no polys. And the helmet isn´t on a head. I will refine this at weekend, put it on a republics soldiers head, and I will probably test how it looks ingame and post some screenshots of it! As soon as I got the Head with the helmet running, I will continue creating the body armor( I think I will do some variants from the start off, so if I find a crazy but easy way to put them all ingame I can do more easily and we can choose from some) Thanks man ! I don´t mind breaking the corpses, because it´s actual on my "nice to have"-List to make the corpses look "cool" as well.
  14. Hello everyone! As promised, I got some time to do some modeling, here it is: ( It is just a quick and dirty model and texture, just to see, if I go into the right direction) As it is now, there´s a hole on the top, that needs to be filled, and the overall shape of the top doesn´t appear to be right to me, but as I said, I just want to show some kind of "pre-pre-Alpha-Stuff" so what do you think?