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About Jabba1992

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  1. I experienced this bug myself several months ago. From my testing, K1 Party Leveler (the file "p_bastilla002.utc" that it contains, to be exact) was the mod that was causing that black screen bug. I reported the bug to the mod author who promised to look into it. This was the text of my bug report: When I got to the Dodonna cutscene before Star Forge, I was greeted by an infamous "Cutstart Bug". The cutscene with Carth informing Vandar and Dodonna didn't start, there was just a black screen with a cursor. If I used keyboard shortcuts for Force Powers, I was spawned on Ebon Hawk with a hostile Carth and a friendly Dark Side Bastila on it. The bug only affected the Light Side Dodonna cutscene, if I sided with Bastila on the roof of the Rakatan temple, I could play without any issues. At first I thought that one of my other mods might be interfering with yours (my KOTOR 1 build is heavily modded), so I decided to test K1 Party Leveler on a clean install, with just the Community Patch and widescreen fixes. The bug still occured there. After some testing, I isolated its cause: it's the file p_bastilla002.utc. When I delete it from the Override folder, the cutscene plays, and if I put it back, it doesn't.
  2. Jabba1992

    [KotOR] Dialogue Fixes

    There's a bug with one of Juhani's conversations where she asks about your past (starting with "Are you doing alright?"): there's a notification "CONVERSATION ERROR... PLEASE CONTACT THE DESIGNER". I used "PC Response Moderation" version, but the conversation is bugged in the vanilla version as well.
  3. The bug described by aresb (regarding the crashes occuring when there are more than 100 credits in the player's inventory) exists at higher resolutions as well, not just at 1024x768. Is there any fix for it? This mod is a godsend, but to play with it, one has to put up with frequent crashes while looting bodies & crates. You don't even need to loot anything to crash your game, just clicking on the inventory button at the top-right of the screen is enough if your character has amassed more than 100 credits. It's so frustrating that Aspyr only updated the bug-ridden KOTOR 2 but completely ignored the first game. Most of the negative reviews on Steam are about KOTOR 1's incompatibility with modern hardware and the absense of proper widescreen support, which makes this mod absolutely essential as it rectifies that. Could experienced modders here who know their way around HEX editors help sovietshipgirl update this mod, please? *** Update *** I made a new install of KOTOR and added the widescreen HUD mods I hadn't installed previously: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1159-kotor-high-resolution-menus/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1226-hd-ui-menu-pack/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1173-k1-main-menu-widescreen-fix/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1457-hd-menus-and-ui-assets/ I also used the latest version of Community Patch for KOTOR 1. I'm glad to report I haven't encountered any crashes yet while playing with this mod, all fonts work correctly at 1920x1080. The only small downside is that the quantity of items in the inventory is not displayed, so there's still a room for improvement for this mod. Thank you, sovietshipgirl, for uploading these fonts. This mod will make a fine addition to my collection.