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Files posted by inyriforge
By inyriforge in Skins
Recruitable Kay
By inyriforge in Mods
Recommended install order is:
Compatibility with K1R has NOT been tested or confirmed. Until it has been confirmed one way or the other, you have been warned!
Original Reviews on Filefront:
"I am proud to present the greatest recruitment mod to ever be made for the 2003 game of the year, Knights of the Old Republic. This mod is a year and half in the making and it�s finally here just in time for Christmas. So Merry Christmas everybody! Inyri Forge�s mod gets my vote as the best mod to ever be released in the year 2007. If there was a voting poll available, I would cast my ballot for this mod.
I�m betting a lot of people that have been waiting patiently are excited that it�s finally here and probably aren�t taking the time to read the review because they already have decided they want this mod after seeing a teaser trailer or two and are hitting the download button as soon as they click the link to the mod; of course that means there are others who still aren�t in on this recruitment mod and wonder why I�m calling it the best recruitment mod to ever be made and want to know if it�s worth downloading a 19.8 megabyte file. If you want to know why that is, just keep reading on and you�ll find out why it�s the best. I�m going to *WARN* you that spoilers will be mentioned in this review so if you haven�t had the chance to play Knights of the Old Republic all the way through and don�t want to be spoiled, then stop reading now or suffer the consequences!
Inyri Forge created a female character named Kay. She is a Jedi Sentinel that you find on the planet of Tatooine on a mission to investigate Czerka Corporation or at least that is what she will tell you. Remember the trio of Dark Jedi that confront you on Tatooine telling you that Lord Malak was most displeased that your PC left Taris alive? Right after that event you will see a female Jedi walking towards you with a golden lightsaber hilt (made by the author too) that will emit a yellow blade when activated. You will also notice her brown hair, blue eyes, and a red Jedi robe (assuming there isn�t a mod changing its look in your override folder) as shown in the screenshot. Go and talk to her so she�ll join your party in your quest to find the Star Forge.
There are many reasons why this character is special. She has audio dialogue which is provided by Inyri Forge herself. All the other recruitment mods have mute dialogue, so this part alone sets this recruitment mod leaps and bounds above any other recruitment mod out there. You can also have conversations with her as you level up and eventually you will trigger a side quest that starts on Tatooine. You will have to talk to Kay at least five times before her side quest starts. So talk to her as soon as she joins you and wait till you have to level up to talk to her again and do that five times and her quest will be ready to start. When the quest is ready to start, go back to Dantooine and talk to the Jedi near the Ebon Hawk. After you start the quest, you�ll have to go back to the Dantooine where the Mandalorian there will finally talk to you and eventually have to go to Manaan to get something, and back to Dantooine to return an item to complete the quest to the female Twi�lek Jedi in the training room. It is best to play your game when leaving Dantooine by going to Tatooine, then Kashyyyk, then Manaan, and Korriban last while finding the Star Maps in order to have time to complete Kay�s quest and pretty much get the most out of this mod because if you need to do it before you get captured by the Leviathan.
There are three other new characters with recorded audio just like Kay. One of the new voiced characters is a Jedi on Dantooine which you will see as you get off the Ebon Hawk. You can�t miss him. The other two are Mandalorians. One of the Mandalorians is on Tatooine and the other is on Manaan. The Mandalorian on Tatooine can be found near the exit out of Anchorhead on the far left side. He�ll be wearing the blue Mandalorian colored armor. The Mandalorian on Manaan that you will speak to wears red colored Mandalorian armor and can be found at the end of the module which is near where the Sith Shuttle is that can get you into the Sith Base.
For those who are familiar with how the game engine on Knights of the Old Republic works, you will know that if you add a recruit to your party, you will have to replace another party member. In the case of this recruitment mod the ousted party member is Juhani. Because Juhani is out and you never had the heart to kill her in your duel with her on Dantooine, or you wanted extra Jedi help from your party; now is the time to do it since she�s not going to be in your group. Well, that�s not entirely true since she will join your group still if you spare her and help will your PC out until you recruit Kay on Tatooine and that is when Kay will override Juhani and she�ll be out for the rest of the game.
There�s a specific reason why Juhani was chosen to be replaced. There are two party members you can complete the game with that aren�t necessary for the storyline and that is Juhani and HK-47. These two are optional party members while the rest of them will join you no matter what. It�s easy to pick Juhani because she is the less popular of the two party members and you�re replacing one female Jedi with another. It was also the easiest way to go for the author to do so that is why she was chosen.
Since it is Juhani that is replaced, the author did a lot of work in replacing situations where Juhani would chime in on certain events and has Kay speak instead. I believe this was the most time consuming part of constructing this mod. This adds a dimension that recruitment mods have never had before because recruitment mods in the past would have the party member you replace speak their dialogue instead of the new recruit and you get audio from Kay to make her seem alive which makes this really special.
Again since Juhani is replaced, Kay will go with Revan into the Rakatan Temple with Jolee. This means there is that confrontation on top of the temple with Bastila and Kay will have a role in it. Revan�s choice to stay on the light path or go to the dark side will have an effect on Kay�s fate. Kay also has a reaction to your PC being Revan so play with this mod to find out what she thinks of the whole thing.
I feel I should give you all a word of warning about this mod that you should know. Just because Kay is recruited on Tatooine doesn�t mean it�s best to find a saved game where you haven�t been to Tatooine yet. Yes, you can recruit her that way, but you will not be able to complete the side quest that comes with her character because two new Jedi need to spawn on Dantooine and in order for those Jedi to show up, you must have a saved game where you never have been on Dantooine before. This would mean you must have a saved game that is on Taris in order for you get the full effect of this mod. As mentioned earlier that one of the Jedi you can find on Dantooine can be seen as you exit the Ebon Hawk who is a voiced character. There is a female Twi�lek Jedi in the training room where the workbench is that uses the Huttese language that is provided by the BioWare.
So let�s do a short review about what you will get just in case I lost you:
- A new recruit who has audio dialogue
- She is an in depth character
- She has a side quest that spans three planets
- She has her own custom head
- She has her own custom lightsaber hilt
To prevent crying among the community, the author uses the TSL Patcher to install the mod. So just sit back and let the Patcher do its job and get ready to play your game. Enjoy this wonderful recruitment mod.
Here is the trailer to this mod in case that helps instead of reading through my lengthy review.
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
"Recruitable Kay has been an instant success since it made its public debut on Christmas Eve 2007. The download counts keep climbing higher and higher at an incredible rate as each day passes. As like most large mods that have been released in the past, there are some bugs that come with it. To me it�s not about the amount of bugs your mod gets in a situation like this; it�s how the author of the mod responds to it. Inyri Forge is one of those people who care enough about her work and your enjoyment that she will fix anything that needs to be fixing. Some authors choose not to care about it, so props to Inyri for her diligence.
The biggest issue with this recruitment mod is that amount of dialogue files that will use Juhani�s audio; a game like Knights of the Old Republic has so many dialogue choices that it depends on someone�s playing style to encounter certain situations that other people wouldn�t think of. This mod mostly will patch up areas of where Juhani�s audio will speak instead of Kay.
There are other little fixes included in this mod as some of the broken dialogue files have been fixed that have stopped some of the plot quests to be completed. Inyri has also recorded new audio for Kay to add or help replace some of the dialogue replacements for Juhani.
The TSL Patcher will install this patch. Make sure you go over Inyri�s readme file or you�ll regret it. I�ve noticed that many people didn�t heed my warning from my last review and were complaining about things that wouldn�t have been an issue if they had just took the time to read the instructions. Let�s see who is patient and who isn�t. Enjoy the patch!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
"It�s been a while since Inyri Forge�s Recruitable Kay hit the public, hasn�t it? That mod made it to the public on Christmas Eve last year and was a very successful mod. Unfortunately like every huge mod ever made in the history of Knights of the Old Republic modding, there were bugs that needed to be addressed that weren�t taken care of in the original release.
Inyri even released a patch on January 29, of this year that addressed many different issues. This is what she�s calling a �Hot Fix� in this release. It just fixes two bugs. One was the new female Twi�lek Jedi that was spawned on Dantooine and the other is with the female Czerka officer on Tatooine that gives you the hunting license so you can leave the city of Anchorhead; both of the fixes are dialogue files.
What specific parts these fixes do is beyond me since Inyri didn�t explain specifically what is fixed about the two new files and right now I don�t have the mod installed so I have no clue what the trouble was there. If you were experience trouble with those two parts, then download this fix; if not, then don�t worry about it.
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Sound Patch:
"For the second time (or third depending on how you look at it) this week, Inyri Forge is back with a new mod. This one is actually a little bit of an update to her massively popular Recruitable Kay mod, which she released in 2007.
While this update doesn't add any new content to the mod, it does update the voice overs, using higher quality mp3's than the originals. This increased quality should be a very welcome to anyone who has already played the mod, pretty much giving them an excuse to play it again.
When installing this mod, you should let it overwrite ALL the mp3 files and use the NEW localization.mod file, else the lipsynching won't match up to the VO's, which will look a bit strange.
To use this file, you will also need the original mod, the patch and the hotfix, which can be found at the links below:
Fair Strides:
<Old filefront links removed; the files are in the download button.>
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster - Alternate Textures in Aurabesh
By inyriforge in Skins
As requested by Zerimar Nyliram over at LucasForums, these textures change the original mod's textures English characters to Aurebesh. Inyri was happy to comply with the request and now, you can use it too!
This mod is compatible with both the KotOR version of the M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster Replacement and also the TSL version of the same mod.
Installation: Move the TGA files with the same name out of the the Overridfe folder and empty the contents of this RAR into your Override.
Uninstall: Delete the new textures and replace the old ones.
Inyri's Birthday Surprise!
By inyriforge in Mods
Inyri's Birthday Surprise!
This is my birthday present to you!
This mod is a surprise. If you're downloading it and installing it, for some reason you trust me when I say it's worth downloading and installing. In reality, this mod has no practical purpose. You are installing it for no reason. Except your curiosity. Which is a good reason, in my opinion. Anyway, go ahead and follow the installation instructions. And don't look at the files. No seriously, don't. Just spawn your item and talk to Carth. Trust me! Oh, but you probably will want to do it in a large area. When you're not being shot at.
To use this mod:
Either with the console or with the KotOR Save Game Editor (KSE) give yourself the item that comes with this mod (giveitem inyri_gift). Once you have my birthday gift you can talk to Carth.
Compatibility with K1R has NOT been tested or confirmed. Until it has been confirmed one way or the other, you have been warned!
Opposition Launcher (2.0)
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Here we have an updated version of Inyri Forge's Opposition Launcher. Updated and ready to rock! Noticable changes include: Lightsaber graphic fix, lightsaber floor glow added and the black spot in KotOR2 logo has been removed.
Here is my previous review of this launcher.
Light Lightning Cannon
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Yay! New models for the game are always welcome I remember playing this for JK:A and it was really good. Basically this is a brand new gun model for Kotor2. The lack of any shaders is dissapointing, but i feel that shaders are an extra bonus. I know how inryi loves her shaders Hopefully this will be remedied if the author releases more models. But you dont really need them because it still looks great It says in the readme that
More great news
So everyone go download this. It's a very nice addition to the game.
Scatter Pistol (1.0)
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"I really enjoyed testing this gun out. As in all her models, Inyri has made this one to the best of it's ability. The model is a a replica of the Scatter Pistol model found in Star Wars Galaxies. A definite must download for those who have played SWG as well as those who like new items and the like. VERY nice work.
Custom Icon: YES
Custom Description: YES
Custom Shot Sound: NO
Sunglasses (1.0)
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"A VERY nice pair of sunglasses. Yep, Inyri Forge has done it again. This model is top of the line. Nice brand as well . These sunglasses work with Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 and come in a variety of colors! Great model by a great modeler. If you want your guy to look real cool then this is a must download.
-KOTOR 1 and 2 Compatable
-Comes in a variety of Colors
-Custom icon
Sion: Unwounded
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Ok when I first saw this skin in a recent post of the day , I was wondering where I could download it...I actually searched for it but alas nothing. Then there it was sitting in the inbox waiting to be grabbed. I don't think this has been done by anyone so I commend the author for that. Even though the mod is mainly photosourced it's still pretty well done. Some things don't look right, mainly the face, but it's good non-the less. Have a download and enjoy
Dragon Axe
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"What a fantastic model! In fact it's actually two models. This has to be one of the greatest models I've seen to date for kotor2! Inyri is starting to become one of the top model makers for the game. The actual axe itself is amazing in detail, right down to the nicely crafted handle. It kind of gives a bird like effect, with the wings apearing as the blades themselves. The second model is a variant of the original, that being it's a double axe that replaces the vibro double-sword model in the game. Again nicely done, beautiful skining has been applied. So if you looking for a change from the oringinal models go ahead and download this masterpiece.
- JediKilla"
Mabari Armorweave
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"This is a mod that gives a new skin/armor that looks like Zam Wessel's from AotC and her helmet as a new model. The armor looks like how I remember it, and the metal even has a shine to it! The helmet is modeled and used like a mask, which inheritinaly has clipping problems, yet Inyri has managed to make it so it's not too noticable unless you have really big hair. Personally, I think this is a good reskin/new model, and should make Zam fans happy. To use in-game, type in giveitem mabari for the armor and giveitem mabari_helmet into the console. One last note: The helmet does work with KotOR I, so if you don't have II yet, you can use that part of the mod. Just don't use the armor as the skin needs a specific model in II, so the armor makes I crash.
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Katanas. I've always like katanas. To me, they were always sleeker and better-looking than those huge, heavy european broadswords. They were a more elegant weapon for a more ... Anyway, Inyri shows us her modeling talent with this weapon, her version of the Japanese katana. The proportiions are correct and the blade looks spot-on. The only problem I noticed with the model is that if you look at it in first-person view, it looks like the blade clips with the handle a bit. It's not really noticable, though, during normal play. The skin for the handle seems a little odd to me. It doesn't seem really detailed and is a bit blurry. However, the blade looks pretty good and the shader for it works perfectly. Overall, I like this model and I'll keep it in my override folder, though compared to Inyri's other models, it feels a little bit rushed. Recommended download, though.
- IfritZero"
Squall's Gunblade
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"This is Squall's gunblade from FF: VIII. From what I remember about it, it's pretty accurate to what I remember from the game, though I haven't played it in a couple years so that might not mean much. The texture is pretty well done, and I think it looks better since instead of just photosourcing, Inyri did the engravings on the blade by hand. I appreciate a lot since every time I attempt something like that by hand, bad things tend to happen. There's also a shader that gives it a metal shine.
The only real problem I have with this model is that due to the shape of the hilt, sometimes the wielder's hand clips into the hilt as the animations don't take too kindly to it. But since it's usually not that noticable and there's nothing that can really be done at this point (nor would it really be practical to do anything when we can anyway) it really doesn't matter too much. Other than that, I think it's perfect! It works for both KotOR games.
M-98 Widow Replacement
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Inyri brings us the TSL version of her model based on the Mass Effect 2 M-98 Widow for KotOR I, which was uploaded earlier this week. Since the mod is chiefly the same as the KotOR I version (except for KotOR II, obviously ), here is the review of the K1 version:
N.B.: As this version is for TSL, the information from the KotOR I review is incorrect for the KotOR II version. This, the KotOR II version of the mod, replaces the Mandalorian Assault Rifle in TSL, and not the Sith Sniper Rifle as in KotOR I.
Mod Rating: Advanced
NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.
-Darth InSidious"
Installation Instructions:
Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR Override directory.
Included Files:
-The Read-me file
Uninstall Instructions:
Remove the above named files from your override folder.
This model is a replica of the m-98 Widow sniper rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (this is the sniper rifle that Legion upgrades to, although an infiltrator Shepard can use it as well). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_004 model will now show up as this gun, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally. It is specifically designed to overwrite the Mandalorian Assault Rifle (w_brifle_19.uti) due to there being no specifically-named sniper weapon in TSL.
Darth Malak's Jawpiece for KOTOR & TSL (1.1)
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Inyri Forge has brought us an updated version of Darth Malak�s jaw piece. As I stated in my previous review of this mod (just in case you don�t feel like clicking the outdated one to read about this), Darth Malak lost his mouth in a lightsaber duel. The rumor was it was Master Kavar that did the deed. Just a reminder if that it is only a rumor, nothing is factual about this rumor. The rumor started when you read the dialogue exchange between the Exile and Kavar in the Iziz cantina and it was based off of Mandalore�s comments that the speculation it was Master Kavar who chopped off Darth Malak�s jaw.
What is different about this updated version is that the mesh of the model has been modified to help avoid ear clipping. This works best with Don Kain�s playable Malak�s head (link to this mod in the readme). The textures have been modified to increase blending to it. The model name has been modified to avoid conflicts with the author�s Mabari Armorweave mod. This mask is meant for male characters, however you can put them on females, just don�t except breath taking results.
To get this jaw piece of Malak, you will have to use the KSE or the cheats to get it. The name file is different from the original release. To give it, type... giveitem malakmask
This mod is meant for both Knights of the Old Republic, and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The TSL version has a story behind it that if was taken after Malak�s death in KOTOR. The author said you�ll have to make up your own story for the K1 version. This item is restricted to the dark side of the Force. Also check out the bonus stats you'll get in the readme. The stats from the original release have upped a little to give your PC a little more of a boost. Enjoy it!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
M8 Assault Rifle Replacement
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Here we have the TSL version of Inyri's M-8 Assault Rifle Mod. Since it's identical to the KotOR I version (except for being for KotOR II, of course ), I'll quote my review of that one:
Mod Rating: Advanced
NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.
-Darth InSidious"
Installation Instructions:
Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR2 Override directory.
Included Files:
-The Read-me file
Uninstall Instructions:
Remove the above named files from your override folder.
This model is a replica of the M-8 Assault Rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (similar to the rifle from the original Mass Effect, but the design is slightly different). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_003 model will now show up as this rifle, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally.
PMHC01 Head Replacement
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Inyri Forge has brought us a new skin for us to play with for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. This new skin places the first male Caucasian head skin option. The model of the head is based off the first Caucasian head skin option in the original Knights of the Old Republic game, and the fact that it has that goatee patch by default. Also like in the original KOTOR game, the author made a full goatee version for this head option.
This was one of those times again according to my personal taste need just a simple change to the head to make all the difference in the world for this head option in its look. I love this head model, but I was too bothered by that chin goatee patch to want to use it. That kind of look was just too annoying for my taste. I saw right away if this head option had a full goatee version, this head option would look so cool. I told the author about what I was thinking and she went and did it and good job at that. Also the author made her own dark side transitions; included Sith eyes for this head option all of us devoted dark side players out there. Enjoy this new head everybody!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Playable Yuthura Ban
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Did you ever just want to play as Yuthura Ban in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords? If some of you forgotten who she is, she�s the Twi�lek Sith Apprentice at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the original Knights of the Old Republic game. Remember, she wanted to overthrow Uthar Wynn to become the new Sith Academy leader and she wanted your PC�s help to do it.
This goes back to my original question... Did you ever just want to play as Yuthura Ban? If you have, Inyri Forge has made it possible. She has made her a selectable head for TSL. As some of you modders out there have noticed... elements of the original game were left behind for the sequel, even though they were not used for the storyline. The author just took the element of Yuthura�s head and made it so you can use as a selectable head.
One of the elements of using Yuthura�s head is that you get to use her Sith clothing she was seen using in the original game, so the author thought why not add that element for using her head to better match her. Also the author used the Handmaiden�s underwear base for Yuthura�s underwear. The author did not give us any screenshots of the results of that, so if you want to see how that turned out, you�ll just have to download this mod, install it to find out.
This mod uses the TSL Patcher for easy installation and to make it compatible with other possible .2da files you may be using in your personal override folder. This mod also does not have any dark side transitions, however looking at Yuthura, she is a dark side transition. If anything, she needs a light side face to match her dark look. I would recommend this head being used for dark side lovers out there, but that shouldn�t stop you from using it if you love playing the light side. In fact in the original game, if you convert Yuthura to the light side she goes back to Dantooine (if you do Korriban before you get captured by the Leviathan) and even though she�s a servant of the light, she still looks dark, so use that as motivation if you want to use the head as a light sider. Enjoy the mod!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol by Inyri Forge
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Earlier today the WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol was uploaded to this site for the first Knights of the Old Republic game. This blaster model was designed for Jango Fett in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, who used it to attack Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino, blasted Master Coleman Trebor, and tried to gun down Mace Windu that lead to his beheading on Geonosis.
Of course the users here that were downloading were screaming for this model to be released in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Inyri Forge heard their cries and decided to give in and convert this for TSL. The only problem was she couldn't test it since she currently doesn't have TSL installed, which means don't expect any other TSL mods from her anytime soon. Because of setback in converting, she needed my help with testing the mod and getting screenshots for it.
This blaster will have all the bonuses that were implied in the K1 release. These bonuses are 2-6 ion damage, 3-3 cold damage, on hit properties attribute damage DC 22, and 3-3 fire damage. The bonuses you got from upgrading the blaster are already in the blaster once you get it. This was done because of the different upgrading system TSL has and you can apply those additional upgrades with this blaster.
To get this blaster in your inventory, you will need to use the cheat console. The author explains why she didn't put in game play in her readme as well as how to spawn it. Enjoy the TSL version of WESTAR-34 Blaster!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Installation Instructions:
Move all files into your KotOR2 override directory.
I'm not a big fan of the prequel films, but Jango Fett has a special place in my heart. I also really like the design of his blasters, which is one reason I modeled them (typically I don't like making guns). Just keep in mind that these are high-quality pistols. You'll have to be some kind of pistoleer to use them (rough translation: you need Weapon Focus for pistols).
Obviously since these blaster pistols wouldn't have existed in the Old Republic era I have not placed them in-game anywhere. You can get them by using 'giveitem westarpistol' in the console.
None, I hope.
M6 Carnifex Hand Cannon Replacement by Inyri Forge
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Inyri brings us the TSL version of her model based on the Mass Effect 2 M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon for KotOR I, which was uploaded earlier this week. Since the mod is chiefly the same as the KotOR I version (except for KotOR II, obviously ), here is the review of the K1 version:
N.B.: The mod replaces the same weapon model in this game as its KotOR 1 counterpart does, although du to the different organisational conventions in KotOR II, the item's .uti file is titled "w_blaste_06", and this is the giveitem code that should be put in if you want to get hold of the weapon without waiting for it to turn up in the game on its own.
Mod Rating: Advanced
NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.
-Darth InSidious"
Installation Instructions:
Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR Override directory.
Included Files:
-This Read-me file
Uninstall Instructions:
Remove the above named files from your override folder.
This model is a replica of the Carnifex Hand Canon as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (similar to the pistol from the original Mass Effect, but the design is slightly different). This is simply a heavy blaster pistol replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_HvyBlstr_001 model will now show up as this gun, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally.
Irish Hat
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"With St. Patrick�s Day around the corner in two days, it�s nice to have a mod that reflects the green Irish holiday that is held annually on March 17. Now, I know some of you around the world who visit this site may not know about the green holiday � if that�s the case, just know it�s a holiday where you traditionally wear green and get drunk.
Inyri Forge brings us something to celebrate the spirit of the holiday by making a nice St. Patrick�s Day hat to wear while either searching for the Star Forge in the first Knights of the Old Republic game or tracking down the Jedi Masters in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
I realize some of you who have some modding knowledge about how models work in both Knights of the Old Republic could be thrown off by what I�m going to tell you about this mod. Inyri made one set of models that can work in both Knights of the Old Republic games. At first I thought she forgot one of the game�s model files and tested it out to see which one was missing and I saw that they worked in both games. Usually if one set of model files goes with one game, using it in the other game would cause your game to crash once you equip the item. So don�t be alarmed if you notice it having one set of model files.
You do get a persuade and charisma bonus of +4 when wearing the hat. May I suggest a green armor or robe to go with this new addition? Who knows, maybe for Easter Inyri will make Easter Bunny ears to wear. Enjoy the mod!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Arik Saito's Armor
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"First off, sorry for the delay in uploading this skin.
Here we have a reskin of the Calo Nord Armour ingame. Bright shiny and gold. Too me it looks badass, I can totally see myself running around killing everything in site wearing this (but thats just the sadistic side of me ) All in all very simple skin job, but done very well. I would expect nothing less Further note: this mod works for Kotor and Kotor2.
- JediKilla"
Santa Hats
By inyriforge in Mods
Original Review on Filefront:
"Tis the season as I always right before Christmas, this Christmas is special though it is more Christmasy somehow... Oh I know why because the Kotor 1 Characters are wearing Santa Hats! Thats right everybody our resident Network Admin Inyri Forge has made the first ever Santa Hat for Kotor and I must say she did an awesome job. The hat looks very stylish and for those people who just can't get enough of Christmas this is the mod for you. I am personally in LOVE with Christmas and everything about it so this mod is definatly on my "Nice" list this year. Anyway though I think this is a totally awesome job and something that I would definatly recommend everybody to download.
So all of you guys out there just itching to get this on one of your characters... As always... Enjoy!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
M-98 Widow Replacement
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Inyri's run of Mass Effect 2 weapon replicas for the KotOR games continues with a duplicate of the M-98 Widow weapon. The model replaces that of the "Sith Snipe Rifle" in the game, which can be bought from Kebla Yurt, in the Upper City, on Taris. The mod is a straightforward model replacement, and as such should be compatible with most mods, with the exception of those that affect the "Sith sniper rifle" weapon model.
The mod is produced with Inyri's usual, high level of polish and execution, with both model an texture of exemplary quality. As can be seen in the screenshots, this mod replicates the appearence of the original weapon with a high degree of accuracy. The ease of acquiring the weapon in the game is similarly welcome. In all, this is a masterclass in mod-making, as well as a remarkably fine piece of modelling and texturing. Ultimately, whether or not to download is a matter of taste, but it's hard to deny that this weapon looks fantastic.
Mod Rating: Advanced
NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.
-Darth InSidious"
Installation Instructions:
Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR Override directory.
Included files:
-This Read-me file
Uninstall Instructions:
Remove the above named files from your override folder.
This model is a replica of the m-98 Widow sniper rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (this is the sniper rifle that Legion upgrades to, although an infiltrator Shepard can use it as well). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_002 model will now show up as this gun, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally. It is specifically designed to overwrite the Sith Sniper Rifle (g_w_blstrrfl002.uti) which I felt was particularly appropriate.
Tatooine Spice Dealer
By inyriforge in Mods
Uploaded by permission of the author.
Original KotORFiles review:
"Aren't drug mods popular of late. This time InyriForge makes her first KotOR debut in a while by turning Tatooine's worst pazaak player into a dealer of them. Gotta give him Kudos for finding another way to make credits. (Oh look, I made a pun )
The drug/spice effects are amusingly realistic (reminds me of how anorexia was included in Dungeons & Dragons). After taking them your PC will have his/her high and receive a bonus to their stats according to the drug, but not without a price. After that high s/he'll crash and burn in the form of taking those bonuses as penalties for a short while, so be sure not to snort any of these drugs before every fight.
Since this mod uses the TSLPatcher, remember to run the installer instead of putting the files into override. Enjoy!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
- Emperor Devon"
Installation Instructions:
Run Install.exe from the Spice_IF folder (you can copy this folder anywhere on your hard drive). If you have a clean override folder and do not want to mess with the installer, just copy all contents of the tslpatchdata folder into your override folder. Using the installer is only necessary if you have an existing spells.2da file which needs to be patched. Please do not patch this file by hand! If you patch spells.2da by hand and do not update the UTI files, the mod will not work!
Spice has always been an integral part of the criminal society of the galaxy. Where would the big-name criminals be now if they hadn't dabbled in a little spice trade to get them started? Well, Kudos, our friendly neighborhood Tatooine pazaak player is also aiming for the big leagues. If you dare to ask him, he'll dare to sell you a bit of spice... for a nominal fee. The better the spice, the more expensive it is! And remember, if a bargain seems too good to be true... it probably is.
Spice Information:
Drugs are not free, nor are they good for you. They provide a temporary high... but in the end, they'll do you more harm than good. This mod includes 17 varieties of spice, each with varying prices based on their stat benefits. Each lasts from 3 to 5 minutes, but eventually results in a 20 to 40 second 'downer' where your stat benefits are transformed into penalties.
Included spices:
Booster Blue
+4 to Dexterity
240 second high
36 second downer
Crash n' Burn
+4 to Intelligence
+4 to Wisdom
20% movement speed reduction
240 second high
36 second downer
Death Sticks
+4 constitution
160 second high
24 second downer
+4 charisma
+4 constitution
240 second high
36 second downer
+12 wisdom
320 second high
48 second downer
Grey Gabaki
+4 intelligence
200 second high
30 second downer
+4 strength
20% movement speed reduction
240 second high
36 second downer
Muon Gold
+4 intelligence
+4 wisdom
240 second high
36 second downer
Neutron Pixie
+8 constitution
+4 strength
50% movement speed bonus
320 second high
48 second downer
+8 strength
20% movement speed reduction
240 second high
36 second downer
+4 strength
280 second high
42 second downer
Sedative H4b
+8 constitution
+4 wisdom
240 second high
36 second downer
+4 strength
60% movement speed bonus
240 second high
36 second downer
+8 constitution
20% movement speed reduction
240 second high
36 second downer
Thruster Head
+4 intelligence
160 second high
24 second downer
+4 intelligence
+4 wisdom
240 second high
36 second downer
Zypolene Droid Lubricant
+8 constitution
+4 strength
240 second high
36 second downer
Dealer Location:
Tatooine, as they always say, is a hive of scum and villainy. If you didn't expect to find spice here, you must not be a Star Wars fan! A spice dealer in the cantina would be quite the cliche, so our resident Tatooine spice dealer is located in the hunter's club. Remember Kudos, the Rodian pazaak player? Being so bad at the game, he has to do something to keep the credits coming in...
Occasionally the downers seem not to take effect. Consider this a gift from God if it happens. You can also not stack two of the same kind of spice on top of each other. You can stack two different spices, however.
Don't get addicted. Spices are bad for you, mmkay? And be careful when you take the spice... I'd hate to think you got slaughtered in battle because you hit your downer just when you were most vulnerable!