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Files posted by aneeryrlue
arena Simulation Room
By aneeryrlue in Mods
Hello there!
It's aneeryrlue,
Came back with a new arena/duel mod like my latest arena mod was:
Just it's better, harder, nicer, more fun and awesome.
There is no any known bugs.Lorefriendly mod.
1, unzip files from zip
copy modules and override folder to your Kotor2 folder.
How to play:
-Start a new game.
Go to the Computer with what you manage to open the door for Kreia. Select Load Simulation Room and there you go.
Happy gaming. Cheers
5, Credit List & Special thanks to:
-Fair Strides
-Real Rece
-for you if you download it
TSL - Ultima Duel Room
By aneeryrlue in Mods
maded by Aneeryrlue
1, Installation
2, Uninstallation
3, Compatibility
4, Description
5, Special Thanks
1, Installation:
copy Modules/dr_arena.mod -> your xyz/kotor2/modules/..
copy Override/medlog.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/..
copy Override/secsys.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/..
copy Override/dr_arenaenter.ncs -> your xyz/kotor2/override/..
2, Uninstallation:
delete file from your xyz/kotor2/modules/dr_arena.mod
delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/medlog.dlg
delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/secsys.dlg
delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/dr_arenaenter.ncs
3, Compatibility:
This is a lore-friendly mod, it's should be compatible with everything EXCEPT,
if you have medlog.dlg/secsys.dlg in your override folder,
if you overwrite them, you can't access to the UDR Arena.
ex: medlog.dlg -> Medical Terminal at game starts on Peragus
ex: secsys.dlg -> Security Camera System on Ebon Hawk
4, Description:
Here is 340+ enemy with some personality
Dialogues has some level restrict for unlocking them.
Well, the most of the enemies are OVERPOWERED, but they are BEATABLE!
I maded this mod for that reasons if you overbored by the story, or just want to chillin' on an another way
Q: How to access to the Arena?
A: 1, Start New Game-> Go and talk with Medical Terminal after 25secounds gameplay, choose Load Ultima Duel Room option.
A: 2, While storyline is goes, on the Ebon Hawk go to Security Camera System -> choose Load Ultima Duel Room option.
Q: xyz
A: If you enter to the module, there is an information terminal for another questions.
Q: xyz2
A: write me a message at anytime about anything on deadlystream.com, i'll answer i promise
5, Credit List & Special thanks to:
-Kexikus for NSS Source Scripts
-Antonia for NSS Source Scripts
-Fair Strides for all-time helping me
-Real Rece for some Robes
-Varsity Puppet for some corporate
-Stoffe because his premission and many thanks for it
-Kainzorus Prime for Clone Armors(future relases)
-Jorak Uln for original ideas, and hopefully for some corporate in future relases
-Small Chicken
-djh269 for some tests
-for you if you download/ed this modification
Duel Room Final
By aneeryrlue in Mods
-Help Dialogue at Arenabox
-New funkcion at Arenabox, you can go back to Ebon Hawk
-Detailed Informations at Duelbox from Enemies before you spawn they
-Items rebalanced
-If you copy exptable.2da its like triples the time for level up, cause so easy to level up with this mod.
K1 Duel Room is a fun mod, a new chooseable
gameplay at end of Endar Spire at the pod.
Or on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4
Now you can join back to storyline and back.
It's a training room, a whole new module where is around ~130 chooseable duelers.
You can fight for XP and Credits,
and you can buy at shops items,
you can become a real great dueler.
Prove yourself and beat enemies.
Speak with duelbox and spawn an enemy.
WARNING: There are a lot of very hard enemy so play carefully, save often,
the enemies are strongest from Up to Down in dialogue.
How to get there:
Simple start a new game, at Endar Spire's end speak with Pod and you can choose other way
Or if you left from Taris on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4
How to get back:
If you are at Duel Room go to Arenabox then you can use a New Funkcion go back to Ebon Hawk.
NOTE: Don't use this funkcion if you got to DuelRoom from Endar Spire!
Extract ZiP file:
Copy goroom.mod to C:..SwKOTOR\Modules\
Copy files from Override Folder to C:..SwKOTOR\Override\
Delete C:...SwKOTOR\Modules\goroom.mod
Delete files from C:...SwKOTOR\Override\ folder
This Mod is full compatible with K1R and with Other Mods,
with every mods if you haven't end_pod.dlg in your override folder.
This Mod Builded up to
KOTOR Arena V1.1 by Talchia's Module.
Includes InSidious Extreme Combat Robes and Jedi General Robes.
Includes Rece Elemental Robes
Premission pleased.
So much thanks for Fair Strides,
helped out in scripting and much more.