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Everything posted by heyorange

  1. I definitely like the result. It looks awesome) That's great! I like this variant more than previous one. Though, brown wrist guards look a bit out of place here for my taste. Just a suggestion: to use the collar and shoulderboards from brown robe for them. Or maybe instead paint them with more darker blue/red colour. What do you think ?
  2. Well. It took me some time to actually find these textures from my old harddrive. The thing is, I'm using JC's Supermodel Port for K1 in me Kotor1 game right now, to be exactly this one (P.S. actually I'm working on reskinning textures for this model): That's why I can't show screens of the robes themselves, but I can share the textures. I'll send you private message with the attached .rar file. To see them in the game just rename them according to existing robes in the game and drop in the Override folder. If you decide to use them in your mod or you want to modify them you have my permisson. Just note me as original author of them if you're going to release your mod with them. I like your jedi knight and jedi master robes reskins. They look great! In my humble opinion, Black Dark Jedi Master Robe looks too Dark. Maybe because of the lightning in this particullar area. As for Jedi robes, they look a little to simple. Maybe if the belt colour was different, or colour of the boots brown it would be better. Anyway its just my opinion, I hope this won't offend you. Keep up the good work!
  3. Hello PirateofRohan! I like your idea! As far as I remember there are 9 jedi robes in the game (maybe plus Qel-Droma robe) and 3 sith robes. As I understand, you want to make 3 slightly different recolours for each robe, right ? So there will be 3 tiers: 3 robes for Jedi, 3 for Knight and 3 for Master robes ? Are you going to change only textures or stats too ? I had some thoughts and even made some recolours with the original robe textures. Though they look different from vanilla robes, I can show them if you like.
  4. Small Update Here! Found at least one problem. In the cutscene at the Leviathan bridge after the espace from Taris n_sithcomf001.utc and n_sithcomf002.utc should have friendly_1 property. But instead, because I used these npcs from the Taris Base, now all n_sithcomf001.utc and n_sithcomf002.utc have hostile_1 property. As a result other sith officers kills them right in the cutscene. So, I decided that I need to make a thorough playthrough to check such things. I won't use this 2 npc files and I hope there will be no such problems in the other cutscenes.
  5. Hello Guys! I decided to make some ajustments to sith caps after my manipulations with Admiral Saul, plus I changed the Saul's cap to look more like a sith cap. Basically I just added the starforge insignia to them. So, here's the result: Plus here's Major Hurka from K1R in proper Major uniform
  6. So, it's time for the new update) This time I made the new uniform for the admiral Saul. Never liked his vanilla uniform (it looked different from other sith officers uniform. I understand that he was in the republic navy, but even then he has too much of the red colour) Made his uniform more formal and more parade-like. Plus I used elements and colours from the other sith uniform that I made before. Moreover, I gave him a white belt, recoloured the hole uniform in black with red stripes and added a pocket with the security keys to his chest. And I replaced his strange insignia under the shoulders with the starforge one. The only issue is - what to do with the cap. Right now I'm thinking about two options, either I'll add the sith starforge insignia to the front of the cap or I'll add it to the side of the cap. To add it on the front of the cap seems more logical because the uniform already has an insignia on both shoulders. But I feel like it looks less Star Wars . On the other hand, on the side it looks more stylish but less practical. What do you guys think ?
  7. Small update here! After the creation of the archaeologist uniform I decided that tech girls on Taris deserve their own uniform. So I made Private and Corporal uniform for techs aka Sith Engineer Regiment (The difference with ordinary uniform is only in the insignia) Plus I created 2 new uniforms - Captain and Lieutenant Korriban Sith regiment uniforms Though, for some reason I encountered only 2 captains during battle through sith academy (maybe it's random)
  8. Thanks Guys! It's decided then. I'll do the first option. It's very cool feeling when I see that someone likes what I'm trying to do.) In my case it's the first real mod I'm doing. I have several other ideas, but I want to finish this one before starting something new. Thanks again for your support and comments! ---------------------- Option 1 for Korriban is Done
  9. Guys! Thanks for your replies! I'll try to make separate textures with the black starforge insignia if I'm not too lazy. But you can always modify uniform textures the way you want. Just note me as the original author of the mod if you're going to upload it. 😄 Speaking about the hats. Actually they're pain in the ass) Because they're a part of the head model, so I have several options here: 1. I can change Sith_Male_Albino model (the one which uses the head model with the head) to another one, without the hat. 2. I can create new heads in the appearance.2da which will be just recoloured Sith_Male_Albino and Sith_female_Albino head models 3. I can make masks which will be just Sith_Male_Albino and Sith_female_Albino head models with recoloured hat textures. And I can try to add them in the npcs inventory. But I guess it won't work. Because these head models aren't designed for that. The easiest one to do is the first option. The second option is kinda tricky for me and it will definitely affect compatibility of this mod (This is my first mod so I'm not used to using TSLpatcher). And the third option may not work. And what do you think, guys?
  10. Hi guys! Small update here. I made several new textures. 1. Korriban sith Sergeant, Sergeant-Major, Ensign with white harness (aka sith patrol squads of Korriban regiment) 2. Korriban sith Ensign without harness (for Adrenas) 3. Archaeologist uniform (brown uniform with shovel insignia instead of starforge insignia) I hope you'll like it! Here are some screenshots:
  11. Well, I tried to use the wrist colour and here's the result. What do you think ? In my opinion it looks like they have holes in the shoulder pads) Plus white patch matches the rank bar.
  12. Thanks) You mean the colour of the patch should be less bright ? Or you're speaking about another colour for the patch ?
  13. Aaaand here is the update. At last I understood what was wrong and why I couldn't change npc clothes in the man26XX modules. It's because race parameter of the npcs in these modules was empty. So now it works perfectly
  14. Salk, Thanks for the comment! Well, originally I decided not to change pants colour so that the cap will still match (because the game has the single "Albino" model with cap one for male and one for female) In case with Commander he doesn't have the cap at all) But anyways, I can try and make recolouring with grey pants and show you the comparison screenshot 😃 As promised, here's the result. What do you think ? Funny thing is if you see this uniform in the bright room these grey pants look like pantyhose))
  15. Thanks) Can you please describe in detail what you don't like in the Ensign uniform colouring ? The fact that only top is black or something else ? Here's a close-up look of the uniform
  16. Hi guys! Small update here. This time it's Manaan sith base. Here we have Arguing sith soldier in the first hall of Manaan (the only sith man26 modules I could edit). Now he's Sergeant. Security officer lady at the desk (man27_sithlieu.utc). Now she's Ensign Commander of the base (man27_sithdip.utc). Now he's in the proper uniform And some random captain (man27_sithcap.utc) was promoted to Major That's all for now. For other sith soldiers on Manaan the only thing I can consider is to replace the standart uniform texture. This way they all definitely will change. But there're diplomats, recruiters and common soldiers. So a uniform with a rank bar isn't a good idea. Maybe I should make the parade uniform or something. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions please leave your comments.
  17. Hello there! Guys, I'm sorry for no updates during these 2 years. A lot of things happened but now I can say that I'm back on track) So. As ebmar suggested I made g_a_clothesXX files and added them to certain npcs I tried to change this way the outfit of the first officer on Taris (g_sithtrooper002.utc). But as I understand G in the filename means Global and this file is used both for this npc and for sith soldiers in the battle suit (at least the same npc is used on the Endar Spire, 4 sith soldiers in the last room before the escape pod with Carth ). As a result, if i change the battle suit to my g_a_clothesXX for this npc it will break the game (these 4 soldiers will change their appearance and become frozen. They can't be killed and script that let's you open the door afterwards won't fire). This was the original blocker and one of the reasons why I stopped working on this mod. The other reason was that on Manaan before the Sith base (manm26XX modules) the only npc that changed appearance was man26_sitharg.utc (sith who is arguing with republic soldier in the first hall after the docking platform where the Ebon Hawk landed) Others didn't want to change though I added g_a_clothesXX to their inventory and textures were for the same models as these npc used. For some reason it didn't work. Even for unique NPCs like Viglo, Duan and Vek. First two are drunk siths in the bar and the last one is the Twi'lek in the sith uniform. (The other thing is that I use K1RP mod. There's a little chance that maybe this is the reason but as far as I know this mod doesn't modify these npcs) But evetually I found out that in the modules where players is fighting with sith it IS WORKING. I mean, it works like a charm. So I've changed sith npx on the Taris sith base and on Manaan sith base tar09_recepti001.utc (the poor Twi'lek girl on the reception. I gave her sith battle suit whick was made by redrob41 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/726-modders-resource-specialized-combat-suits-for-kotor-and-tsl/ ) - actually i don't know if I can add this to my mod but this is a work-around because I didn't want to edit appearance.2da and I didn't want to change model for this NPC. And in the end I like the result better than the original idea (You know, she isn't a consripted soldier, she just works there) g_sithcomm003.utc (sith Captain. Though its a global file this one worked). I checked only Taris and Manaan, if this file will break something like g_sithtrooper002.utc I will sadly delete it. But for now everything works just fine. n_sithcomf002.utc (I've changed several techs to Sergeants. They looked to similar) tar09_shieldtech.utc (this tech is now female with rank of Sergeant-Major) tar09_sith092.utc (common sith trooper in the battle suit. Changed it to soldier in the Trooper rank without armor. The idea is that no one is waiting for the ambush so some soldiers are without battle suits) Ow. And one more thing. I added slightly more HP, medpacks and shields for these npcs (except Senior Technician) because without their original armor they're weaker so this way I balanced it a bit. Moreover, I left other techs in the original uniform and aside from tar09_sith092.utc there're other sith soldiers in the battle suit. So this doesn't ruining the original look of the npcs at the base. Just gives it variety.
  18. Of course i will. Just don't forget to mention me as author Tnanks) Well , old imageshack gone done, so i can make new screens if you want. In any case, after release of JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 i'm eager to make my mod with it. But i can upload Kainzorus Prime's Robe Model Reskin as modder's resource Thanks. That's what i'm going to do) But i want to avoid editing appearance.2da for it to be more compatible with other mods I see now. But, for example, there is only 3 officer .utc files on Taris Sith base (g_sithcomm003.utc, n_sithcomf001.utc, n_sithcomf002.utc). I originally thought that there is something like "sithofficer001.utc" which, if you change it, will affect all sithofficers in the game. I'm glad that the game is made that way, that there is different npc utc's for different moduls. Although, i'm limited in one module anyway, but it's enough to implement my idea)
  19. Hello everyone. I reading forum for 4 years already, and haven't logginged once until today, though i'm reading posts everu day and downloadings mods The reason i'm back, because my hands are itching to make some new textures for the game. I have several thoughts for modding one one them is making variety of sith republic and sith soldiers. I don't know will be there eventually a mod, but at least i can show you what is already done. In any case, if i will became too lazy, i will upload it as a modder's resource) First of all, i always wandered 2 things: 1. Why do sith officers use shoulder-belt (cause blaster is not heavy at all, and there is no shealth for a sword on the belt). Well, actually i understand why (cause it looks like more militaristic and offensive) 😶 2. What soldiers (not sith officers) looks like without armored-uniform The first one is easy) As it is not needed it can be removed, but when i remoced it, i realized that, well, uniform became too pale. 😃 So, second point game me idea to make uniform more detailed: As you can see on screenshots i made 3 types of uniforms 1. Soldiers (grey uniform, grey cape) 2. Low Ranking Officers (black-grey uniform, black-grey cape) 3. High Raning Officers (black or dark-brown uniform, black cape). The last one is a attempt to use Saul's pattern of uniform So, here are some screenshots: Making separate textures for males and females was pain in the ass) It's interesting what you guys think about retexture like this. And i was wondering. Well, i can make unique npcs to wear this uniforms, but is there a way to make common sith officers to use different uniforms ? (as i understand correctly one npc = one texture for body, right ?)