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About malxados

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. File Name: Force Powers Unchained File Submitter: malxados File Submitted: 05 Oct 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: No This is a simple mod that "unchains" Force Push/Wave/Whirlwind and Shock/Lightning/Storm; in other words, you don't have to obtain the lower powers (such as Force Push) to learn the higher powers in the chain (such as Force Whirlwind). I haven't tested this with any other mods, but should be compatible with most all of them. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1


    This is a simple mod that "unchains" Force Push/Wave/Whirlwind and Shock/Lightning/Storm; in other words, you don't have to obtain the lower powers (such as Force Push) to learn the higher powers in the chain (such as Force Whirlwind). I haven't tested this with any other mods, but should be compatible with most all of them.