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Everything posted by Seikan

  1. Well, the main issue with a single handed hilt double bladed lightsaber would be animations, since one of your character's hands would constantly be holding the laser blade, or if you go for the single bladed lightsaber animations it might be weird and your character might be constantly hitting himself with the blade, so unless people don't mind about those issues I think it will be quite unlikely to happen.
  2. Found it, thanks Though it isn't exactly a mod but a resources pack, never got around to finish the mod he had planned (it's in particular the last two that I remember, like them quite a bit :}), besides this I've never seen them on other mods, but there could always be some mod unrelated to the lightsabers themselves that includes them so that you don't really see from the get go they're included and I missed it °°. Anyways I'll keep them safe somewhere for next time I decide to start a new game.
  3. I think we can blame bioware for that though, they were clearly aiming for a robot pair with T3-M4 and HK-47 so i wouldn't be surprised they choose blue on purpose. But on a side note, I was wondering about something completely unrelated to these reskins, but back in the lucas forums days, you (Quanon) went innactive for some time and dumped a lot of models and stuff in a "Quanon's big sell out" topic, allowing free use for everyone, and I remember a couple lightsaber models that were pretty nice and used to have on my override (I think they weren't game ready, it's just me who modded them into the game), but my computer from that time died and I lost all my files, so I was wondering if you still had those files, and if you had ever thought about re-using some of those files that got kind of forgotten (Like adding those lightsabers into your Quanon's lightsabers mods, or something like that).
  4. Yeah, i've encountered the same problems, also between the texture itself and the render ingame there's usually quite a large difference in colors, and unnoticeable elements in one might be pretty evident in the other. It looks indeed better this way, regarding the blue i guess it's just a matter of personal preferences, I don't see any problem with it, nor would i think it bad if it's changed. And for Lawkmt3, I'd say from what i've seen (since i haven't really been playing nor modding lately I've only looked quickly a new mods and stuff) I'd say Quanon is going for an improvement on the npc textures while retaining the original feels of it, so I doubt going for a completely different color would be his first choice, just as he didn't made HK-47 gray nor Mission purple, if people really have a problem with the current blue i'd mainly think about different tones and saturation for it even if i'm okay with it the way it is.
  5. I'd actually agree that it could use some more contrast, lines don't look clearly defined and lots of details get lost, makes it look a lil bit plain in my opinion, some contrast would most improve the texture in that regard.
  6. Believe me i'd really enjoy being able to have only one item for male and female, but i'd really affect the general aesthetics of it, Mandalore's mask is a *mask* the only reason it looks like a helmet is because my character is PMHC01 with a shaved head, but it really doesn't cover anything other than the face. There is a reason why there's almost no helmets mods out there and why the game itself only have masks, in order to have a helmet that doesn't clip with any of the playable heads it would have to be oversized, so besides helmets that are oversized in design to begin with (like motorcyclist helmets, the bucket heads, or clone troopers ( and even those still clip with some of the female heads), it's pretty impossible to avoid clipping and have a good looking helmet with good proportions, imagine fitting a head inside the kotor maldalorian's helmet without clipping. Between the choice of completely change the proportions of the helmets found in game (Sith troopers and Mandalorians) to something i consider to be ugly and still have clipping with some of the heads, and the small inconvenience of having two items, one for female and one for males, i decided i'd rather go for the second option and completely get rid of the clipping issue, and I have no intention of changing it until someone presents me a better option. (and no I don't consider pointing to masks you haven't even tested in-game and say they don't have clipping issues assuming it's a helmet while it's a masks only covering the face a "better opinion".)
  7. Mandalore's helmet was never on the mod either it comes from Solomon's revenge, i just use a slightly modified texture for it, so there's actually nothing to "return"", but yeah maybe i should write it more clearly in the description that Revan and Mandalore's masks aren't included in the mod itself since i guess most people don't really check the "new items checklist". Regarding the clipping, Tulak Hord's mask is a mask not a helmet, it only covers the front of the face so it's easy to avoid clipping issues considering it's shape, the helmets would have to be made considerably larger to avoid clipping with every male male and let's not even talk about females with long hair which would inevitably clipp somewhere (sadly there's not a "hide hair" option for helmets as in NWN), that increase in size would mean a change to the style and feel of the helmets that i would consider more detrimental to what i'm aiming for with them than the fact that if your PC isn't Caucasian and you decide to walk around in the character's underwear while wearing the helmet (situation that i consider very unlikely) it will have white skin. And regarding Kreia's assorted robes, i don't really where you want to get at with it, it's a completely different circumstance, my mod already have different entries for different characters where it matters (mostly female version of Tulak Hord's robe), the only problem with skin colors comes when the helmets applying the disguise are worn since they disguise you into a specific appearance with a specific skin color (i could try making a full body underwear and just not show the skin color at all though, but at the time it wasn't a priority and i didn't really had the time), and Kotor's system isn't versatile enough to make the effect of the disguise property vary depending on the original appearance of the character (unless messing with scripts and really complicated matters for a rather minor problem).
  8. I don't remember the exact files in the mod, but in theory it should only need the model, textures and item files, so something like ii_mask.tga, i_mask.tga i_mask.mdl, I_mask.mdx and I_mask.uti would be the only required files.
  9. Nope, you can find then elsewhere, the Revan mask comes from WOTOR (weapons of the old republic) and the Darth Revan one comes from T7's Revan mask mod (although i edited the model a little bit myself).
  10. I just uploaded a new version with some bug fixes, since i had had rush it before leaving to study abroad and didn't had a computer for quite a while. And I wanted to ask if the "files has been reported as broken" tag would be automatically removed ( there were some major bugs like it not working on Caucasian females, but funny enough, it was tagged for an old useless entry on the TSL patcher which resulted in an error during the install but had no real impact...)
  11. I've finally gotten a new computer, so after some exams next week i'll get into fixing the things that have been reported, could you tell me which appearance was it that you were using? and do you use any other mod modifying female body models or are you using a custom appearance?
  12. There isn't really any missing file, it's a reference to an old file that I renamed that someone flagged as missing and so put the whole mod flagged as broken, though there are indeed a few things I need to fix, I guess I can try borrowing my girlfriend laptop to delete the reference and delete any file that isn't working correctly until I can really have my own computer (which might take more time that planned for economic reasons)
  13. (there should be a reply option for mobiles phones...)Hmmm, regarding Jagi I'm getting a new compter soon, so I'll check it out as soon as I can, regarding Revan armor replacing the clothing in the endar spire i see no reason for it to happen, unless the container in korriban where I placed it has the same name as the chest in there (yeah, sometimes totally different files get the same name and so are unusable in the override), in which case there should be an utp file with a very generic name, deleting it would solve the problem, but then you'd need to use kse to get Revan armor, I'll check it out as soon as I've gotten my new computer.
  14. Is it like the installer signals it? Probably an oversight in my sight, i deleted that item and just added a replacement for Darth Bandon fiber armor instead of a separate armor, it's possible I forgot to erase the Mention to it in the TSL patcher, but the equivalent of it should still be in-game, if you don't get it from Darth Bandon then let me know.
  15. Not until I get a new computer over here, one i do I shouldn't be too hard, could probably also make a red one, it would mostly be about playing a bit with photoshop and duplicating the item, more important than that right now, is that I think I might have overlooked a bug I, I believe one of the appearance.2da row for females is not properly edited, and I forgot to fix it, can anyone confirm this? (armor shouldn't be showing properly in-game for some female characters)
  16. Yeah, they are, I could make a LQ version next time I get my hands on a computer °°
  17. Just a fair warning in case you didn't fully read the description to everyone, since I'm moving abroad I had to rush it and didn't had the time to test if everything works correctly, there shouldn't be any game breaking issues, but if something feels out of place feel free to ask me and I'll try to do what I can :0
  18. Seikan's Armors of the Old Republic View File ---------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - Seikan's Armors of the Old Republic 2.2 ---------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Seikan EMAIL: RELEASE: December 2016 ---------------------------------------- Description ---------------------------------------- 6 years after the first release, I present to you a complete rework of my old mod “Seikan’s Armors of the Old republic”, a complete rework on the textures was done, along with the addition to the items in-game. This mod add a new set of armors, using the Darth Bandon's model as male model, and Bastilla's model as female model. These armors will replace the Revan robes row in the appearance.2da. It also adds a set of mandalorian helmets, sith trooper helmets, and a new model for Tulak Hord's mask. ---------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2 version ---------------------------------------- -Fixes bug of Endar Spire beginning footlocker containing Revan’s armor instead of the beginning loot allowing you to progress in the game. Revan’s armor is now located along with Mandalore the Ultimate’s armor. -Fixes the bug of the mandalorian warrior armor not appearing on Jagi. -Fixes the issue of Caucasian female characters having the wrong textures attributed to it. -Removes a useless entry on the TSL patcher that caused it to report an error though there was no real issue. ---------------------------------------- New Items Checklist ---------------------------------------- - Revan's Armor - Darth Revan's Armor - Mandalorian Warrior Armor (blue) - Mandalorian Sergeant Armor (red) - Cassus Fett Battle Armor (yellow) - Mandalore The Ultimate's Armor - Sithmaster-armor - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor - Tulak Hord's Robe - Tulak Hord's Mask - Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) - Neo Crusaders Helmet (red) - Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) - Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) - Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (red) - Female Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) - Sith Hemlet - Female Sith Hemlet ---------------------------------------- How to Install This Mod ---------------------------------------- - Run the TSL patcher, and select your game directory. ---------------------------------------- Location of the items ---------------------------------------- - Darth Revan's Armor : Naga Sadow tomb. - Mandalorian Warrior Armor (blue) Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue): Dropped by Jagi - Mandalorian Sergeant Armor (red) Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (red) Neo Crusaders Helmet (red): Dropped by Mandalorian commander in the Shadowlands - Cassus Fett Battle Armor (yellow) Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) Female Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow): Sold at the usual spot (Dantooine) - Revan's Armor Mandalore The Ultimate's Armor: Found in The Krayt Dragon lair. - Sithmaster-armor Sith Hemlet Female Sith Hemlet: Taris Governor - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor: Self explanatory. - Tulak Hord's Robe Tulak Hord's Mask : Self explanatory. ---------------------------------------- Contact Info ---------------------------------------- - Email all questions or comments to:, or contact me through Deadlystream, Username: Seikan ---------------------------------------- Terms of Use ---------------------------------------- - Altering the contents of this mod is permitted only for your own personal usage. - You are not allowed to use the resources included in this package for other released mods without my consent. (which you’ll most likely have, just ask me, I just like to know what’s being done with my mod) ---------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------- Models, skins, idea: Seikan Rework on Tulak Hord’s mask model and mapping: xander2077 ---------------------------------------- Special Thanks ---------------------------------------- - Thanks to those who took the time and effort to create the tools required to mod KOTOR. Without those, none of this would have been possible. - Thanks to Holowan Labs for all the help and support through the development process of the earlier version. - Thanks to Illy-chan, who suggested me to use Bastilla’s model for the female version of the armors. -Thanks to xander2077 Who did a nice overhaul of Tulak Hord’s mask, which is now part of this mod. ---------------------------------------- Additional Notes ---------------------------------------- -There are male and female helmets, since it needs to modify the appearance of the character. So if you wear a female helmet with a male you will be changed into a female. -The helmets will change you into a white character, so if you wear underwear while using one of the helmets, your character will be changed to a white character. -If you wear a helmet during a "star map vision",, or the Revan revelation you will have a really ugly face, that's normal, otherwise, there would be pieces of head, getting out all over the helmets, so I’d advise you to take them off before such scenes. -Since I’m a little bit short of time I haven’t had the time to test the mod myself, so there might be a few bugs here and there, if you find any I’d appreciate if you contact me, I’ll try getting a fix for it ready. -Compatibility wise, it obviously won't be compatible with mods modifying the same files (Revan robes models, Jagi, Tulak Hords sarcophagus and mask, Taris Governor etc....) Submitter Seikan Submitted 08/05/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  19. Version 2.2


    ---------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - Seikan's Armors of the Old Republic 2.2 ---------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Seikan EMAIL: RELEASE: December 2016 ---------------------------------------- Description ---------------------------------------- 6 years after the first release, I present to you a complete rework of my old mod “Seikan’s Armors of the Old republic”, a complete rework on the textures was done, along with the addition to the items in-game. This mod add a new set of armors, using the Darth Bandon's model as male model, and Bastilla's model as female model. These armors will replace the Revan robes row in the appearance.2da. It also adds a set of mandalorian helmets, sith trooper helmets, and a new model for Tulak Hord's mask. ---------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2 version ---------------------------------------- -Fixes bug of Endar Spire beginning footlocker containing Revan’s armor instead of the beginning loot allowing you to progress in the game. Revan’s armor is now located along with Mandalore the Ultimate’s armor. -Fixes the bug of the mandalorian warrior armor not appearing on Jagi. -Fixes the issue of Caucasian female characters having the wrong textures attributed to it. -Removes a useless entry on the TSL patcher that caused it to report an error though there was no real issue. ---------------------------------------- New Items Checklist ---------------------------------------- - Revan's Armor - Darth Revan's Armor - Mandalorian Warrior Armor (blue) - Mandalorian Sergeant Armor (red) - Cassus Fett Battle Armor (yellow) - Mandalore The Ultimate's Armor - Sithmaster-armor - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor - Tulak Hord's Robe - Tulak Hord's Mask - Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) - Neo Crusaders Helmet (red) - Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) - Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) - Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (red) - Female Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) - Sith Hemlet - Female Sith Hemlet ---------------------------------------- How to Install This Mod ---------------------------------------- - Run the TSL patcher, and select your game directory. ---------------------------------------- Location of the items ---------------------------------------- - Darth Revan's Armor : Naga Sadow tomb. - Mandalorian Warrior Armor (blue) Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue) Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (blue): Dropped by Jagi - Mandalorian Sergeant Armor (red) Female Neo Crusader Hemlet (red) Neo Crusaders Helmet (red): Dropped by Mandalorian commander in the Shadowlands - Cassus Fett Battle Armor (yellow) Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow) Female Cassus Fett Battle Hemlet (yellow): Sold at the usual spot (Dantooine) - Revan's Armor Mandalore The Ultimate's Armor: Found in The Krayt Dragon lair. - Sithmaster-armor Sith Hemlet Female Sith Hemlet: Taris Governor - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor: Self explanatory. - Tulak Hord's Robe Tulak Hord's Mask : Self explanatory. ---------------------------------------- Contact Info ---------------------------------------- - Email all questions or comments to:, or contact me through Deadlystream, Username: Seikan ---------------------------------------- Terms of Use ---------------------------------------- - Altering the contents of this mod is permitted only for your own personal usage. - You are not allowed to use the resources included in this package for other released mods without my consent. (which you’ll most likely have, just ask me, I just like to know what’s being done with my mod) ---------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------- Models, skins, idea: Seikan Rework on Tulak Hord’s mask model and mapping: xander2077 ---------------------------------------- Special Thanks ---------------------------------------- - Thanks to those who took the time and effort to create the tools required to mod KOTOR. Without those, none of this would have been possible. - Thanks to Holowan Labs for all the help and support through the development process of the earlier version. - Thanks to Illy-chan, who suggested me to use Bastilla’s model for the female version of the armors. -Thanks to xander2077 Who did a nice overhaul of Tulak Hord’s mask, which is now part of this mod. ---------------------------------------- Additional Notes ---------------------------------------- -There are male and female helmets, since it needs to modify the appearance of the character. So if you wear a female helmet with a male you will be changed into a female. -The helmets will change you into a white character, so if you wear underwear while using one of the helmets, your character will be changed to a white character. -If you wear a helmet during a "star map vision",, or the Revan revelation you will have a really ugly face, that's normal, otherwise, there would be pieces of head, getting out all over the helmets, so I’d advise you to take them off before such scenes. -Since I’m a little bit short of time I haven’t had the time to test the mod myself, so there might be a few bugs here and there, if you find any I’d appreciate if you contact me, I’ll try getting a fix for it ready. -Compatibility wise, it obviously won't be compatible with mods modifying the same files (Revan robes models, Jagi, Tulak Hords sarcophagus and mask, Taris Governor etc....)
  20. Well, nice to hear I'll be going abroad for a while (writing at the airport), so don't know how the mod will progress but I'll try downloading the game over there and get the tools to finish it, at least all the textures and icons are done do I just need to work on the gff files to implement the armors into the game and configure the TSL patcher, only compability problems I can think off will be with other mods modifying the pxbj column of the appearance.2da, so anything touching the Revan armors.
  21. Yeah that's why must of us did say you should try it, even a large part those of us (le me) who aren't specially huge fans of it, and are not playing it at the time think it is worth it to try it, at least for a few months it's a nice game (now that there has been expansions it also have more live expectancy), and then yeah MMO's have something addicting about it, so if it's your first one, yeah you've been trapped in the spider-web Anyone who tells you "you should never try that piece of ****" are just too biased, even if i dislike the game as an entity (not as a game) for everything it represents and means for the future of kotor and it's characters... x)
  22. Yeah sadly even if we did find anything of use in NWN files that could become a super revolution in what can be done with kotor, we wouldn't be able to use it due to porting (well, at least not here).
  23. Well, i've reworked most of the female armors expect the mandalorian ones, I'll get some screenshots later, but for now I wanted to ask your opinion on the female Darth Bandon armor (that didn't exist at all until now, don't remember exactly what drove me not to make one the first time): My doubts are regarding the bands falling from around the hips and the back of the shoulders, I thought of doing them this way as fabric, as the robe part of the original Darth Bandon's Robe, and by itself it doesn't look bad, but i feel it's kinda weird with the parts being completely hard (By the way, I hate how that model always have the front band clip with the legs, but i'd assume no one would have the spirits to animate it like Revan's flowing cape for it not to clip, so i'll live with it), so what do you guys think, do i leave it like that or texture it another way so it doesn't feel weird it being hard and rigid? PS update: I reworked all the female armors but i noticed some small errors in some of them that i need to correct so i'll post their screens when i've fixed them, in the meanwhile here are the armors I consider done: And here are the final 3: A a lil comparison between old female white revan armor and the new one: It was really terrible ºº Now it's time to get into the item icons.
  24. Oh, but it doesn't stop there, they'll stomp him even more in the game itself, after keeping him alive 400 years just to be able to drop him in their mmo to try to bait kotor fans they do a terrible story with him in a flashpoint before changing him in some sort of bipolar Voldemort, but anyways... Concerning Cartel points it depends on personal preference, maybe you want to get the extra races, or maybe you want to get a movement speed boost to move faster on annoyingly large places, but in the end most of the stuff is cosmetic anyways, you can cosplay as more or less any major character of kotor if you wish, old-school kotor republic soldier? done, blingbling old-school kotor sith soldier? possible, Darth nihilus mask? yay, Revan amor? easy, Darth malak? of course, handmaiden outfit? yay! (even as a guy, looks kinda weird...), and well Bastilla, Jolee, Calo Nord, Mira, Mandalore the preserver (K2 Canderous), Sion, Atton, Visas, really only missing a few... (but some are not avaible at any moment) By themselves, they are cool, i'd totally get them, but it feels weird seeing kotor cosplayers running around every corner x)
  25. Oh and by the way, if you have the time could you create a K1 version of the script, (just as the one I tested), Since it worked pretty well, i'd like to integrate it into my mod to avoid having different helmets for males and females, but there's no rush. And I also was wondering, when it comes to compatibility, since it relies on modifying the OnHeartBeat script to trigger the script itself even if it wouldn't be hard to edit it, when it comes to publishing mods using it people might not have such an easy time editing the onheartbeat script, so is it possible to create duplicate onheartbeat scripts under other names which would still work, or any way to automatize adding a script trigger to it so people who use mods with it doesn't have to do it themselves? Ps: I guess an option would be to keep track of every mod using it and create a list of the needed scripts triggered by it (i don't think there will suddenly be a swarm of people using it) and have every mod that uses it use the same OnHeartBeat script which already includes the trigger for the other scripts other mods would use.