Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Status Updates posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. HMB while I slide down on this handrail LMAO https://imgur.com/gallery/ixnM4OD

    1. HK-47


      Oh cool! The Saberforge guy is selling parts for buyers to make their own sabers? I've always wanted to buy one of his sabers.

  2. Ex Machina - Official Trailer (2015) [HD]

  3. Obi-Wan: Silent Guardian by Raymond Swanland WoW so sick https://imgur.com/gallery/44Um2Kc?

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      That is very well done. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Raymond Swanland is a famous artist. Google his name.

  4. Watch Paul Rudd shrink and fight in the new Ant-Man trailer https://www.theverge.com/2015/4/13/8399197/ant-man-trailer-marvel

    1. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      It took everything I had to realize you said Paul Rudd and not Phil Rudd


  5. I am going to update my signature banners to comply with the new guyideline signature pic restriction size of 400x200. I am also planning a new M4-78 signature banner GIF.

  6. finally reinstalled tslrcmm4-78 and hopefully I can get into the cantina this time! *crosses fingers*

  7. For those of you who read my blog about the future of moding then this rant by darkone (the owner of the nexus) will be of interest to you. I was not aware of Valves and Bethesda's plans but if yuo read my blog then you already know that I predicted this would happen over 5 years ago. " BLOG PIECE: Modding as a hobby versus modding as a career, and the position of the Nexus" http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12444/?

  8. Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a Real Bionic Arm

    1. VarsityPuppet
    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Omg what a lucky girl!!!! Two of the hottest superheroes in any universe... *jaw dropping* heheehe

    3. Sith Holocron
  9. Updated "My Modern Morrowind Build Guide" blog entry to version 2.9a" Added Bump and Reflection Mapping tutorial link in "Modding Tutorial Websites for Morrowind" section.

  10. New Blog entry; Transcending the Future! Come take a gander

  11. I just want to say hello to everyone here. I am so pleased to see that this place is doing well. I have a strong itch to play the game again. My last attempt eneded in utter failure but this time around my new gaming rig was built to handle all the games I play in ultra settings. I am now studying the set up instruction here and I hope to be playing soon. I really can't wait XDD

  12. you can buy Kotor 1&2; the disk versions off of amazon for $16.00 shipping included http://www.amazon.co...c/dp/B00027CXEM

  13. Hi; how can I listen to the next podcast?

    1. zbyl2


      It's not up yet, not sure why. Nag VP about it ;)

  14. Woohoo I'm all set up. Can't wait to kick some serious tin can butt while exploring M4-78

  15. Setting up my m4-78ep play through this weekend. Should be able to start playing by mid week.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I might have a request for you regarding your playthrough. Do you have the capability to record your playthrough? PM me at your convenience.

  16. Plan on trying the new tslrcm 1.8.2 m4-78ep in 2 weeks. Can't wait XD

  17. FIXED It's all good now. Thank you

  18. something is wrong!!! I can't see the website when I sighn in It looks fine before i sign in but once i sign in the screen resolution goes all wacky. I have taken screen shots and will post on a help page or on my dia noga thread ! :(