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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    View File Thematic The One Thematic The One Premise The One: warlord; conqueror; latent Force-Sensitive. A charismatic leader of the Rakata and a near-supernatural anomaly among their people. As an added bonus, he also dies in about two combat rounds! In fairness, with a good character build there’s very little that doesn’t go down in two rounds or less in the lategame. But The One in particular irks me—he’s presented as special, a natural leader in Revan’s own mold, a warrior-prince leading both armies and the political structure of his people. Yet despite having all the resources of the hundreds of islands he has conquered and dozens of crashed vessels he has looted, indeed despite having a Sith Tremor Sword in a bin literally RIGHT BEHIND HIM, he uses two regular vibroblades; despite being so charismatic he convinced his own former chieftain to willingly sacrifice himself and allow his tribe to cannibalize him while being so brick-headed he’s sat on a single island for half a decade, his WIS is 18 while his CHA is only 12; and despite being latently Force-Sensitive, his Will saves are abysmal. This was a ripe field for a Thematic project. Like my similar mod for KOTOR 2, Thematic The One’s goal is not to make the fight against The One actually challenging—this is not a difficulty mod. The fight will be slightly harder than in vanilla, yes, but for some builds this change will not even be noticeable; indeed, I took him out in two combat rounds just like normal. Instead, the goal is to present The One as the game insists he is: a charismatic warrior with vast resources and the—albeit unconscious—power of the Force behind him. Changes The One’s WIS and CHA stats have been nearly inverted, from 18/12 to 14/18; he has been given a Sith Tremor Sword in his main hand and an Echani Vibroblade in his off-hand (neither droppable); his Will saves have been bumped up to 15, to make him about as difficult as an average Dark Jedi to land Force abilities against; his alignment has been moved from Neutral to moderately DS, so that the Solari crystal will work against him; and, most significantly, he has been scripted to use Force Valor at the start of the fight with him. I felt this was important to represent exactly how close The One is to true Force Sensitivity, and how it’s clear that the Force has been supporting his meteoric rise from the start. Compatibility As is the objective with all Thematic-series mods, this mod should be compatible with every other mod out there. Even mods that edit The One should be compatible, as long as they edit his data in the module rather than with a direct .utc file drop to the override; at worst, such a mod would only replace some of my changes with its own. Permissions & Thanks As with any mod “I” have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give me credit for the idea and for the balance settings if you choose to retain most of mine, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Particular thanks to JCarter426, who made this entire mod at my request but then told me it would be funnier if I uploaded it like it was my own. Ok. Submitter Snigaroo Submitted 05/21/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. 1 point
    I see, well that rules out for choke but what about mind trick / force confusion
  3. 1 point
    The original version of the mod released 14 years ago today on KotORFiles. I was originally angry about the unvoiced dialogue present in the existing Padawan mods, and set out to fix that. It was incredibly different from what exists today, but I am eternally grateful that I started working on it. I've released a new major update, which reworks the mod substantially. It replaces Tutorial Remover as well, as you now have the option to not be a Jedi, so I no longer need to maintain separate mods with the same functionality. It should be much cleaner and more compatible, and uses a more modern installer, that has version for linux and mac if needed. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the mod over the years. I've gotten a lot of good feedback (and bad obviously), but I only really remember the good stuff. Thank you!
  4. 1 point
    The issue is you can't add new animations to either game, only replace existing animations. That's typically a bad idea.
  5. 1 point
    That's a workable solution. I'd want to see how it behaves ingame, and especially for something like this I'd like to see a video of it in an early alpha state just to see how the modules join together, but I like the sound of it.
  6. 1 point
    I had an interesting idea for the lost shadowlands level that I was going to attempt in my port at some point that could potentially be used for KotOR1 as well, though I hadn't considered using it in this way but now I am thinking about it. My idea was to add three area transitions that would lead you back to the same area, like the lost forest in the legend of Zelda games, where you have to go in a specific set of directions in order to reach your destination. So it would be like go East, then North, then West or something, each time you enter the level it could spawn a random arrangement of enemies based on whichever direction you have taken and eventually you could come out near Jolee's Hut or the Star Map. I was just going to have it as an extra area behind the log where Freyyr can be found roaming, but this might be a better use of it.
  7. 0 points
    I will take you up on that since I don't want our conversation to discourage others from talking about other requests or suggestions here--we'll move to coordinating this in DMs.