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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hi everyone, I'm still alive as this project. I just encountered some personal difficulties. Now I'm moving on. I did look out for a way to manipulate the cutscene to incorporate the models in it. I also lost myself along the way. So I've put this aside for the moment. It will not a big glorious update. But still... The modded OG The new HD mostly done. But I found out I need to touch up some parts. With the not done arm version. I'm working on adding dirt and scratches on the metal. Making an HD custom textures for the arm with an option of gore and no gore. It is in the plans. But I don't know when I will add them. Will the icons be animated? I have no idea if it's in the possibilities.
  2. 1 point
    Hello! I decided to try my hand on making a custom version of this. I added a couple of static cameras with a filter to try to improve the cinematics. The result can be seen here.
  3. 1 point
    As I might've said at an earlier point, I wouldn't get yourself fussed over a release date. Me or Logan can give a date and more likely than not that date will come and pass with no release, this isn't on us... this is an unfortunate fate that happens to many in-development mods, this is why most modder's don't "announce" a release date as 9 times out of 10 they can't deliver on that promise. When ROR Episode 1 is released, it will be similar to the old Demo but it will be a FAR improvement. The plan is to finish Episode 1 and release it to the public out of the blue, that way we can't disappoint anyone if we promise a date and we can't release it on said date.
  4. 1 point
    Why is the YouTube resolution locked in 420p? Carth's looking like he's made of static when he first starts his lines. Also, could you provide a version with and without the red filter? I'm really liking the "blinking" effect you've made. Also, you may want to consider integrating JC's Vision Enhancement for K1 alongside this. Apparently, the Taris opening vision scene uses the Ebon Hawk's bed whereas this mod by JC uses the Taris Apartment bed instead.
  5. 1 point
    Q. No HK-Torture scene/Missing restored EH-scenes/Get stuck in Ebon Hawk on my way to Malachor. A. Delete k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override. "[TSL] Fixed Proficiency/Focus Feat Icons 1.0 http://deadlystream....cus-feat-icons/ PMHA03 Head Restoration 1.0 http://deadlystream....ad-restoration/ Trailer Force Crush Sound 1.0 http://deadlystream....ce-crush-sound/" Don't need those, TLSRCM 1.8.3 fixes that itself.