Greetings, author --
First, a good start for allowing the tool to read users'-end Override -- liking that feature already - among any other improvements from the ol' KotOR Tool. Granted, it's far from perfect as there are still bugs around. However, nothing but promising sign one must say. 👍
Second, I'm giving you heads-up about an oversight with the built-in 2DA editor which it mistakenly read-and-write visualeffects.2DA. What your tool does was it reads the row [label] based on index instead of the actual number [int?] each rows has.
For example, supposedly [and by using KotOR Tool] VFX_ARD_LIGHT_YELLOW_10 has 5000 with the (Row Label) which also used for scripting constant -- but then your tool read [and write] it as 130 hence breaking the table and obviously the game as well. On top of my head that's the only 2DA I'm aware of that needs attention - there are others probably, but that's the only one I had encounter the issue with. Therefore, along with this report I hope you able to resolve the issue.
I might be part of the minority that's using subfolder in TSL's Override -- however, I still wish you can make the tool able to read them also. I think that'd be a cool feature to have. 😁
Think that's all for now. I'll get back to you with reports/questions later -- 'cause one thing at a time, I guess. Much thanks for considering this. Cheers.