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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    If I may chime in about the flag. I don't think it's actually the design that's the issue but the fabric texture. A hanging flag would never fold that way as it looks more like a slightly crumpled bedsheet or something but definetly not like something hanging on a wall. And the logo isn't following the folds either so that looks pasted on and thus further increases the unrealistic look. Many of your other screenshots look amazing though. I especially like Onderon. Great job on that one.
  2. 1 point
    Hi, I want to improve the lackluster Sith Artifacts and thought it would be logical, that they grant you Force Powers that correlate with their Maker. So Ajunta Palls Blade could give the Force Power Plague since he was exiled for studying Alchemy which can be used to create Poisons. My Problem is, that I don't know how to add them, since Kotor Tool doesn't allow do add Bonus Force Powers to Items. Does anybody already done this or have an Idea how it could be done? Thank you all in Advance!
  3. 1 point
    Hello! I have not much experience with creating new items and all but what I can tell you is that KotOR Tool allows for adding so called "properties" to item. You may be interested in adding to the sword two "On Hit Properties" that would simulate Plague, namely "Slow" and "Item Poison" (if I interpret the latter correctly, that is). You could set the duration and the DC to save against them using one of the choices given in the menu. I'm sure others could help you more but perhaps this will get you started. Good luck.
  4. 1 point
    Maybe something like the unarmed combat feats in TSL? Watching him take down a Rancor or Terentatek with his bare hands would be hilarious!