N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 13, 2017 I had this crazy idea for a mod that restores Bao Dur's sacrifice into the game giving a much-needed ending and resolution for Bao Dur's character. I know there is a mod called Bao Dur's Endgame Enchantment in development but it's been a long time without any updates and I am positive the lead modder has quit. This idea isn't a mod I am working on right now this is simply my idea for a mod someone else may want to make.When the Exile finds all the Jedi Masters and returns to Dantooine two ships will be planted outside the enclave one being a G-Wing escape ship (Zez Kai Ell's Ship) and a Shuttle (Kavar's Ship). After the Jedi Masters sequence when you go outside the shuttle is gone, that is because of Kreia and Atton/Handmaiden, if they left with her, stole it and took it to Telos (This ship can also be placed outside Traya's Academy to show where Kreia landed it when she arrived). When the player leaves Dantooine they will land on Citadel Station and go to Chodo Habat or Jana Lorso depending on which side you chose before and request for a shuttle to the planet's surface as the Ebon Hawk isn't legally allowed to the planet's surface. Suddenly when you reenter the Entertainment Module the Ravager arrives and begins its assault. After talking to a retreating TSF Officer you using the comlink call Atton to lead the entire party to the Ithorian HQ regardless of who you chose at the beginning of the game.Once their Lieutenant Grenn will be waiting for you and will brief you. Once there you will send Visas, Mandalore and Bao Dur onto the Ravager while HK-47 goes to the HK Factory to shut it down and the player will have to go deal With Atris. Mandalore, Visas, and Mandalore will vanish into stealth and supposedly stealth to a shuttle to go to the Ravager. HK-47 and Exile will then go through Citadel Station doing the usual stopping the Sith from shutting down the fuel cells etc, however, a new bit of content we could add for Dark Side players have Jana Lorso and two CSD try to fight their way to the shuttle module in the Entertainment Module only to be killed be Sith in a cutscene.Once arrived at either a Czerka or Ithorian Hangar with the receptionist gone the player has to splice into the receptionist computers to try to open the hangar door. The exile will fly the shuttle outside the underground facility (Because the hangar doors are closed) where the Czerka Mercenaries have reset up shop outside the base and will attack. After killing them all the player will realize the Mercenaries installed an Energy Shield outside the entrance to prevent Military Droids from escaping. They then discover a Mercenary inside a Kolto Tank, the Exile can either use the force, use a Medpac or use their treat injury skills to heal the merc. The player then can persuade this mercenary either through normal persuade/ threats or force persuade to get him to tell him the access code to the Energy Shield door -after you get the code through either of these options, you have an option to either kill him or leave him outside as HK-47 enters the facility. Exile will leave in the shuttle to go to Atris. After this HK-47's HK Factory part is exactly the same as TSLRCM's.If your character is a female and has disciple the Handmaidens will battle the player including Brianna in the council chamber room. After defeating them or stunning them the player can go into the Holocron room to fight Atris, if you're male it will go out exactly the same as TSLRCM except your character doesn't start inside the hangar where the Ebon Hawk is because the Hawk is on Citadel. After defeating Atris you can either kill her, leave her or redeem her. Back on the Ravager, everything goes out normally except Mandalore is the lead of the party, not Exile. This is because Kelborn when contacting you over the com always refers to you as "Mandalore" even though you're not Mandalore. Everything goes out normally fighting Sith and planting bombs (Which should be actual items you receive at the start and lose when you place them in the target zones) on the ship except Colonel Tobin is nowhere to be found and the door to the bridge is locked. Additionally, the exit off the ship should be at the end of that long hallway Mandalore walks in at the start and the small room which is the exit in Vanilla where the Mandalorians blow out of to get into the Sith Soldier room should be remodelled to have a locked door that should make it appear the Mandalorians came from the Hangar with Mandalore but took an alternative route to clear the way for Mandalore. Also, there should be Mandalorians in one-half of the ship fighting Sith Soldiers so Kelborn is actually telling the truth about fierce resistance and all the other things he says over the com.When you plant all the bombs Kelborn will tell you one of the bombs exploded prematurely Mandalore has to find or make another bomb. They find that torpedo room that can serve as a replacement bomb if someone can manually detonate it meaning someone has to stay behind and go down with the Ravager. This will be Bao Dur who volunteers to do it, perhaps here Mandalore can say "Your death will be worthy of a Mandalorian" to which Bao replied "I could use without your Mandalorian Honour. Make my sacrifice Matter". Visas and Mandalore leave the room and the door locks with Bao Dur inside. Then they will walk to the locked bridge door to see Tobin run out and go into stealth disappearing before they can talk. Once they arrive at the elevator they find it needs a pass card before it can be used so Visas and Mandalore go to Visas' chamber where Mandalore will pick up the pass card from her locker but Visas will stay behind and meditate forcing Mandalore to leave her behind and go alone. Mandalore will fight through the last Sith on the bridge and confront Nihlus. He will shoot at Nihilus (Gun will be given to him automatically if none is present) getting all his shots deflected away. Nihilus will then use a Lightning and Drain combo on Mandalore flinging him to the end of the bridge where Mandalore will limp out of the room.Exile will arrive on the Ravager and make his way to the big open room where Mandalorians will tell the Exile they captured a prisoner who is conveniently Tobin. Tobin will say his lines and if you let him live will give you a pass card to the elevator but if you kill him you loot the card off his remains, The Mandalorians will support either choice. Everything with Nihilus will play out exactly just without Mandalore. Once Nihilus is defeated a loud troubling noise can be heard and Mandalore will com the player and ask "What are you doing up there, we need to get off this ship" because without it's master keeping it together it's falling apart. Exile and Visas (If she's alive) will make their way to the exit and the Ravager will blow up with Bao Dur still on it, killing him. Since the Exile doesn't know what happened to Bao Dur he/she still asks about him to Traya and Traya will say he cannot sense his fate because he is dead.Once on Citadel if Tobin is spared will be on Citadel and will walk past the Exile during the cutscene when Grenn tells the exile Carth wants to speak with him. Tobin if the player supported Talia will be unarmed and still in his Armor lead by Republic and Talia Soldiers presumably being sent off to Jail for treason but if the player supported Vaklu Tobin will be wearing his Onderon Officer clothing being escorted by Vaklu troops heading back to Onderon. Whether or not he still has his Dark Side appearance is up to the modder.That it is that's my Bao Dur idea that I will likely not make for a long time. I am sorry if the above doesn't make sense I feel like it could sound strange at certain parts. This could perhaps also link up with Reztea's Recruit Atris Mod where perhaps Exile and Atris arrive on the Ravager together and the Nihilus fight is between Exile, Visas, and Atris. If someone would like to make my idea a reality there more than welcomed to do so as long as I'm properly credited for the idea and I am fully aware of what's going on. If you like my idea please be sure to tell me what your favourite part of it is and what I could improve especially if I've plot hole. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 13, 2017 BTW: What's a "Ravenger"? LOL 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 13, 2017 BTW: What's a "Ravenger"? LOL Whoops, my mistake. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 13, 2017 Just kidding with you. I'll fix the references shortly for you. (Seeing as I originally thought you were posting in the wrong section, I'm not immune to errors myself! LOL) I had a thought about this way back 2010 - where if you convinced Tobin you do the honorable thing and help - then he died in the explosion that destroyed the fourth proton bomb. It never got implemented in either TSLRCM or the Ravager Redux mod that Zbyl put together but seeing what happened to Tobin would tie of that loose end in a nice way. (I think that was the name of Zbyl's mod but it's been a long time...) I also had a different work up about how to deal with Bao-Dur but I don't wish to completely hi-jack your thread. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 13, 2017 Just kidding with you. I'll fix the references shortly for you. (Seeing as I originally thought you were posting in the wrong section, I'm not immune to errors myself! LOL) Now we're making sense. I had a thought about this way back 2010 - where if you convinced Tobin you do the honorable thing and help - then he died in the explosion that destroyed the fourth proton bomb. It never got implemented in either TSLRCM or the Ravager Redux mod that Zbyl put together but seeing what happened to Tobin would tie of that loose end in a nice way. I think that would be a bit to difficult to implement so I don't blame them for not adding it. If you read above Colonel Tobin in my idea survives and is either taken by the Republic and Talia's Soldiers as a prisoner or is reunited with Vaklu's troops and returns to Onderon. (I think that was the name of Zbyl's mod but it's been a long time...) Ravager Rewrite- http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/441/?tab=3&selected_game=198&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fkotor2%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D441%26user%3D1%26gid%3D198&pUp=1 I also had a different work up about how to deal with Bao-Dur but I don't wish to completely hi-jack your thread. If you like you can send me a PM of how you'd deal with Bao Dur however I at this point feel like this idea would be an easy and fun way to end Bao Dur as it adds new content, It overhauls the battle of Telos and it fixes up alot of plot holes in this section of the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 13, 2017 If you like you can send me a PM of how you'd deal with Bao Dur however I at this point feel like this idea would be an easy and fun way to end Bao Dur as it adds new content, It overhauls the battle of Telos and it fixes up alot of plot holes in this section of the game. I'll just make a blog. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 13, 2017 Which lines for the nameless NPCs could I voice? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 13, 2017 Which lines for the nameless NPCs could I voice?Has someone taken on this project yet? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 13, 2017 I really like the idea! Great job. And I'd love it if someone were to actually do this (I won't at this point since I'm already busy with other mods, see below for more). Some thoughts: Why not just use the Ebon Hawk for the player? I know you wrote that it's because the EH is not allowed on Telos but I doubt anyone would care at this point and it's always nicer to use your own ship instead of a generic shuttle. I love the part where Bao-dur sacrifices himself to destroy the Ravager. That's always what I had in mind when it comes to his fate. One thing I'd add here is the option to leave the Ravager intact and falling into Citadel station as seen in a cut cutscene. That could be a dark side choice that Bao-dur supports if he himself is DS as well (no idea what to do with him in that case), or if he's not dark sided, the player could try to persuade him but he refuses to leave the Citadel station to die and so the player either has to kill Bao-dur himself or Bao-dur stays and blows up the Ravager. And maybe the gameplay could be streamlined a little bit as the endgame already consists of many random battle encounters and your idea seems to add even more. The merc camp for example is a nice idea but could maybe work as a puzzle instead to change up the gameplay some more. Also having Mandalore face Nihilus alone seems not really important, so maybe he and the Exile could regroup earlier. One possibility would be that once Mandalore gets to the locked elevator, the game cuts back to the Exiles part, which is taking place at the same time and then the Exile and Mandalore meet shortly afterwards. I had this crazy idea for a mod that restores Bao Dur's sacrifice into the game giving a much-needed ending and resolution for Bao Dur's character. I know there is a mod called Bao Dur's Endgame Enchantment in development but it's been a long time without any updates and I am positive the lead modder has quit. This idea isn't a mod I am working on right now this is simply my idea for a mod someone else may want to make. As I am/was part of that mod team, I'm afraid you're correct. This mod really is dead or at least very close to it. Or to be more precise, it never really lived at all. This is due to bad communication among our small group (which at least partially is also my fault) and now Cirosan seems to have left this site, Fair Strides seems to be busy with other projects / real-life as well and the same holds true for me. And to be honest: I prefer your story outline for Bao-dur's sacrifice 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 13, 2017 Yeah I'm on board. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 14, 2017 As I am/was part of that mod team, I'm afraid you're correct. This mod really is dead or at least very close to it. Or to be more precise, it never really lived at all. This is due to bad communication among our small group (which at least partially is also my fault) and now Cirosan seems to have left this site, Fair Strides seems to be busy with other projects / real-life as well and the same holds true for me. And to be honest: I prefer your story outline for Bao-dur's sacrifice So my VOs were wasted? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- [Five Minutes Later] UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- alright, joke's over. But I can not believe that I recorded those VOs for nothing! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 14, 2017 But I can not believe that I recorded those VOs for nothing! Yet again - an example that voiceovers should be requested at the end of a project. You guys getting this yet? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 14, 2017 But I can not believe that I recorded those VOs for nothing! What Sith Holocron said. If it had been up to me, you wouldn't have recorded these lines until the mod is completely done otherwise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 14, 2017 Which lines for the nameless NPCs could I voice? While I am not making this mod NPC's who could be voice acted include the retreating TSF Officer, The Kolto tank Mercenary, and the Mandalorians who captured Tobin. And maybe the gameplay could be streamlined a little bit as the endgame already consists of many random battle encounters and your idea seems to add even more. The merc camp for example is a nice idea but could maybe work as a puzzle instead to change up the gameplay some more. Also having Mandalore face Nihilus alone seems not really important, so maybe he and the Exile could regroup earlier. One possibility would be that once Mandalore gets to the locked elevator, the game cuts back to the Exiles part, which is taking place at the same time and then the Exile and Mandalore meet shortly afterwards. Perhaps the puzzle could be the way to unlock the energy shield and the Merc and be revived to give you a hint on how to solve the puzzle. The point of having Mandalore fight Nihilus is because of the line "What are you doing up there we need to get off this ship" that one line proves Mandalore at some point was never intended to actually be up on the bridge. I don't really mind how Mandalore doesn't go on the bridge as long as it happens. As I am/was part of that mod team, I'm afraid you're correct. This mod really is dead or at least very close to it. Or to be more precise, it never really lived at all. This is due to bad communication among our small group (which at least partially is also my fault) and now Cirosan seems to have left this site, Fair Strides seems to be busy with other projects / real-life as well and the same holds true for me. And to be honest: I prefer your story outline for Bao-dur's sacrifice A shame, and thanks for your honest opinion. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 14, 2017 The only thing that makes me uneasy about this is fan VA work, I'd much rather honestly chip into a fund to get Nolan North onboard. Likely lol, but still more likely than me liking fan VA work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 14, 2017 The only thing that makes me uneasy about this is fan VA work, I'd much rather honestly chip into a fund to get Nolan North onboard. Likely lol, but still more likely than me liking fan VA work. They don't have to be human VO's the NPC's who speak can be a different species like Twi'lek, Deveronian etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted August 14, 2017 The only thing that makes me uneasy about this is fan VA work, I'd much rather honestly chip into a fund to get Nolan North onboard. Likely lol, but still more likely than me liking fan VA work. As you said yourself, it's pretty much impossible for us to get the original actors to do new lines for their characters. But it is possible to hire (semi-)professional actors for new roles. And if you don't like these either, you can always just delete the added audio files and you'll be back to only having subtitles. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 14, 2017 I prefer Drew's idea of having them be Aliens, considering it's only three at most new NPCs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reztea 34 Posted August 21, 2017 I can definitely get behind this! If we have enough modders, consider me in! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 29, 2017 I can definitely get behind this! If we have enough modders, consider me in! Perhaps make a compatibility patch with your Atris mod. Make it so that Exile, Visas and Atris fight Nihilus so you don't have that awkward NPC Atris fight Nihilus instead. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revanator 60 Posted September 11, 2017 I like this idea quite a bit. I do think that this complicates things needlessly. As well, Bao-Dur's arc centers around the Mass Shadow Generator. I think it would just feel weird to have him die anywhere else but in finishing what he started. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 11, 2017 I like this idea quite a bit. I do think that this complicates things needlessly. As well, Bao-Dur's arc centers around the Mass Shadow Generator. I think it would just feel weird to have him die anywhere else but in finishing what he started.I think dying protecting Telos is more fitting for lightside Bao-Dur, where as DS Bao-Dur should lose his humanity I think.I've always thought that the DS Bao-Dur appearance developing Darth Maul Tattoos at random was infantile. It would be better if either way Bao-Dur "dies" that on LS he's content with dying saving rather than destroying a world. Whilst "Clone Wars style" if he's DS he survives to become an abomination which would be an extension of the losing the humanity that cost him his arm. He could be a silent mini-boss for the Exile in this way on Malachor too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 12, 2017 Something like cybernetic nightmare Starkiller. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted September 29, 2017 I like this idea a lot and maybe it can work out. In my mind, I always envisioned Bao-Dur having a last stand moment trying to help HK-47 get into the factory. During the battle of Telos, Grenn says that he saw Bao-Dur disembark with you and Atton adds that HK-47 is also missing. Then those two take a shuttle and fly down to Telo's surface. Basically, Bao-Dur would hold off wave after wave of HK-50s or security droids after getting HK-47 inside the factory and eventually he would get killed. By having this sort of action sequence, that cuts down on some of the dialogue needed, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted October 4, 2017 Continuing from my previous post, maybe have the player switch over to solo Bao-Dur to have him fight off waves of enemies until he gets overwhelmed and dies. Maybe something similar to the Object Rho's Fight for your Life sequence from Mass Effect 2's Arrival DLC where the enemies get progressively harder. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites