Darth Sapiens Presents: HD Darth Nihilus 1.00 B

   (24 reviews)

6 Screenshots

About This File

Hey guys!

It's been a while since I released something, I haven't been able to mod nearly as much as i'd like to lately, but hopefully you all can forgive me :) this is a Darth Nihilus skin I did while making a video tutorial series, which i didn't end up getting ready for a release yet, that would go through all of the techniques I used to do it :) (I know what you are thinking... I am frustrated with myself for not finishing what I start too! lol)

What's New in Version 1.00 B   See changelog


Administrator upload of a .tpc filetype version of the texture, for those with issues with the default's large filesize.

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Now with 100% more character. I have to admit, I was thinking not more than a week ago during testing my own mods that Darth Nihilis was kind of underwhelming in his appearance and needed some improvements. This definitely achieves what I was thinking.


An especial kudos for the textured leather look on the gloves and the cracked (and slightly creepier) look of the mask.


I will definitely watch your tutorial whenever it becomes available.

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Great work! It makes a huge difference. I've had a reskin called 'Lord of Hunger' installed before, but I prefer this one due to its higher resolution (both K1 and K2 could use some more high-res mods). As long as Nihilus looks just as spooky as he deserves.

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Man, way better looking and it does add depth to the character, especially the mask. I appreciate being able to see the texture of the robe too, Great job.

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