About This File
Better / Fixed Czerka Salvager – OzilsEyes
We all know how annoying the Czerka Salvager can be on our lightside play throughs. He sometimes decides to just stop dead until you run back, sometimes just gets stuck walking around objects or through doorways....
This patch will better / fix the Czerka Salvager in the Telos underground. Currently he gets stuck on objects, you have to run back sometimes – it’s not ideal.
Now he will follow your party, if he does fall behind or get stuck for whatever reason, will warp towards your party. The leaving script has also been fixed to accommodate my new script, it has been cleaned up & now has a check for combat before initiating too.
He now walks towards the door and fades out instead of sprinting in the same spot for 5 seconds before disappearing.
Run the tslpatcher.exe, choose your root installation folder (NOT override).
Let it run -> Play the game
Please note: This will only take effect on a save where you haven't already been to the Telos Underground Base.
Alternatively, if you want to run this mod without tslpatcher, it will work in override.
A backup of your original 232TEL.mod file, replace that if you need to uninstall.
Legal Disclaimer
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all involved parties in this release.
OzilsEyes – Deadlystream
Tools used:
Holocron Toolset
KOTOR Scripting Tool
Special thanks to all creators / developers of these tools
What's New in Version 12/29/2024 09:32 AM See changelog
Thanks to @Snigaroo for pointing out, for users of TSLRCM it didn't execute a script for an influence increase - this has now been re-added.
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