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About This File

A simple CLI to easily compare KOTOR file formats.

This is a very simple CLI to PyKotor. If you find TSLPatcher isn't patching the resulting files in the way you want, you can use this tool to compare your manual changes to the resulting TSLPatcher result. You can also use it to compare entire installations, directories, or single files.

Why KotorDiff?

It is (or should be) common knowledge that Kotor Tool is not safe to use for anything besides extraction. But have you ever wondered why that is?

Let's take a look at a .utc file extracted directly from the BIFs (the OG vanilla p_bastilla.utc). Extract it with KTool and name it p_bastilla_ktool.utc. Now open the same file in ktool's UTC character editor, change a single field (literally anything, hp, strength, whatever you fancy), and save it as p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc.

KotorDiff's output:

Using --path1='C:\Users\nodoxxxpls\Downloads\p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc'
Using --path2='C:\Users\nodoxxxpls\Downloads\p_bastilla_ktool.utc'
Using --ignore-rims=False
Using --ignore-tlk=False
Using --ignore-lips=False
Using --compare-hashes=True
Using --use-profiler=False

GFFStruct: number of fields have changed at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc': '72' --> '69'
Field 'Int16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\HitPoints':
--- (old)HitPoints
+++ (new)HitPoints
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'LocalizedString' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FirstName':
--- (old)FirstName
+++ (new)FirstName
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'Int16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\CurrentHitPoints':
--- (old)CurrentHitPoints
+++ (new)CurrentHitPoints
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\0\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\2\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\3\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\4\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\5\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\6\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\7\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'UInt16' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\FeatList\8\Feat':
--- (old)Feat
+++ (new)Feat
@@ -1 +1 @@
Field 'LocalizedString' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\Description':
--- (old)Description
+++ (new)Description
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Field 'String' is different at 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc\Subrace':
--- (old)Subrace
+++ (new)Subrace
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
^ 'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc': GFF is different ^
'p_bastilla_ktool_edited.utc'  DOES NOT MATCH  'p_bastilla_ktool.utc'

Sheesh! I bet you can't even guess which field I modified! Again I changed a singular field! What is all this nonsense that KTool did to my character sheet?

Moral: Don't use KTool to modify files. It seems to have the incorrect field types defined internally and doesn't respect the original file when saving a new one.

But KotorDiff saved the day here and outputted exactly what happened on save.

How to use:

Simply run the executable. It'll ask you for 3 paths:

PATH1                Path to the first K1/TSL install, file, or directory to diff.

PATH2                Path to the second K1/TSL install, file, or directory to diff.

OUTPUT_LOG   File name/path of the desired output logfile (defaults to log_install_differ.log in the current directory)

If you point PATH1 and PATH2 to two KOTOR installs, it will ONLY compare the Override folder, the Modules folder, the Lips folder, the rims folder (if exists), the StreamWaves/StreamVoices folder, and the dialog.tlk file. This was a design choice to improve how long the differ takes to finish. This includes any subfolders within the aforementioned folder names.

Supported filetypes/formats:

  • TalkTable files (TLK)
  • Any GFF file (DLG, UTC, GUI, UTP, UTD, GIT, IFO, etc)
  • Any capsule (ERF, MOD, RIM, SAV, etc)

Not supported: NCS, NSS, ITP

Any file format that's not supported will have its SHA256 hash compared instead.

CLI Support:

This is a very flexible tool. You can send it command line arguments if you would like to use it in a 3rd party tool. Run `kotordiff.exe --help` to get a full syntax. If there's an error, the exit code will be 3 (if err is known by my code) or 1 (some sys error loading the tool). If the two paths match, the exit code will be 0. If the two paths don't match, exit code will be 2. You can utilize these error codes to utilize KotorDiff in a customized 3rd party script, or add-on to WinMerge/WinDirStat, possibilities are endless.


I am struggling to read the diff output, why is it saying +/-/@38924 and what does it mean?

A: GIT Diff is a standardized output format that has been widely adopted and used since probably the 80s/90s. https://stackoverflow.com/a/2530012/4414190 is by far the best explanation i've seen, but honestly ask ChatGPT to explain it further if needed, or send me a pm if something doesn't make sense!

Couldn't I just open my two files with Holocron Toolset/ERFEdit/K-GFF etc?

You could, but for me it became tedious to manually compare them side by side, expanding every node etc. Leave alone completely multiple files. This tool allows you to simply input two paths and have the full differences outputted and logged.

A main benefit is it'll show you the exact GFF paths that differ. Output such as `Missing struct: "EntryList\5\RepliesList\3" {contents of the struct}` has been very useful.

Why is my antivirus is flagging this?

This is a false-positive and there's nothing I can do. Python source scripts are compiled to executables using PyInstaller, but unfortunately some antivirus's have been known to flag anything compiled with PyInstaller this way. The problem is similar to why your browser may warn you about downloading any files with the .EXE extension.

This whole tool is open source, feel free to run directly from the source script: https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/blob/master/Tools/KotorDiff/src/kotordiff/__main__.py

There's a well-written article explaining why the false positives happen on their issue template: https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/blob/develop/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/antivirus.md

TLDR: PyInstaller is an amazing tool, but antiviruses may flag it. This is not the fault of PyInstaller or my tool, but rather the fault of how some scummy users have chosen to use PyInstaller in the past. Please report any false positives you encounter to your antivirus's website, as reports not only improve the accuracy of everybody's AV experience overall, but also indirectly supports the PyInstaller project.


Source code:




@Cortisol for creating the PyKotor library (i.e., 90% of the code for this tool)


What's New in Version v1.0.0b1   See changelog


First official release of KotorDiff on the github page, but plenty of features have been added since the last 0.6/0.7:

Main change:
- Stop using embarrassing input text dialogs from the 70s, actually open the os's file/folder browser. (IFileOpenDialog on windows, zenity on linux, etc)
- Use git-like diffing for standardized output.

Other changes:
- Don't prompt for log path (still available in cli)
- Print prog version on startup

**Source code**: https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/releases/tag/v1.0.0b1-kotordiff

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If you point

PATH1 and PATH2 to two KOTOR installs, it will ONLY compare the Override folder, the Modules folder, and the dialog.tlk file. It will NOT recurse into subfolders!

Doesn't difference the lips folder?

Seems like a comparison of StreamWaves/StreamVoice folders would be a pretty significant missing element, presumably there is already Python code for that sort of thing to be found on Github.

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Aren't the StreamWaves/StreamVoices folders just .wavs? You can already diff those by pointing it to that folder and/or wav file.

To clarify, there's basic pattern recognition in there that'll look for chitin.key, dialog.tlk, and several required folders to be considered an install. if you point the differ towards two installation folders, it won't diff *every* file/folder by default as that's a lot of unwanted data to diff. It'll diff Modules, Override, and the dialog.tlk.

You can *absolutely* diff any file or *any* folder with the CLI by pointing it to a non-installation folder or a specific file. If PyKotor recognizes the filetype it will use its internal methods to diff them, recursing into nested DLG lists for instance. If it doesn't recognize the file, it'll compare file hashes.

Lips aren't in that v0.1.0 but they're done and will be added in v0.2.0. Let me know if there's any other filetypes I forgot. 

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