TSL Jewel Tone Lightsaber Crystals 1.0.0

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3 Screenshots

About This File

I have always found some of the lightsaber colours to be a little harsh, so I tweaked them a bit.  This is a simple re-texture, nothing fancy.
Blue becomes a deep cobalt
Yellow is more lemony
Green is minty
Violet is lavender
Red is more red, less orange
Orange is less like an exploding sun in your face

I left the others alone since I liked them as-is. :)

Installation: Copy the desired files into your override folder.
Blue: w_lsabreblue01
Orange: w_lsabregold01
Green: w_lsabregren01
Violet: w_lsabrepurp01
Red: w_lsabrered01
Yellow: w_lsabreyelo01

Removal: Delete the files.

Bugs: None that I am aware of.  This mod naturally isn't compatible with any other mods that change these lightsaber crystal colours.

-Obsidian for making another great SW game.
-Fred Tetra for creating KotorTool

Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own.  Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit.  Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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