About This File
Recruit HK-47 on Taris v2.1
By brents742
-This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as early as possible (Taris) in a way that does not interfere with the story arc.
-Yuka Laka is trapped on Taris by the Sith Quarantine! Taking refuge in either Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments of Upper City South depending on what you chose.
Yuka needs credits and he needs them fast, so he offers HK-47 for purchase on Taris if the player has enough credits. How will he escape and make it back to Anchorhead???
-Some additional dialog has been added to Yuka Laka on Taris and Tatooine.
-HK-47 will appear in your Taris apartment after being recruited.
-Nothing has been removed from the game. If you want to wait until Tatooine for HK-47 to enter your party as normal, you can still do that.
-This mod simply adds the ability to purchase HK-47 from Yuka Laka on Taris instead of waiting to do so on Tatooine.
Version Notes
v1.0 - 8/10/2021
- Initial release
v2.0 - 9/17/2021
- Reconfigured installer to give options for various installations involving K1 Restoration and K1 Community Patch. Thanks to N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their help with this!
- Added options for where the player would like HK-47 to be recruited from (Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments in Taris Upper City South)
- Reduced pricing structure for HK-47 to better reflect an affordable yet not inconsequential price. (2500/2000/1750/1500)
v2.1 - 1/31/2022
- Updated compatibility for K1 Community Patch
IMPORTANT: If you plan to use the K1 Restoration or K1 Community Patch, these mods should be installed BEFORE installation of this mod.
This mod can be installed to the base game without any additional mods.
Run TSLPatcher.exe and select the option that best describes your specific installation. Choosing the wrong one will make the mod not work properly, partially, or at all depending.
The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses.
Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from.
Override Warnings: -k_ptar_opengate.ncs may flag if it is already present due to my Recruit T3-M4 Early mod. This is fine.
-tat17_08yuka_01.dlg will flag as being overriden in installations where K1 Restoration is involved. This is fine.
There should not be any others, but should you run across any, log them and the mods you are using and please PM me so I can work further on compatibility.
Getting Started
A new save is required for this mod to work properly. Short of that, a save before leaving the Endar Spire.
IMPORTANT: Loading an existing save will have the game call up cached information for the module Yuka Laka and HK-47 appear in (tar_m02ac or tar_m02aa depending on your installation) and they will not appear.
If you do not purchase HK-47 before going to Davik's estate, your next available opportunity will be on Tatooine as normal.
IMPORTANT - This mod makes changes/adds the following modules to the game:
Both K1 Restoration and K1 Commmunity Patch were specifically in mind when designing this mod as they also make changes to some of the above modules.
If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with,
please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it.
What Specifically does this mod do?
-k_ptar_opengate.ncs (found in your override folder after installation of this mod, or already existing if you have my Recruit T3-M4 early mod, allows for three party members to exit the Outcast camp, as vanilla only included MoveTo instructions for the Hendar scene to two party members as that is all you were meant to have at that point in the game.
-m02aa.git was modified (within tar_m02aa.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in the Alien Apartments via UTC.
-m02ac.git was modified (within tar_m02ac.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in Kebla Yurt's shop via UTC.
-m02af.git was modified (within tar_m02af.mod) to place a waypoint for HK-47 to appear in your Taris apartment like the rest of your party members.
-m17ac.git was modified (within tat_m17ac.mod) to reflect the location of a trigger that will remove the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris.
& tar_m02aa.mod -Modified to include the necessary scripts present within tat_m17ac (Yuka Laka's Anchorhead shop) to allow for the proper recruitment of HK-47.
-Modified to include dlg files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same dlg files in tat_m17ac but changed where needed to reflect the Sith Occupation of Taris.
-Modified to include utc files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same utc files in tat_m17ac.
-k_act_hk47bought.ncs is a script that was created to set boolean KES_HK1 to indicate HK-47 has been purchased on Taris.
-Added scripts to check if the player has the needed credits for the new purchase options as well as for taking those credits off the player once purchased. Check the source folder for specifics on this if needed.
-tat_m17ac.mod -Modified Yuka Laka's dlg file (tat17_08yuka_01) to give Taris specific dialog if HK-47 was purchased on Taris. Otherwise, regular dialog will trigger.
-New trigger UTT file created that will fire script k_ptat_killhk47.ncs that removes the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris.
-k_con_hk47join.ncs checks to see if KES_HK1 boolean is true, and ensures Taris specific dialog only fires the first time the player speaks with Yuka Laka on Tatooine.
-k_act_hk47join2.ncs flags HK-47 as having been purchased locally so Yuka Laka (Tatooine version) does not mistakenly believe he still has an HK-47 unit to sell you. Also sets Yuka Laka as having been talked to for the first time to prohibit Taris conversation every time you speak to him.
-Created the following Booleans:
KES_HK1 boolean - flags when HK-47 has been purchased on Taris. This is reflected in globalcat.2da changes that TSLPatcher makes during install.
Permissions and Disclaimers
I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod
anywhere for any reason.
If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please
contact me for permission.
The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod.
Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed
to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible
but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing.
Special Thanks
N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their assistance in reorganizing the installer for best practice installation methods.
Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool
TK102 - DLG Editor
Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher
Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with.
The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information
that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod.
Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I am still funneling dozens of hours into
nearly two decades after its initial release.
PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you.
What's New in Version 2.0.0 See changelog
v2.0 - 9/17/2021
- Reconfigured installer to give options for various installations involving K1 Restoration and K1 Community Patch. Thanks to N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their help with this!
- Added options for where the player would like HK-47 to be recruited from (Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments in Taris Upper City South)
- Reduced pricing structure for HK-47 to better reflect an affordable yet not inconsequential price. (2500/2000/1750/1500)
With version 2.0.0:
- Download