A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World 1.1.0

   (4 reviews)

16 Screenshots

About This File

Knights of the Old Republic
TITLE: A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (1.1)

FILENAME: ldr_repshipunknownworld

There are 2 available methods of installing A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World. The standard installation method is done entirely though TSL Patcher, and doesn’t require you to do anything beyond simple button clicking. The manual installation is for those unable, for whatever reason, to use TSL Patcher, and involves the copying and pasting of files from folder to folder.

NOTE: With the standard installation method, this mod is far more likely to work alongside any other mods you may currently have installed, which may not be the case should you use the manual installation method. I have attempted naming files in a way where there should be a minimum chance of mod conflicts, but you never know.

This mod also has an "Optional" installation meant to use in conjuction with either/both of SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.

To uninstall, remove the files from their respective folders in the SWKotOR directory.

1) Double click TSLPatcher.exe.
2) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory.
3) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete.

1) Open up the tslpatchdata folder.
2) Copy all files with a .wav extension and paste into the streamwaves folder located in your SWKotOR directory.
3) Copy all files with a .mod extension and paste into the modules folder located in your SWKotOR directory.
4) Copy everything else (With exception to changes.ini and info.rtf) and paste into the override folder located in your SWKotOR directory (If there isn't one, create one).

1) Additional install options have been provided for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.
2) Double click TSLPatcher.exe.
3) Click the "Install Mod" button and select your SWKotOR game directory.
4) Sit back, relax, and wait for the installation to complete.

Mod Permissions
You may not use any assets of this mod in your own mod without first contacting me.

This mod adds 6 new modules, 9 new items (3 equippable inventory, 4 datapads, 2 keycards) on the Unknown World, making the crashed Hammerhead explorable.

You must have a save before setting foot on the Unknown World.

» Version 1.1 Changes
- Fixes a bug where the party was prevented from spawning in during the confrontation on the beach on a DS playthrough following completing the Temple.
- Corrects reported spelling/gramatical errors.
- Integrates optional install paths through TSLPatcher for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.

Any mods that modify the unk_m41aa OnEnter script will be incompatible with this mod.

"Frame Buffer Effects" turned off in the swkotor.ini results in audio logs without the blue camera effect.

If you find any please post them in the comments or send me a direct message. I will address them as soon as I can.

For this to work correctly in conjunction with your own mod, you must not use any within the following list as names for your custom module/item reskins.



Blaster Pistol template 020
Forearm Band template 019
Gauntlet template 019

Voice Acting
DarthTyren as Medical Officer Audio Log

Mellowtron11 as Engine Officer Audio Log

Sith Holocron as Republic Captain Audio Log

Zhaboka as Kolgrim


Permission granted from Darth InSidious to use his alternative beach Hammerhead textures.

Permission granted from DarthParametric to utilize his edited mdls from both his Endar Spire and Harbinger Hull Repair mods.

Permission granted from SithSpecter to utilize integration for his High Quality Blasters for Modders resource and colored loadscreen templates mod.

Permission granted from Thor110 to repurpose his ported K1 Harbinger modules.


- To the people who created the tools which have allowed me to create this mod.

    - Kotor Tool..........................Fred Tetra
    - K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor..........tk102
    - ERF Editor/TSLPatcher...............stoffe
    - MDLOps..............................cchargin/JDNoa
    - Lipsynch Editor.....................JDNoa
    - XVI32 Hex Editor....................Chmaas
    - CSLU Toolkit........................Oregon Health & Science University

My beta testers: djh269, jc2, N-DReW25 and Zhaboka. I couldn't have done this without you!

JCarter46 and DarthParametric for handholding me with regards to literally all scripting that was above basic level. Thank you so much.

Lachjames for his assistance in helping me generate/test .lip files.

Snigaroo for bug reporting and feedback for the 1.1 patch.

All of the wonderful folks at DeadlyStream (and Holowan Labs), that led me on and helped me when I hit a snag.

All of you who downloaded this mod! Thank You!

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


- Fixes a bug where the party was prevented from spawning in during the confrontation on the beach on a DS playthrough following completing the Temple.
- Corrects reported spelling/grammatical errors.
- Integrates optional install paths through TSLPatcher for additions to SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters and Colored Loadscreens mods.

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User Feedback

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   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Well done, adds a little something to the unknown world. Meshes well with the rest of the game. Just played through it with zero bugs. I like it! 5/5

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· Edited by Pjaeronpaj

   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

I just finished KOTOR for the first time and installed this mod through the KOTOR Neocities mod build. As it had like 100 mods, I did not really pay attention to what I actually was installing. Anyway, the first thing I did after beating the game was to find information online about 


the fourth terminal entry in Revan's quarters.

I couldn't find anything. In fact, it was hard to find any information about the ship at all. And that's when I found out I had been playing a mod quest the entire time. That's how well attached this quest is to the main game. 😁 

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

One of the best content mods for the KotOR games. This mod provides an immersive experience to explore Revan's story that is lore-friendly to both KotOR 2 and SWTOR. The story, writing and voice acting of this mod are very well-done.

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Very cool, nice job! Things look great and the dialogues and datapads that tie in with the rest of the story are great.
I did wonder if finishing it might unbalance things a bit, got quite a bit of xp and items... luxury problems.

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