2 Screenshots

About This File


This mod adds 6 new heads to the game - five male, and one female.
The five male heads are based on Carth, Trask, Shaardan, and Gadon Thek
from KotOR I, and Dhagon Ghent in KotOR II. The female head is based on the
Peragus Medical Officer. Each head comes with its own set of Dark Side transitions.

This mod was inspired by the 8 New Male Player Characters mod, released by
The Ossus Keeper in 2005.

The mod makes use of TSLPatcher, for easier installation and compatibility.



Double click on "Install 6 Player Heads for KotOR 2", and hit the "install mod" button.

Known Bugs

Known Bugs
- The Peragus Medical Officer head sometimes shows a line down the middle of the forehead. This
is a defect in the model, which is not fixed.

- The skin-tone of the Peragus Medical Officer head does not match the black female underwear skin.
- The Gadon Thek head looks a bit disproportionate on some models. 😕
- The portraits don't look the same or as good as the vanilla game ones. 😕
- This mod was made using the 4CD version of the game, and textures may not look so good in the
hi-res, Aspyr re-release.

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