About This File
This modification adds extra power crystals to KotOR 2 with new icons and descriptions that follow the style of the KotOR games. Some crystals are taken from the EU and others are my own creation, so if you know your star wars lore well you will probably recognize some names while others will be novelty to you.
As of version 1.3 there are +15 crystals plus some vanilla crystal description fixes: Color Bronze; Hurrikaine Crystal; Barab Ore Ingot.
The Luxum crystal also made a return from K1, it's stats have been modified so it's no longer a lesser version of Firkrann.
I did not implement the crystals at any point in the game and as such they're only obtainable through the console. Check the readme for all the codes. Elwood288 took the liberty of placing them if you're interested https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1721-additional-power-crystals-for-tsl-distributed/
What's New in Version 1.1 See changelog
- Added +5 new crystals.
- Mod now using TSLPatcher for ease of installation.
With version 1.1:
- Download