Blog #86 - What mods do you use for the Ebon Hawk?

Sith Holocron


I was asking DarthVarkor about skins he'd be using for his next movie.  He mention that other than using Xarwarz's skins for Dantooine, that he was pretty open to suggestions.  Let's tackle an area that we know that'll be in next movie . . . the Ebon Hawk.  When you set up your ideal Ebon Hawk, what mods you do use?  Please list the mods that you use below for both the interior and the exterior of our favorite star ship.  You can mix and match here so if there's parts that you like from one set of skins and you substitute a few of them from another mod, let us know which you use.  (You can let us know why you do so as well!)

In addition to skins, let us know if there are other Ebon Hawk mods you use - fixes and other things - that you use as well. For these, I'd definitely like to hear your rationale for using these. (You don;t have to explain the area model fixes as that's just common sense.)

Finally, feel to add pictures to illustrate your points.  Don't attach a link to make us see it on another page though.  Have an IMGUR link (or something similar) or put it right in the post.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.


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When you set up your ideal Ebon Hawk, what mods you do use?

Exterior: I'm a fan of vanilla textures recently, and of one of them is the vanilla Ebon Hawk's exterior texture. I do like how it implement the alpha channel/reflections, and I have been doing some experiment particularly on its alpha, and been using [what I'm certain is] an unused bump-map which can be found inside the game files using the KotOR Tool.




Keep in mind that those are not HD textures, as their native resolution was set at 1024x1024 so, keep the expectations low. But I will suggest some HD Ebon Hawk's exterior texture's mods below that I had them installed previously.


Interior: For the interior, I am using the vanilla textures too, mostly- again, with some experiment by implementing the bump-map that can be found inside the game files by using the KotOR Tool.


  • E-Hawk's entrance/exit area:


  • An intersection near the engine room:


  • Cockpit area/monitor section:


Most of them are not HD textures too, as their native resolution was set at 512x512 mostly. And they were actually still in research state, instead of ready-to-use. But I will suggest some HD Ebon Hawk's interior texture's mods below that I had them installed previously and that actually is featured in the screenshots.


Mods' Suggestion List:

- Exterior:

  • zane/vurt's "Junkyard Ebon Hawk"
  • Nixilus' "HD Black Ebon Hawk" - The texture inside this mod is awesome. It produce a contour like effects that I had not seeing in any of the E-Hawk's texture mods anywhere. But most of the colours are black, and not lore-friendly kind of

- Interior:

- Fixes:


That's all I can think and provide of, for now. Hoping more-and-more references are coming your way! :cheers:

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I made my own adjustments to one of Fallen Guardian's textures for Darth Varkor to use in his movies. 


You may as well have a chance to use it too, if you want. It should be usable in either game. (See attached.)


Update:  If you're looking for a much better attempt than the above picture, why not see the updated and animated version of my "KOTOR2 More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map) version 1.2"?

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In my opinion, you should try to keep the appearances of areas and ships that appear in both K1 and TSL films the same in K1. It'd really come off as odd if you had an HD reskin for the Leviathan in K1 but had the Vanilla reskin TSL if you understand what I mean. I have trouble finding interior reskins for the Hawk myself so I won't be able to provide one of those but I will provide a mod that may help with actually filming the movie inside the Ebon Hawk as well as an exterior.






 Xarwarz's skins for Dantooine

In my opinion, Xarwarz reskins of Dantooine are terrible. Not trying to be rude to the mod author but his work on Dantooine in both the 2012 and OTE have obvious problems with them. The grass in the 2012 reskin has this grass which is just a close-up shot of real life grass which, when added into the Kotor game, doesn't really work as it doesn't look like grass at all it looks more like a 2D picture which was meant to be a 3D picture which results in this ugly unnatural feel to the whole planet (his Telos reskins also had this issue with the grass and it was even used in his latest movie which really ruined the scene up until the superb plot and acting redeemed all of it). The Dantooine OTE has the same problem except it swapped the grass with flowers which looks even worse. Similar issues appear in his Kashyyyk reskins where he used massive 2D leaves for the Shadowlands and on Korriban for god knows whatever reason he thought it'd be a good idea to make the Shyrack Cave metallic patterns instead of its normal stone.


My personal favourite for Dantooine is the Old Republic Skin over. It may not be on the HD side but it definitely is on the quality side especially when it comes to the grass and the buildings, overall it is a really good improvement to the level. Its installation is modular so if you wanted just Dantooine you can install just Dantooine-


Or you could just use these mods. Definitely not on the HD side of things but it's far better than Xarwarz grass and it'd go along nicely with Kexikus' Green HQ Skybox mod- and


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On 9/30/2018 at 1:59 AM, N-DReW25 said:

In my opinion, Xarwarz reskins of Dantooine are terrible.

A lot of his skins are terrible.  There are exceptions, however.  And I'm not just saying the exceptions are because we collaborated once!  It's just that many of his skins are too clean and . . . lack details as well.

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Well I do have an idea on a mod of when recruitable's are replaced but it may never work this is my opinion. 

Lets say if in KOTOR II for example we where to have Recruitable Dustil Onasi a mod created by Princess Artemis whom states that if HK 47 is replaced in his spot he can still have him on the Hawk throught the game mod even though he won't be able to join your party, that' had me been thinking well what if in KOTOR games this could work if we have the recruitable Caleb Deming mod created in future, G0-T0 remains on the ship not as a playable character, 

In KOTOR I however it did have he thinking but it's not possible my recruitable character Dak would be in Juhani's place but we can compare the stowaway character  Sasha ot Sulem whom remains through most of the game if not returned to Rundil ot Sulem then disapppears, but of course I been thinking if a extra person was added aboard the Ebon Hawk then it had me thinking could we add some characters who are non-playables, in the Communications Room been thinking of a non-playable character to be used their like someone as the Communications Officer or Secruity Officer, we have a second seat but I would think on one of the characters too, not sure about a 4th person for Main Hold since we get Juhani, Zaalbar, and T3-M4 in it, we see five seats in that room so not sure who to add for non-playble on their but maybe will see, and the Port Dormatory and Cargo Hold we would have to think who could be in that room but unknown if we would be able to add secondary Jedi, or a smuggler, or a scoundrel or soldier whatever, but be cool to add additional characters for Communications, Port Dormatory, Cargo Hold in three places, and a few in Main Hold. 

But it be good or wonderful to add some characters in their 4 more non-playable characters who would walk about or we could talk to. :)


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On 10/6/2018 at 10:27 PM, ColbyJames43 said:

In KOTOR I however it did have he thinking but it's not possible my recruitable character Dak would be in Juhani's place but we can compare the stowaway character  Sasha ot Sulem whom remains through most of the game if not returned to Rundil ot Sulem then disapppears, but of course I been thinking if a extra person was added aboard the Ebon Hawk then it had me thinking could we add some characters who are non-playables, in the Communications Room been thinking of a non-playable character to be used their like someone as the Communications Officer or Secruity Officer, we have a second seat but I would think on one of the characters too, not sure about a 4th person for Main Hold since we get Juhani, Zaalbar, and T3-M4 in it, we see five seats in that room so not sure who to add for non-playble on their but maybe will see, and the Port Dormatory and Cargo Hold we would have to think who could be in that room but unknown if we would be able to add secondary Jedi, or a smuggler, or a scoundrel or soldier whatever, but be cool to add additional characters for Communications, Port Dormatory, Cargo Hold in three places, and a few in Main Hold. 


So many things to dissect here, @ColbyJames43... but I'll be mercifully brief.

1) I didn't ask for mod requests.  I asked for mod suggestions (i.e. completed mods and not a wish list.)

2) Please don't hijack my threads - or really anyone's threads - in the future.  I don't look kindly on the matter and either do the staff.  There's rules about hijacking on this site.

3) In the quote above, that's seven whole lines with one period.  Your passion (in the form of run-on sentences) about your fan character isn't an inspiration to work on your project. It works against you, in fact.   Perhaps you ought to think about your Mod Request from the point of view of: Why should someone expend the effort for my fan-fiction character?  And maybe use period and commas in the appropriate places?  It's worth a shot.  

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For me, I've not given much thought yet to her. When I do, it will be texture mods that will be bumping up her resolution, you've had least one that's I've noticed which does help a bit I think. Namely the glass replacement one, though I know that there are more. She's a great ship, I only wish she could be done justice in the cutscenes. Speaking of how do I record them in fraps? The bik ones are rather annoying to try and record lol. But yeah, I want to fix her up in style, much as I wish I could do my Sith Fury interceptor up better, making it so that the Sith Warrior's quarters were better lol.

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